Blog Tours


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Personal Message & Plea from Reviews by Crystal & Family

You all may have noticed I have went silent for a couple of weeks now. I miss posting and sharing my thoughts with you on fabulous books. I will be back to posting blog tours, giveaways, and reviews in time. I thank you for patients and hope that you will stay tuned until I am able to return. 

As you all know I love a good romance story. I have been lucky to live my very own romance story since the day I met my wonderful husband. Now they tell me that our romance story is going to end way sooner than it should.He has received a horrible diagnosis that is is going to take him away from me.  I am praying for a miracle that will allow us to live out our own love story just as long as possible. Our original news came with no hope and not a whole lot of time. We have passed that mark so I'm counting every day, hour, & second from here as a blessing. 

Here is the part where I need your help. First I need all the positive thoughts and prayers that you can send our way. Tomorrow we face our first big challenge to see if we are going to be about to fight this horrible disease and grant me the blessing of more time with my wonderful husband. Please pray that this risky procedure goes well and they are able to give us a game plan to maybe fight this horrible disease. 

As some of you may know we have been struggling with finances and several medical issues since my husband was involved in a truck accident a little over 4 years ago. Medical bills pile up quickly and other expenses when you're traveling a distance to get medical help. We truly appreciate any donations. There are a few ways to make a donation. 

A Go Fund me page has been set up and you may find that  here.

I have a donation link to Paypal that you will send on the left sidebar, this link will direct you to the paypal donation page for my blog.

One more way you may be able to help is to use my links to Amazon. They will pay me a few cents for each purchase that you make using my links. All the book covers on the left sidebar are linked to my affiliate account with Amazon or you may click here.

I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends online. Your support has been incredible and I honestly don't know what I would do without you. You are all awesome and the best support system a girl could ever ask for. THANK YOU seems like such a small expression when your support  means so much to me.