Blog Tours


Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Tumble Through Time by Callie Hutton ~ Goddess Fish Tour ~ Giveaway

A Tumble Through Time
by Callie Hutton

Callie will be awarding an Ebook copy of Emma’s Journey to a randomly drawn commenter at every stop, and a grand prize of a $25 Amazon or B&N GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Also, an autographed copy of either: A Run For Love, An Angel in the Mail, or Emma’s Journey with a custom made bookmark will be awarded to a randomly drawn host (US ONLY). 
Please be sure to leave a comment below along with your email address so you may be contacted if you are the lucky winner. Visit the other stops on the tour to increase your chances of winning. The other tour stops may be found here....


Anna Devlin, a recently jilted bounty hunter is a modern woman from the twenty-first century. She is anxious for the hearing that will reinstate her law enforcement career, but an encounter with a strange Native American woman sends Anna back in time to the year 1870.

Federal Marshal Wesley Shannon of Denton, Kansas, has no idea where this woman with the strange clothing and way of speaking came from. Since he fights his own inner demons, the last thing he needs is an attraction to a woman who has given him no clear idea who she is.

But when danger arrives in the form of stagecoach hold ups where drivers and passengers are being killed, Anna torments Wes with plans to help him bring in the outlaws.

Will Wes be able to keep Anna out of harm’s way, or will his attraction to her distract him enough that they are both in danger?



The driver grinned and shouted, “Got a package here for ya, marshal.”

Wes watched a cloud of dust rise from the stagecoach wheels as it continued on, and frowned. A package? Aside from the deposit for the bank, he wasn’t expecting anything. He shrugged and strode to catch up.

Slug jumped from the bench and yanked the door open. An older woman huffed and glared at the driver as she climbed from the coach, rearranging her hat. “The Wells Fargo people will hear about your driving, sir.”

Slug nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” Since drivers were difficult to hang onto, Wes doubted any complaints about Slug would have an effect on him.

Two men followed her, brushing dust from their coat sleeves. When no one else exited, Wes glanced at Slug. The driver motioned with his head toward the inside of the coach. Wes peered into the darkness. It appeared someone huddled in the corner, making no effort to leave.

“There’s yore package, marshal.” Wes almost lost his footing as Slug slapped him on the back. Didn’t anyone in this town know how to speak to someone without causing bodily harm?

“Come on out, now, honey. The marshal here will take good care of ya.” Slug turned from where he spoke to the reluctant passenger and winked at Wes. “Wait till ya see this one.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Callie has been making up stories since elementary school, and writing gave her a way to turn off the voices in her head. After having a number of articles and interviews published in newspapers and magazines, she took on what she’d always dreamed of. Writing that book. She currently has a number of both historical and contemporary romance books published. Visit her website for more information.

She currently lives in Oklahoma with her husband and adult children who move in and out with alarming regularity. Add three rescue dogs and the household is complete—and full. She enjoys hearing from her readers, and would love to have you visit her on Facebook.



Twitter: @CallieHutton

Buy links:

Amazon: A Tumble Through Time Buy Link

Barnes & Noble:


  1. Hi Crystal,

    Thanks for having me here today.

    1. Hi Callie! It is my pleasure. This sounds like a really interesting story :)

  2. Thank you for introducing me to a new author. Adding this to my TBR list.

    1. Hi Theresa. I appreciate your visit. Good luck with the drawing.

    2. Hi Theresa! I'm anxious to read this one as well. Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  3. Forgot to leave email

  4. I love Time Travel, can't wait to read the book.


    1. Hi Rita. I hope you enjoy it. Time travel stories are one of my favorites, too.

    2. I too think this sounds like an awesome Time Travel.

      Thanks for stopping by Rita :)

  5. Thanks for sharing the excerpt and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book. evamillien at gmail dot com

  6. Nice scene

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. I love time travel stories....can't wait to read this one.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  8. That's different...a female bounty hunter. Looks like an interesting read. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck on the release. elewkf1 at yahoo dot com
