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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Kiss Me in Paris By Dmytry Karpov and Kimberly Kinrade ~Giveaway ~ Interview ~

Kiss Me in Paris 
By Dmytry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade 

Dmytry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade  are giving away $50 Amazon gift card, an autographed paperback Kiss Me in Paris, and an e-copy Kiss Me in Paris during the tour.Please be sure to use the Rafflecopter below to enter for your chance to win.

Crystal: Today I am happy to have both Dmytry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade stop by for a short interview. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

DK: I've been writing since the seventh grade, and I love cats. Chicken is my favorite food. Bacon is a close second. Outlining and dialogue is what I'm best at. Spending time with Kimberly and our three kids is my favorite thing in the world.

KK: I was born with ink in my veins and started selling short stories to family and friends as soon as I ran out of teeth to sell to the tooth fairy. I love reading and spending time with Dmytry and our kids, and I hate the sound of chewing, even my own. You'll find music on in our house during all meal times. I hate outlining, but love writing prose. I like Dmytry's chicken, and I too love cats.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

DK: If I could share an entire chapter from Kiss Me in Paris, I'd share chapter five. It's hilarious. Instead, I'll share this short, but amazing scene. Enjoy.

"Don't go." She's looking up at me, her eyes big and sad. She looks so delicate, with her high cheekbones and soft lips, like a flower about to blossom, or ice about to break.

She pulls my hand to her chest, and I feel the swell of her breast, the cool touch of her skin, so smooth and tempting.

With more strength than I gave her credit for, she pulls harder until I'm sitting next to her on the bed, her body wrapped partially around me, thighs, stomach and chest pressed against me. My pants tighten uncomfortably as the attraction that's been growing between us hits me. I shift to adjust myself, my eyes glued to her, my breath coming in short bursts. I can't remember wanting a woman this badly. Ever.

As her eyes close again, I give in to one small temptation and bend down to kiss her forehead, then place her hand on the bed and pull myself out of her embrace.

"Cade… my Cade" she whispers my name with a breath, then falls into her dreams.

KK: Since Dmytry shared a Winter scene, I'll give you a little taste of our sexy cowboy, Cade.

I pull him from the girl, who looks wide-eyed at me before scampering off, and grab the front of his shirt, glaring down at him. “I don't know why you like tormenting girls. I don’t even want to know. But you’ll leave Winter alone. Got it?”
My face is inches from his, close enough that I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
He laughs, spraying me with his saliva. “You think she doesn’t like having me around? Guess you don’t know what a slut she is.”
Growling, I slam him against the tree.
He groans, but offers another cocky grin. “If you want my advice, stay away. She’ll spread her legs easily enough, but you’ll regret ever sticking—“
I’m done listening.
I knee him in the groin. His mouth opens, a high-pitched yelp escaping as he collapses on the ground. “This is me politely telling you to back the hell off Winter and leave her alone."

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for Kiss Me In Paris?

DK: Kimberly came up with the idea, and I'd wanted to write a contemporary novel at the time. Together we fleshed out the story, drawing from Kimberly's experiences in Paris, and things we wanted to see more of in romance novels, like humor.

KK: What he said!

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

DK: Kiss Me Forever, a serial novel part of the same series as Kiss Me in Paris. It'll be a darker, hotter romance than my previous work.

KK: What he said! Lol Plus, I'm fleshing out some ideas for a new Three Lost Kids trilogy for younger readers (The Forbidden Book, A Three Lost Kids Magic Library Series), and another volume of Seduced by Lies for our Seduced fans!

Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?  How do the two of your coordinate working together on a book?

DK: Often, while writing, I listen to the same song over and over again. For Kiss Me in Paris, that song was Stubborn Love by The Lumineers. It inspired me at the time.

KK: My song was Demons by Imagine Dragons. We wrote whenever the kids were quiet enough or asleep, and we delegated different parts of the writing process. Dmytry did the detailed outlining while I did more of the prose, and we took turns doing rewrites and edits.

Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research for this book or any other? If so do you have a fascinating fact that you have learned you would like to share with us?

DK: Kimberly and I had to do a lot of research to make sure we got the details of Paris right. I learned that the city has gas pumps right on the side of the road. Very convenient.

KK: We did research a lot about Paris for this book. I learned that Paris has underground tunnels that make it impossible to build tall buildings over Paris. There's a limit on all buildings, otherwise the entire city could collapse! This has actually given me another series idea… when I finish all the books on my to write list! lol

Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

DK: My favorite authors are Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, George R.R. Martin, and Mark Lawrence. They're all epic fantasy authors. I suppose though I read all genres, epic fantasies resonate with me strongest.

KK: All the authors he mentioned, plus I love Neil Gaiman, C.S. Lewis, Patti Larsen, among others!

Crystal: Is there any genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

DK: I haven't written an epic fantasy novel yet but have wanted to for a long time. Epic Fantasy was my favorite genre as a kid, and I still have a lot of ideas I'd like to play with in the genre.

KK: I want to write an epic fantasy, probably with Dmytry. I'm also looking forward to writing some mysteries. Kiss Me in Cairo will be much more mystery/romance, so that's going to be fun.


Kiss Me in Paris by Karpov KinradeNo one knows my secret. Ever since high school, ever since I started living in fear, no one has known the true me. But then I met him, and I couldn't hide anymore.

He became my hero, saving me from the villain of my past. He became my friend, his smile a blanket of warmth. And he scared me. Because he, this beautiful man, he might become more. Then he'd see the real me, and I couldn't let that happen.

My name is Winter, and what I desire most I can't have.

Flashes of the night I was drugged rush back to me. His strong arms carrying me through the streets of Paris. The feel of his heart beating as my head rested against his chest. The soft press of his lips against my forehead when he thought I was asleep.

Oh shit. I'm falling for the cowboy. Cade.

But we can't be anything more. He has his own secrets. His own darkness he keeps hidden, like the letter he keeps with him everywhere he goes.

The letter he refuses to open.

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Full length novel: 87, 000 words

Kiss Me in Paris is a standalone novel in the Kiss Me Series. Travel the world with the Deveaux sisters as they find love, and trouble, in all the right places.

Kiss Me in Paris is available on AmazonBarnes & NobleiBooks, and KoboAdd it your Goodreads to-read shelf here!

About Karpov Kinrade:

Kimberly Kinrade and Dmytry KarpovKarpov Kinrade is the pen name for the husband and wife writing duo of bestselling, award-winning authors Kimberly Kinrade and Dmytry Karpov.

Together, they write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, contemporary and romance and hook readers into new and exciting worlds that will leave you laughing your ass off, crying your heart out and falling in love.

Look for more from Karpov Kinrade in the Kiss Me series, Seduced Saga, the Forbidden Trilogy and more coming soon.

They live with three little girls who think they’re ninja princesses with super powers and who are also showing a propensity for telling tall tales and using the written word to weave stories of wonder and magic.

Become a member of the Street Team for Karpov Kinrade.

Connect with Karpov Kinrade on Facebook.

Connect with Kimberly online: TwitterGoogle+PinterestAmazonGoodreads.

Connect with Dmytry online: TwitterGoogle+AmazonGoodreads.

A Little More information about Kiss Me in Paris:

Kiss Me in Paris by Karpov KinradeIf reviewers can be believed—and OF COURSE they can be—then Kiss Me in Paris is an epic tale of love, romance, family, friendship and forgiveness. For those of you who might think this book is just another insipid romance, not so my friend.

Not so.

You will pee your pants laughing and cry your eyes out weeping. You will become so angry you might need to punch something, and you will sigh in pure happiness. One reviewer even left part of her soul IN THE WORDS OF OUR BOOK.

Yes, this is the power of Kiss Me in Paris. It's SOUL STEALING, and we are not going to apologize for that.

You see, we are the authors, and we are married, living our own epic romance. So epic we even had a fan-following during the early days of our courtship. So we know love.

And we know you will love Kiss Me in Paris!

Here's the part where we tell you about the book, but it's really not enough to do it justice. So let us first say that there is just so much in Kiss Me in Paris. Layered themes and a sexy cowboy studying to be an architect, and a girl who's a dreamer with a dark past, and gargoyles and Notre Dame and mazes designed by futuristic architects (because that's an actual thing, and the sexy cowboy will tell you what that means), and heartbreak and love and happy endings and evil and just SO MUCH.

Here's what reviewers are saying about Kiss Me in Paris: 

5 stars "I experienced every emotion as each character felt it. Every tear, every laugh, all of the fear, anxiety, and stress, I experienced every last bit of it. And even though this is a romance, there are tears. I cried more times reading Kiss Me in Paris than I did watching Nicholas Sparks' The Last Song. Kiss Me in Paris left me hollow when I finally finished it. I feel as if a piece of me was left in the words as I read. And for once, I have a book to call my favorite." ~Merumei on Amazon

5 stars "A timeless and beautiful love story that will sweep you off your feet, but it's also much more than that." ~Amy Conley, Amazon

5 stars "Beautifully drawn characters and stunning pallets that bring you in to Paris itself." ~Stormy, Amazon

Here are some of our favorite quotes from Kiss Me in Paris:
  • "One star breaks off from the others, shooting across the sky, a bright light trailing behind it, and I finally understand why people wish on dying stars. Because something always has to die for life to give birth to a new dream. "
  • "Paris is pregnant with layers of history, colored with the ink of artists who dared to dream of a world only they could see."
  • "It's like I'm giving birth from my mouth." [You'll understand this when you get to chapter 5. Then you'll pee your pants laughing.]
  • "It's the nature of being human that, in our own blindness, we lash out and blind others."
  • "I think of Winter, of her smile, her eyes, her arms wrapped around me, and I know where home is. It's wherever she is, and right now she is too far away. My heart has escaped my body and is walking Paris without me."
  • "She opened herself to him, and, in that moment, she opened herself to the world. Let it hurt her. Let it burn her veins, boil her blood and scorch her heart. For where there could be pain, there could be pleasure and love. She would be cold no longer. She would melt the hearts of others, and in turn, they would melt hers. She would feel the full spectrum of emotions and cry. She would be human. And she would be happy."
And this is just a SAMPLE. It's like hearing an inside joke if you weren't at the party. So go to the party, and by this stretched metaphor we mean READ THE BOOK. Then you can laugh and *le sigh* and cry and be a part of the cool crowd.

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Kiss Me in Paris by Dimitry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade is one of those great stories that really reaches out to touch your heart. Wow, this was one of those fabulous reads that really pulled me in and and kept me enthralled. There is lots of drama, steamy scenes, and charming characters, some scenes that made me laugh, and few that made me cry. This book is full of a many emotions.

I absolutely adored Winter, she has such a huge heart and a positive attitude even after everything she has been through. She has a mysterious secret from her past that has a huge effect on how she lives her life. Her goal in life is to be a writer. She wants to write romance even though people are trying to convince her to try something else. Now from my prospective, being a HUGE fan of romance, I was glad to see she kept with her romance story. I love that we learn some behinds the scenes information about the life of a writer in this story. 

I also admired Winter for standing by her friend Jen. Jen has a few issues a tends to act out a little bit to get attention of the opposite sex. Jen has a way of getting herself and Winter into some dangerous situations. I won't tell you anymore than that. I'm going to let you read it to find out for herself.

Cade is just an awesome guy from the beginning. He is trying to deal with his life and his feelings about his family. Cade has been through so much and lost so much. He's a very strong and charming man. He wants more than anything to live his dream of becoming an architect.

When Winter meets Cade he is her hero right away. The more they get to know each other they become great friends. I love how their relationship went from friends to a romance. I think it is so sweet when two people have that strong friendship that is behind the romantic feelings. I absolutely adored how these two are able to help each other learn how to process the feelings from their past. They both have serious issues that they need to deal with and together they can do it. 

There are some very dramatic scenes that totally left me sitting on the edge of my seat flipping pages as quickly as I could. I'm not going to do tell you much about these scenes because I do not want to spoil the suspense for you. 

I really enjoyed reading Winter and Cade's story. I liked the story, the characters, and the plot. Dmytry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade  have created a wonderful new series and I can't wait to see what is next!

Winter has strong family ties, I always enjoy when their is family support behind the charters. I am looking forward to see what  Dmytry Karpov and  Kimberly Kinrade have in story for other members of the family. I will be anxiously awaiting the next story in this series. I also have to say I love that this husband and wife writing team are working together to create such wonderful, caring, charming, and well developed characters. 

I was given the opportunity to read this story to share my thoughts with you. It has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 



  1. We're so glad you enjoyed the book. Thank you for taking the time to read and review :)

    1. It is a wonderful story, I'm anxious to read the next book in the series :) Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. Crystal, what a wonderful review! Thank you so much for being a part of this tour! It was a pleasure having you!

    -Anne Chaconas, Badass Marketing

  3. I love reading the blurb & review it makes me want to go read this book right know.

  4. I loved reading that interview, that was fun. The book sounds absolutely wonderful!
