Blog Tours


Thursday, September 19, 2013

THE LAST STRAW By Nia Simone ~ Goddess Fish Blog Tour ~ giveaway ~ Excerpt

By Nia Simone

A $25 Amazon gift card will be awarded to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. So please be sure to leave a comment below, along with you email address, so you may be contacted if you are the lucky winner. To increase your changes of winning visit the other stops on the tour. You may find the other tour locations here...


Ally Tobin left New York after one too many bad dates, determined to rebuild a stable life and career as a private investigator in Silicon Valley. But when the man she knew as one name walks into her office with another, will her curiosity once again lead her to risk her heart?

The last thing Special Agent Jared Green needs is "security risk" stamped on the resume of his latest undercover identity. Especially by the woman his job forced him to leave in New York without any explanation. She may threaten his cover, but it's his heart on the line. 

He's good at playing a part. She's good at catching a fake. Can they trust enough to give love another chance?


He sauntered through the door, a white, button- down shirt tucked into belted khakis. When his dark gaze found her, he stopped. Stared. Her throat dried and a rustling motion stirred in her abdomen. 

“Hi. I’m Darren Ray.” 

Keep your cool, she commanded herself, standing and reaching across the desk. His hand was rough. 

She yanked her hand back and waved at the chair. “Please, have a seat.” He waited for her to sit before settling in the visitor’s chair. “So, Darren, according to this, you’re being considered for a programmer position in the IT department. Tell me about your background.” 

A professional mask settled over his features. “As you can see on my résumé, I have several years of consulting experience.” 

“Tell me something about your experience as a mechanic.” Working on his prized old Mustang had been a favorite hobby. 

The corner of his mouth twitched. “What do you mean? That’s not in my résumé.” 

“You don’t have the hands of a programmer. More of a mechanic.” Oh, his hands. 

“Okay, you got me.” He was going to confess. This should be good. “When I’m not programming computers I’m working on my car.” 

“And what were you doing in New York City?” 

He reached across her desk for a piece of paper, plucked a pen from its stand and scrawled something.  When she took the note their fingers brushed. Meet me for dinner at Pico’s at 7. I’ll explain everything. Can’t talk here. 


Nia Simone grew up on the side of a ski slope in Squaw Valley, USA. Later, while learning the craft of story writing, she worked in nonprofit and then high-tech. 

The best part of working in the computer field was meeting her husband. He took up skiing and she helped him document his computer inventions! They live in "Silicon Valley" in California where their favorite thing to do is cook together for friends. Nia’s specialties are dessert and veggies while her husband’s are entrees and sourdough bread. 

Their only pet at the moment is the sourdough starter, which lives in the fridge and requires bi-weekly feeding. 

Nia blogs every day about travel, food, writing, books, skiing and photography at (where she won the Versatile Blogger Award and Inspiring Blogger Award).​ 

Buy link: The Last Straw (Good News! for the week of the tour this book is free on Amazon!)


Twitter: @niasimone4


  1. Nia - This looks fantastic! I love your premise and the way you're playing it out. Am DEFINITELY going to get my copy now! (Am now learning the hazard of doing my own virtual book tour - when I go to check sites I'm on, I invariably read other book blurbs that look too luscious to pass by!) Best of luck with your book!

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you so much!! I know the feeling. I have so many books in my TBR pile. But I am slowly learning to read faster.

      Your book, Stealing Fire, looks really good too. I've added it to my wish list. I'm actually working on something that has the heroine working in the hotel business so I'd like to check out your work especially.

      As for my premise, thank you so much. My husband helped me come up with this whole plot. The first time I wrote it was as a suspense, heavy on the plot. I rewrote it to make the suspense more in the background and really focus on the relationship. And now that's what I'm doing with a set of 4 stories I first created in 2007.

      Thanks for your comment and good luck!

    2. I agree Susan this sounds like a wonderful story :)

      Thanks for stopping by today :)

  2. Hello Crystal! Thank you so much for hosting me on my debut tour. You have an amazing blog. Love your TBR widget. :)

    So, there's a lot about me today and I would like to know about you! Please say hi and if you are inclined, please answer this question: Do you have a pet? If so, what do you have?

    My answer is no, because my husband and I are in our "travel years", spending a couple months a year away. But we had a dog before and she brought us a lot of joy.

    1. Hi Nia! I'm honored to be hosting on your debut tour! Lots of luck with your release. It sounds like an awesome read :)

      I do I have a couple of adorable little dogs but they think they are children. They are my little girls.

    2. Your dogs sound so cute. *sniff*

      Enjoy their sweetness. Dogs are so special.

      Thank you for a wonderful day. I will be back again to make sure I add any commenters to my raffle. And so I can thank them.

    3. I truly think they are the most precious little things :)

      I just purchased The Last Straw. I'm anxious to read it.

  3. I love reading the blurb & excerpt it makes me want to go read this book right know.

    1. Hi Bert,

      I'm so glad you liked the blurb and I hope you get a chance to read The Last Straw!


  4. This sounds like a great story. I'm going to have to add this to my ever growing to be read pile ;)
