Blog Tours


Monday, November 18, 2013

DYLAN'S SONG By p.m. terrell ~ Goddess Fish Blog Tour ~ Giveaway ~ Interview ~ Excerpt

By p.m. terrell

p.m. terrell will be awarding a Celtic Claddagh Necklace to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Be sure to leave a comment below along with your email address so you may be contacted if you win. To increase your chances of winning to be sure to visit the other stops on the tour. You may find the locations here...


Crystal: Today as part of the Goddess Fish Virtual Book tour, I have the opportunity to interview p.m. terrell. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

p.m. terrell: My first book was published in 1984, so I guess you could say I’m an old-timer. I’ve been writing full-time since 2002 and have become most known for my suspense books as well as my historical work. Prior to writing full-time, I owned two computer companies in the Washington, DC area which specialized in white collar computer crime and computer Intelligence. My clients included the CIA, Secret Service, Department of Defense and local law enforcement. The themes have made their way into my books and helped form the character of Brenda Carnegie, a computer hacker, as well as the CIA operatives in the Black Swamp Mysteries series.

I love animals and have three rescue dogs at the moment: a collie, a Jack Russell, and a Jack Russell mix. I also raise freshwater angelfish, which was the basis for the front that my CIA operatives use in my books. I live in North Carolina in the real town of Lumberton, which is the location for the Black Swamp Mysteries series.

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

p.m. terrell: I am finishing the next book in the Black Swamp Mysteries series, The Pendulum Files, which is scheduled for release in the spring of 2014.

My next book, The Tempest Murders, will be released this fall, and I am also hard at work on the sequel, After the Tempest. I have to admit—I am conflicted as to which Irishman I love the most—Dylan Maguire of the Black Swamp Mysteries series, or Ryan O’Clery of The Tempest Murders.

Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?

p.m. terrell: I have trained myself to dream the next scenes in the book so when I sit down to write the scene, I already know exactly how it is going to unfold. I write about ¾ of the book straight through as the first draft. But before heading into the final scenes, I go back to the beginning and really flesh out each scene and do a major edit. By the time I get back to those final chapters, I know exactly where they will lead and how the suspense will be ratcheted up.

Then I go through the manuscript at least twice more, polishing and editing, before it goes to the editors for their assessment and recommendations. It will be edited once or twice more before it goes out of my hands and into production. 

Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research for this book or any other? If so do you have a fascinating fact that you have learned you would like to share with us?

p.m. terrell: I really believe in research and in making certain that all my facts check out. Today’s audience is smart, savvy and capable of checking facts online in an instant so if I’m wrong, my credibility is on the line.

The most fascinating thing I’ve ever stumbled upon was while perusing CIA declassified records, I learned about their psychic spy program. Psychic spies are now being used in countries throughout the world, including Russia, China, India, Japan, and the United States. This information became the basis for Vicki Boyd’s character in the Black Swamp Mysteries series.

I have been studying Remote Viewing—the term used for psychic spies—for several years now, and the real missions and the use of the mind to transcend time and space is mind-boggling. It lends itself immensely to a long series, because the possibilities are endless.

Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

p.m. terrell: I love Erin Quinn’s Haunting series, and Terri Brisbin’s MacKendimen Clan series. I am currently reading Sandy Blair’s Castle Blackstone novels, and really enjoy them. I love time travel, especially when it involves Ireland and Scotland.

Crystal:  Is there any genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

p.m. terrell: I have never written a book that takes place in ancient Ireland. The research is challenging because the time period is so rich in myth and lore. I would love to write more books that take place on the Emerald Isle.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

p.m. terrell: Oh, yes. It would most definitely have to be The Pond Scene, in which Irishman Dylan Maguire scoops Vicki into his arms in the middle of the night, carries her to the pond just outside their door in rural Ireland, and makes love to her:

Author's Favorite Scene Excerpt:

Dylan slipped out of the bed and grabbed a blanket. “Wrap this around you,” he said.
She slid out of bed and dutifully wrapped the blanket around her. Then before she could take a step toward the door, he reached down, sliding his arm under her knees and lifting her into his arms.
As he walked down the hall with her, Brenda’s bedroom door opened behind them. “What’s up?” she said.
Vicki caught a glimpse of her sister over Dylan’s shoulder. Brenda’s eyes had traveled to Dylan’s nude backside, an amused smile inching across her face. “Never mind,” Brenda said, “I think I know.”
“Go back to bed,” Dylan said without altering his stride. He opened the door and as he stepped outside he said over his shoulder, “And no peekin’!”
Vicki clutched the soft blanket against her skin as the cold air hit them. “What are you doing?” she giggled. When Dylan didn’t answer, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The ground was uneven as he carried her across the lawn toward the pond, but he was as sure-footed as if he was walking on smooth concrete. The cold air didn’t seem to register with him, but goose bumps were forming along her skin. “It’s freezing out here!” she breathed.
He chuckled. “No, it’s not, Darlin’. It might be fifty degrees, if that. And I promise you, once you’re in the water, you won’t be cold.”
“No! You can’t be serious!”
When he reached the water’s edge, he set her on the ground long enough to strip her of the blanket, which he tossed on the ground. Then despite her growing protestations, he scooped her into his arms again and waded into the pond. As she felt the water against her backside, she squealed and buried her face against his neck. “Don’t drop me in here!” she begged.
He threw his head back and laughed. “I’m goin’ to do a lot more than that,” he said as he waded in above his waist. 
As they neared the middle of the pond, she pleaded, “Please don’t drop me. It’s freezing!”
He stopped and looked at her, a broad smile across his face. 
“What are you doing?” she asked. “Are you insane?”
He raised one brow. “Perhaps I am, at that. But it’s high time you learned to live life to its fullest.”
He shifted his arms so she was half-floating in the water. “It’s warmer under the surface than it is above,” he whispered. His voice had grown husky. “In the deepest part o’ this pond, it’s under five feet. So when we go under, your feet can still be touchin’ the ground.”
“Don’t put me down,” she warned, her voice growing serious. “Don’t—”
Before she could continue, he ducked them both under the water’s surface. Seconds later, she re-emerged to find him grinning from ear to ear.
“I didn’t lie to you, now did I?” he said. He let her slip from his arms. As her feet found the bottom, he continued, “It’s warmer now, isn’t it?”
“I ought to brain you,” she said in mock anger. She leaned back, allowing the water to soak her long hair. As she pulled her head above the water once more, she finger-combed it away from her face.
He stepped toward her as a lock of water-soaked hair fell across his forehead. His eyes had turned to vivid green in the light of the moon. With the initial shock wearing off and her body warming under the surface of the water, she pressed herself against his chest. As his arms wrapped around her gently, she tilted her head back and draped her arms around his neck.
His lips were full and soft as they brushed against hers. He looked into her eyes and smiled, causing his laugh lines to crinkle and his irises to sparkle. He had an uncanny ability to live in the moment, she thought as she parted her lips. This gift was infectious, and as his lips found hers once more, she felt her heart grow lighter. She felt weightless as he held her, his strong hands rubbing against her back and through her hair while his chest pressed against hers. She didn’t ever want this moment to end. 

You’ll have to buy the book to see what happens next!


Dylan Maguire returns to his native Ireland with psychic spy Vicki Boyd. Their mission: to locate and extract a CIA Agent who disappeared in Dublin while on the trail of a known terrorist. But when Dylan receives word that his grandmother is dying, he is plunged into a past he thought he’d left behind forever. His mission and the dark secrets he’d sought to keep hidden begin to merge into an underworld that could cost him his life. He must now confront his past demons and the real reason he left Ireland—while Vicki harbors a secret of her own.

Suspense Magazine says, “p.m.terrell’s writing is powerfully written and masterfully suspenseful; you have to hang on for the ride of your life.” Midwest Book Review says the Black Swamp Mysteries series is “page-turning action, unforgettable characters, breathtaking descriptions and unexpected plot twists.” And syndicated reviewer Marcia Freespirit says the series is “riveting, spell-binding, sexy and intense!”


When Dylan reached the water’s edge, he set Vicki on the ground long enough to strip her of the blanket, which he tossed on the ground. Then despite her growing protestations, he scooped her into his arms again and waded into the pond. As she felt the water against her backside, she squealed and buried her face against his neck. “Don’t drop me in here!” she begged.

He threw his head back and laughed. “I’m goin’ to do a lot more than that,” he said as he waded in above his waist. 

As they neared the middle of the pond, she pleaded, “Please don’t drop me. It’s freezing!”

He stopped and looked at her, a broad smile across his face. 

“What are you doing?” she asked. “Are you insane?”

He raised one brow. “Perhaps I am, at that. But it’s high time you learned to live life to its fullest.”

He shifted his arms so she was half-floating in the water. “It’s warmer under the surface than it is above,” he whispered. His voice had grown husky. “In the deepest part o’ this pond, it’s under five feet. So when we go under, your feet can still be touchin’ the ground.”

“Don’t put me down,” she warned, her voice growing serious. “Don’t—”

Before she could continue, he dunked them both under the water’s surface. Seconds later, she re-emerged to find him grinning from ear to ear.

“I didn’t lie to you, now did I?” he said. He let her slip from his arms. As her feet found the bottom, he continued, “It’s warmer now, isn’t it?”

“I ought to brain you,” she said in mock anger. She leaned back, allowing the water to soak her long hair. As she pulled her head above the water once more, she finger-combed it away from her face.

He stepped toward her as a lock of water-soaked hair fell across his forehead. His eyes had turned to vivid green in the light of the moon. With the initial shock wearing off and her body warming under the surface of the water, she pressed herself against his chest. As his arms wrapped around her gently, she tilted her head back and draped her arms around his neck.

His lips were full and soft as they brushed against hers. He looked into her eyes and smiled, causing his laugh lines to crinkle and his irises to sparkle. He had an uncanny ability to live in the moment, she thought as she parted her lips. This gift was infectious, and as his lips found hers once more, she felt her heart grow lighter. She felt weightless as he held her, his strong hands rubbing against her back and through her hair while his chest pressed against hers. She didn’t ever want this moment to end.


p.m.terrell is the award-winning, internationally acclaimed author of more than 16 books. Vicki's Key, one of the first books in the Black Swamp Mysteries series, was one of five finalists in the 2012 International Book Awards (Mystery/Suspense) and 2012 USA Best Book Awards (Mystery/Suspense.) River Passage, an historical work based on her ancestor's migration to Fort Nashborough in 1779-1780, won the 2010 Best Fiction & Drama Award. The Nashville (TN) Metropolitan Government Archives determined it to be so historically accurate that they entered the original manuscript into their Archives for future researchers and historians.

Prior to becoming a full-time author in 2002, terrell founded and operated two computer companies in the Washington, DC area. Her clients included the United States Secret Service, CIA, Department of Defense and federal and local law enforcement. Her specialty is in the areas of computer crime and computer intelligence. Her experience in these areas have greatly influenced her books' plots.

She is the co-founder of The Book 'Em Foundation, whose slogan is "Buy a Book and Stop a Crook" and whose mission is to raise awareness of the link between high crime rates and high illiteracy rates. She founded Book 'Em North Carolina Writers Conference and Book Fair, an annual event to raise money to increase literacy and reduce crime.

For more information on Book 'Em North Carolina, visit and

p.m.terrell's website is and her blog is

She can be found on Twitter @pmterrell

On Facebook at and


  1. Great interview!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Dylan's Song sounds amazing!!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Natasha, I agree I think it sounds great!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting me here today. And Natasha, thanks for dropping in bright and early this morning and leaving a comment. Best of luck on winning that beautiful Celtic necklace.
    I'll be dropping by later today and answering any questions anyone might have for me.

    1. Hello p.m! It is my honor to be hosting you today :)

  3. Great Interview that was fun to read and the story sounds great!

  4. Looks like an interesting story and I am fascinated by the idea of psychic phenomena. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck with the release!

    elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

  5. Thank you SO much for the lovely giveaway!
