Blog Tours


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

SWEPT AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS by MJ Fredrick, Tanya Michaels and Trish Milburn ~ Goddess Fish Blurb Blitz ~ Giveaway

by MJ Fredrick, Tanya Michaels and Trish Milburn

The authors will award a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Please be sure to leave a comment below along with your email address so you may be contacted if you are a the lucky winner. To increase your chances of winning visit the other stops on the tour. You may find the other locations here...


Christmas isn’t always snow-covered with a frosty chill in the air. Sometimes it’s sandy beaches with balmy breezes. 

And sometimes we find love in the most unexpected places, a place like Starfish Shores.

Here Comes McBride

Shelby James has only truly loved one man — but Finn McBride broke her heart when emotional baggage from his past came between them. Now, Shelby is serving as maid of honor at a beach wedding where Finn is the best man. Will reuniting with Finn be a Christmas miracle, or the worst mistake she's ever made?

Two Hearts a Leaping

After a break-up with her high school sweetheart, Harley Blume retreats to her brother's home in Starfish Shores to lick her wounds and figure out what she's doing next. But her brother is in the Coast Guard reserves and heading out of town, leaving her in the care of Liam Channing, his best friend since they played college football together. She's never been able to keep her tongue in her mouth when good-looking, easy-going Liam is around. How is she going to find her way if she can't keep her balance?

Cruisin’ for a Kiss

When Avery Phillips loses her magazine job right before Christmas, she heads back home to Starfish Shores to spend the holidays with the grandparents who raised her. The plan is to hit the job search hard so that she has a new position when the New Year arrives. What isn’t part of the plan is heading up a remodeling effort at her family’s beach motel or falling for the man helping to save the business into which her grandparents put a lifetime of work. As Christmas draws closer, will Avery stick to the original plan to leave town again or take a chance with Luke Taylor and a new life she never expected?


Here Comes McBride
by Tanya Michaels

She leaned against the door and tried to stem the tears. What was wrong with her? She was happy her closest friends were in love and all settling down. She hated that they might think otherwise—and really hated that Finn McBride had witnessed her reaction in the lobby.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping they’d pass her room. 

“Shelby?” Finn called through the door. “Open up, I know you’re in there.”

With a sigh of defeat, she ushered him inside. “If you’re worried about my little breakdown, don’t be. You know me—used to cry at everything, remember? Cartoons, commercials, romance novels.” Getting dumped by the man I love on the middle of the beach. Little things like that. “It’s an emotional weekend with my best friend getting married. You’ve heard of happy tears, right?”

“Those were not happy tears. Now tell me what’s wrong. I want to help.”

She really didn’t mean to squawk in horrified laughter, but she couldn’t help it. The absurdity was too rich—the guy who’d once shattered her heart was going to convince her that her Prince Charming was out there?

“Sorry,” she said when Finn scowled. “I appreciate the offer, but you are the last person… You should go. I’m fine.” That would have been so much more convincing without the tremor in her voice.

Apparently giving up on reasoning with her, he simply reached forward and pulled her into a hug, flattening her against his broad, muscular chest. The embrace was so familiar, almost comforting. But there was an undercurrent of something less soothing, too. The electric pull of memories and chemistry buzzed through her veins. Letting Finn hold her was a bad, bad idea.

AUTHOR Bios and Links:

MJ Fredrick knows about chasing dreams. Twelve years after she completed her first novel, she signed her first publishing contract. Now she divides her days between teaching elementary music, and diving into her own writing—traveling everywhere in her mind, from Belize to Honduras to Africa to the past.

She's a four-time Golden Heart Award finalist, and she won the 2009 Eppie Award with Hot Shot and the 2010 Eppie with Breaking Daylight. She was a 2012 Epic Award finalist with Don’t Look Back.

Connect with MJ online

Four-time RITA finalist Tanya Michaels is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than thirty books. Her stories incorporate the same elements she values in real life—community, family and a sense of humor. Her current releases include the popular Colorado Cades trilogy for Harlequin American Romance.

She lives in Atlanta, GA with a very patient husband as well as two kids and a dog who are plotting against her. When not writing, reading, or spending time with her family, Tanya watches entirely too much TV. She’s also made Twitter her virtual home. Join her there to hear about her life as a writer and the outrageous things her kids say.

Trish Milburn is the author of contemporary romance for Harlequin American Romance, paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne, young adult fiction for Bell Bridge Books and indie publishes her romantic suspense, women’s fiction and other titles. She’s a two-time Golden Heart award winner, a fan of walks in the woods and road trips, and is a big geek girl, including being a dedicated Whovian and Browncoat.

Twitter: @TrishMilburn


  1. I'm looking forward to visiting Starfish Shores - great name.


    1. I agree I'm looking forward to visiting Starfish Shores as well :)

      Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  2. Thanks so much for hosting us! Mary, it was such a fun book to write! Coming up with the names for the town and the shops was a challenge, I have to admit. Took us almost as long to come up with Starfish Shores as it did to plot the stories!

    1. I can't wait to read this one! I bet you all created some fabulous stories :)

  3. Loved the blurbs and loved the excerpt. I am looking forward to reading about Starfish Shores.

    1. I agree that excerpt sounds great! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I love the excerpts!

  5. Spending Christmas - or any part of the winter - on the beach sounds awesome!

    Email - hhand (at) sasktel (dot) net *IF I win could you please use amazon.CA since I am Canadian - Thanks*

  6. Thanks for sharing the great excerpt and the giveaway. Sounds like a great holiday book. evamillien at gmail dot com

  7. Thank you for sharing an excerpt!


  8. What are your favorite christmas movies? I feel like I'm pretty partial to How the Grinch Stole Christmas :D

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  9. I'm glad y'all are enjoying! Andra, I love funny Christmas movies. My very favorite is Christmas Vacation, which I can practically recite, and Elf.

  10. This will be fun!


  11. I'd love to go somewhere warm and sunny for Christmas and have a beach party!


  12. Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!
    Sounds like a great read!!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  13. Sounds interesting

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  14. What a sweet excerpt. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway...and yes, I am quite used to warm, sunny Christmases!

    elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

  15. This sounds like a great collection of some great stories. I'm looking forward to reading them.

    lorih824 at yahoo dot com
