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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thrown by Colette Auclair ~ Review ~

I love animals of all shapes and sizes and horses hold a special place in my heart. So I knew I was really going to enjoy Thrown by Colette Auclair. Not only is there plenty of scene's with the beautiful horses and the adorable little girls riding them, there is a nice romance, some wonderful friendship stories, and over all just a very entertaining story line. 

Amanda Vogel has been through some very traumatic events and had to make some very difficult decisions. She is a very strong, independent woman with her heart set on the Olympics. She is also wonderful with horses and as it turns out she's mighty talented with children as well. Amanda did not think she was going to get a long well with the two girls she was hired to teach to ride. However it turns out that she has the special touch these girls needed and they all soon found a fondness for each other. It was sweet watching these two girls following Amanda's lead and growing closer to her. I loved her interaction with the girls.

Then there is Grady, hot, sexy, super star Grady. Amanda is determined not to fall for her hot boss but when they both discover a deep attraction it makes it a LOT harder to not fall for each other. 

I enjoyed Harris the cook and best friend. There were some fun additional characters that helped make the storyline even more fun.

I really, truly enjoyed this fun entertaining story. It had just he perfect mix of drama, romance, some steamy scenes, some great stories about the horses, and some nice family moments as well. 

Overall, I really liked this story. I had not had a chance to read anything by Ms. Auclair before, however now I know I would love to read more of her work. This is a really great story.

I was given the chance to this book to share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts.

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