Blog Tours


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

From Prisoner of War to Artist: This is His Story as I Know It By Corinne B. Trepanier ~ Fangsastic Book Tour ~ Giveaway

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From Prisoner of War to Artist: 
This is His Story as I Know It
By Corinne B. Trepanier

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway near the bottom of the page.

Book blurb:

Otto Donau was a bigger-than-life character to me who lived in a completely different time than we do. A century ago, he was twenty-four years old. Although I never met him, I am drawn to him like no one else before. There is an unexplainable connection I feel between him and me that with words I cannot explain. This book is about his life and the way he lived it. It is told through stories passed down from generation to generation. I want those who read my words to be able to feel and see his life as I see it. I wish for him to never be forgotten.


Otto and his fellow prisoners were placed in tight quarters or dormitories barely large enough to house the number of people who were placed there. There was one person on top of another in cots and makeshift bunk beds. A large portion of the prisoners were forced into hard labor, either working as lumberjacks or working on the railroads. There are so many varied accounts as to the treatment of these prisoners of war. Some stories would suggest that the camps weren’t too terribly bad and the treatment was relatively fair. Other accounts describe them as devilish places of torture and grief; the worst possible places you could picture here on Earth. Honestly, if you weren’t there, how could you describe them precisely? The percentage of those prisoners who died was extremely high and those who did manage to survive suffered illness and injury. My grandfather was not immune to those ailments that so many suffered and would develop severe asthma and kidney disease.

About the Author:

Corinne is a girl that's lived all over the world having been an Air force brat. She lives in a small town in Wisconsin with her husband and five furry children. She started writing so that she can give the world the story of her Grandfather and the interesting life he lived. She tells his story now so that he may live on in print.

Buy Links:

Google Books
Barnes & Noble
Book World

You can find Corinne on:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It looks like this would be an intense story to read. Kudos to you for honoring your grandfather this way.

  2. p.s. I am not sure there is a way to leave a comment on your Goodreads page, there is no author profile or way to add as a friend.

    1. Thank you E.L.F. If you want to see my comment below.... :)

  3. Thank you E.L.F. Hope you were able to read my book. I appreciate your comments. I am available on Facebook, just search for Corinne B. Trepanier and like my page and you'll be able to comment and see what I've been up to. Thanks again, Corinne B. Trepanier
