Blog Tours


Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Wishlist Blog Hop hosted by Gliterary Girl Media ~ Giveaway ~


I am so excited to be a part of the Holiday Wishlist Blog Hop hosted by Gliterary Girl Media. There is a great GRAND PRIZE being offered. Please be sure to visit to enter the Rafflecopter for the Grand Prize.  Included in the GRAND PRIZE is

A Book Bag Filled With Swag and Books (Some autographed)
A Gliterary Girl Media Holiday Book Sampler
Your Choice of Two of the Books Within the Sampler
$25 Gift Card
GGM Personalized Notepad

So what are some of your favorite things about the Christmas holiday? Do you have a favorite song that you like to hear this time of year? Do you enjoy a certain family tradition each year? Do you enjoy reading all the wonderful Christmas books out this time of year like I do? Do you have a favorite book? I would love to hear your answer to any of these questions. Please feel free to leave me a comment below. By telling me a little bit about your Christmas favorites you will be entered to win a swag pack from me. So please also leave me your email address so I may contact you if you are the lucky winner. 

Each stop on this fun Holiday Blog Tour will include a prize so please be sure to hop by each one of them to enter for your chance to win. 

As some of you may already now one of my favorite things about the Christmas season is all the fabulous books. I have had the pleasure to read many great holiday books already this year. Here are a few of the wonderful holiday books I have read, you may find a few on my list that you may enjoy as well if you like holiday stories as much as I do. You may click on the title to read my review for each book.

The Goose, The Gander, And Three French Hens: 12 Days of Christmas series (A Short Story) by Robin Kaye

Revving Up the Holidays by A.S. Fenichel 

One Sweet Christmas by Darlene Fredette


The Christmas Cookie Collection ~The Christmas Cookie Chronicles #1-4 ~by Lori Wilde

If you have a chance to read any of these I would love to hear your thoughts. 

My other favorite thing about Christmas is just the holiday spirit in the air. Have you ever noticed this time of year people are just happier? I find more people are waving as we pass on the road and we may not even know each other. It's just a happy time of year.

I also LOVE Christmas music. I'm one of the people that is guilty of keeping Christmas music around all year long. I may be playing Christmas music in July. I love Christmas music, it just makes me feel good. 

Ok there are a few things I enjoy about this time of year. What to you like? Don't forget to leave me a comment and also visit all the other stops listed below. There are a lot of fun prizes to win. 


  1. Ok...I like Christmas music but only during the month of December! It really irks me when I start hearing it around Halloween, lol. I love eggnog and the Christmas candies that show up at this time of the year and I love seeing the beautiful lights that people decorate their houses with (as long as it isn't so bright that I can read by them!). Thanks for sharing!

    1. I have never tried eggnog, I should try it sometime. I love the Christmas candy too, I forgot to mention that ;)

  2. I love seeing all the lights at Christmas! I love Christmas music! I love the holiday foods! I haven't found a fav holiday book yet. I love Christmas movies! I love giving and getting gifts! My fav time of the year ❤️❤️

    1. I love this time of year too, there is just something about Christmas that makes you feel good :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The things I love about Christmas is me and my 2girls pick something we want and we bake it together. We decorate the house inside and out while listening to Country Christmas music. Lol big country fans!!! All the family gets together. We leave all problems at the door. That in its self is a gift for me. Christmas in my family is about coming together. Just thinking about it makes me smile. ;)

    1. I love Country music too and all the beautiful Country Christmas songs. I bet you and your girls have a lot of fun baking together :)

  5. Decorating with the kids, watching the grandkids open presents. Just being together is my favorite thing.

    1. It is always a lot of fun watching the presents being opened :) I like that too.

  6. One of the very few traditions the boyfriend and I have that I LOVE is that on Christmas Eve we have a wine and cheese day and watch our favorite Christmas movies.
    Thanks for your giveaway!
    i_love_books at aol dot com

    1. That sounds like a great tradition :) Have a very Merry Christmas

  7. I love the lights and the Christmas music :)

    Great giveaway!

    joleene at

  8. I love the decorating with my children we get to spend quality time together!
    Thanks and going to look into some of these books you suggested! Have a Merry Christmas!

  9. I enjoy the tree filled with my children's homemade Christmas ornaments, the lights, the gift giving, the cooking, and time with family :)
    Merry Christmas,
    lorih824 @ yahoo dot com
