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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Trust: Pandora's Box (Trust Trilogy #3) by Cristiane Serruya ~ Review ~

I have been ever so impatiently awaiting the last book in the Trust Trilogy, I just could not wait to see what was going to happen to Alistair, Sophia, and yes even Ethan. There were a few more characters that I was curious to see what was going to happen to in Pandora's Box

WOW, where do I start?

Cristiane Serruya has written a conclusion to this trilogy that not only made me laugh, cry my eyes out at times, but also kept me on the edge of my seat for quite a while. Ms. Serruya has done a fabulous job with this great trilogy. I've loved each one. 

Once I started reading Pandora's Box I quickly found my deep connection to Sophia once again. Also that precious little girl Gabriella. I also have a fondness for Alistair and only found myself wanting to smack him a time or two in between loving his relationship with Sophia and Gabriella. 

There is so much that happens in this book I don't want to give anything away. It's just too good for you not to get the chance to experience all the joys, sorrows, and drama for yourself. 

I will say that there are some very dramatic moments that left me speechless and sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see how they were going to unfold. Ms. Serruya has a talent for capturing my attention that is for sure. 

In Pandora's Box a lot of things are answered that I have been wondering about through the other books. I felt a nice conclusion with this book but I also found deep sadness. I won't tell you what made me so unbelievably sad. I will tell you that if you have read the other books in this series you very well may want to grab the box of Kleenex and keep it handy for parts of Pandora's Box. I think you might need it, I know I sure did. 

There is plenty of steamy scenes between Alistair and Sophia, their relationship really is a strong one, built on love. Sophia has found her love and Alistair has as well. They both need each other to help heal the wounds of the past. Sophia knows she can count on Alistair to be there when she needs him the most and he is. 

Let me see what more may I tell you about this fabulous story that will not give to much away? I think that even if you have not read the other two books in this trilogy you will enjoy this book. Yes, there is a lot of information in the first two but please don't let the fact you haven't read them yet keep you from grabbing this one now. I think you will enjoy it as a conclusion to the story or as a stand alone. I think this truly is my favorite book in the trilogy. 

This book is one very well written emotional story, with lots of drama, and some really hot and steamy scenes as well. I found myself quickly turning pages because there were so many things happening I had to find out what in the world could happen next or what new information may be revealed. As you can tell I really did enjoy this story. I can not wait to see what Cristiane Serruya may come up with for us lucky readers next. I know I sure would not hesitate to pick up another book written by her. 

I was given the wonderful opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on  Trust: Pandora's Box.


  1. Sounds great, I will have to be on the lookout for these. Thanks for the lovely review!

  2. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and praises, Crystal.
    I'm so happy that you have liked the TRUST TRILOGY.
    Your review made my day! <3
