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Monday, July 7, 2014

A PERFECT TRADE by Anna Sugden ~ Goddess Fish Promotions ~ Giveaway

by Anna Sugden

Anna will award a $15 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter, as well as 3 signed copies of A Perfect Trade, 3 exclusive A Perfect Trade notebooks and 4 exclusive A Perfect Trade key rings to other randomly drawn winners (international giveaway). Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter.


A win-win negotiation?

Truman "Tru" Jelinek's life is pretty much off the rails. With his professional hockey career on thin ice, and his personal life falling apart, he's ready to implement some serious changes. Helping Jenny Martin—the only girl he's ever loved—make her dreams a reality is a good place to start.

There's just one problem: Jenny doesn't want his help. She barely wants to speak to him. But Tru is prepared to negotiate a deal that even Jenny can't refuse. As trading favors turns into sharing passion, he has to face the truth that when it comes to Jenny, the game is far from over.


To read the entire first chapter, please visit and visit each blog in order.

Her sister was right. Everyone in their parish knew that Douglas Boult had become Jenny and Lizzie’s guardian following their parents’ deaths in an accident. It wouldn’t take much digging for the media to unearth the records.

“If that happens I won’t say anything more than ‘no comment’ and I don’t want you to, either.”

“Not even to set the record straight? It makes me sick. They’re talking about him like he was a saint. They need to know what kind of monster he was.”

“Please, Lizzie.” Jenny couldn’t bear the thought of people knowing what he’d done to her. Her shame was enough of a burden. “He can’t harm me anymore. Let the past be buried with him.”

“But he doesn’t deserve to be put up on a pedestal. The man was a sexual predator.”

“I know what he was.” Better than anyone. Her voice was soft, but firm.

She had never shared the full extent of her uncle’s abuse. Not even with her sister, who knew what Jenny had suffered to protect her. In fact, Jenny had only ever trusted two other people enough to tell them part of the story and one of those—her boyfriend at the time—had been a huge mistake.

Pain sliced through her; the memory of his betrayal, as fresh and sharp as if it had happened last night, rather than thirteen years ago.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Harlequin SuperRomance author, Anna Sugden, loves reading and writing happy endings as much as hockey! When not reading or watching hockey, she loves football, good food & wine, making simple cross-stitch projects, and collecting memorabilia, penguins and fab shoes! 

A former marketing executive and primary teacher, Anna lives in Cambridge, England, with her husband and two bossy black cats. Learn more about Anna, her heart-warming romances and her shoes at . You can also follow her on Facebook ( , Twitter ( Pinterest ( and on the Romance Bandits blog (

Buy Links:

A Perfect Trade: 

Barnes & Noble: 


The Book Depository: 


  1. Hi everyone and welcome! Thanks so much to Crystal for hosting me today :). Hope you enjoyed excerpt #3 from Tru & Jenny's story.

    So tell me, do you have one special person with whom you always share your secrets?

  2. Congrats on the new release, Anna. I share most of my secrets with my cousin. He's pretty supportive, so I don't feel weird when I need someone to bounce an idea or thought about.

    1. Hi Jane! How nice to have a cousin who you can talk to and who can give a male perspective too!
