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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

HEAT WAVE ~ Red: A Tale of Seduction By Maddie James ~ Bridging the Gap Promotions ~ Giveaway

Six Sexy Stories for Sultry Summer Nights


On Behalf of the Heat Wave Boxed Set Authors, Turquoise Morning Press will be giving away…. A $25 Gift Card to the Turquoise Morning Press Bookstore. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter.

Summer. Hot. Sticky. Sexy.

Although not all of the stories in this collection take place in the summer, they are definitely hot, might make you a little sticky, and are unquestionably sexy. What is more perfect for a sultry summer night?

Seduction is the name of the game in some of our stories. Control, submission, and domination flavor a couple more. And the others? Just downright deliciously sexy, in multiple ways.

Grab your favorite ice cold beverage, ladies, and prepare for your own personal HEAT WAVE! With an introductory promotional price of $0.99, why resist? 

Retailer Availability:  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, All Romance Ebooks, Turquoise Morning Press, and more

Promotional Price: $0.99
Future Retail Price: $3.99 (Fall, 2014)
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press


Red:  A Tale of Seduction
By Maddie James
Turquoise Morning Press

WHAT is a Rougarou? 

Depending on who you speak with, or what website you hit, it could be anything from a Louisiana werewolf to a demon. It’s origins are European and French, and it’s legacy is buried deep in Cajun culture. 
According to, “In the Cajun legend, the creature is said to prowl the swamps around Acadiana and Greater New Orleans, and possibly the fields or forests of the regions. The rougarou most often is noted as a creature with a human body and the head of a wolf or dog, similar to the werewolf legend.”
That idea, combined with several trips to New Orleans, was all I needed to spin a retelling of the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood. After all, there is a wolf, and the woods, right? So…
Did you ever wonder what happened when Little Red Riding Hood grew up? In the bayou? With a grandmother who used potions and magic and stuff? And a wolf who...?


Here’s the story blurb: 

Garnet Boudreaux is going home. Not to her apartment in New York City but to her childhood home in the bayou. She doesn’t want to go, and isn’t certain what will be waiting for her when she arrives. But standing in the voodoo shop on Bourbon Street, in the middle of one helluva Mardi Gras party, she’s told by Madame Madeleine Dupuis that she has no choice. The witchy woman presses two pouches into Garnet’s hands, wraps a red cape around her, and tells her she must go—and go now—to see to her grandmother.
Max LeBlanc spies the auburn-haired beauty across the street and knows in a heartbeat she is the one. A rougarou always knows when he’s met his mate. Some may call him a lycanthrope, a werewolf if you will, but in Cajun bayou lands he’s known as The Rougarou. He’s waited several hundred years for this moment, and for her. There is nothing left for him to do, but mark her and claim her as his mate.


And a brief excerpt:

Bourbon Street, The French Quarter
New Orleans, 10:39 p.m.

“Come closer, Red,” he rasped. “I want that burning-hot body next to mine.” The wiry stranger threaded his hot fingers through her hair at the nape, and his steamy breath snaked around her neck.
A carnival spun in Garnet Boudreaux’s head, and for once, she did not want to get off the ride. Was she drunk? Yes, somewhat. But it was okay, she was with her girlfriends, and they watched out for each other.
Were they watching his hands glide over her ass, too?
Hell, did she care?
Eyes the color of dark honey with flecks of gold pierced hers and held as he pressed closer. His lips scraped over her cheek, sending a shudder of want from the curls on her auburn head straight down to her scarlet toenails. Neon swirled as he led her out the door of the Cat’s Meow, spilling into Bourbon Street’s static currents, taking the lead as they dirty-danced their way into the crowd.
“My friends…” she breathed, wincing as he nipped her neck, his teeth clipping at the tender skin beneath her ear lobe.
“Back in the bar,” he growled.
Oh Damn. She shouldn’t leave Tiana and Kathleen behind. They needed her. Didn’t they?
Or did she need them?
Like a cat lapping at milk, his tongue laved her neck to cheek. “Give me your tongue,” he commanded. His hands rested under her armpits, cradling the sides of her breasts, thumbing her nipples through the red satin dressed she’d borrowed for this decadent Mardi Gras-type party on Bourbon her company insisted they attend.
Her mask. Had she lost it?
Dammit. She loved that mask. All lace and filigree, and made her look mysteriously sexy.
She glanced behind her, searching through the crown. He caught her chin between his fingers and forcefully turned her face back toward his.
“Me. I’m the one you are with. Forget the others.”
Her brain said no. The tingles racing up her spine and the heat gathering in her panties cried yes.
His hips gyrated against hers and his dance swept her into a spiral of lights and hands and lips and skin on skin. He dipped his tongue deep into her cleavage and she resisted the urge to clasp his head against her chest and keep him there. He was hard against her abdomen.
Had he growled?
“Garnet!” A giggle of laughter exploded behind her as Kath, totally lacking in grace, grasped her forearm and spun her away from the man. “Come back inside! Tiana is giving Jell-O shots off her tits. You have to see this!”
For a moment, Garnet was disoriented, disengaged, trying to focus on being snatched away from her alluring dance partner and deciphering what Kath was saying.
Tia had Jell-O tits?
Too many Hurricanes. Damn that magic potion of rum and fruit juice, or whatever…
A low growl purred in her ear, like it was placed there on purpose. Calling her. Turning, she looked back.
He was gone.
At once she was cold. Empty.
With Kath still tugging, pulling her inside, she tripped backward. Frantic, she scanned the crowd until at last, a fixed set of brown-gold eyes stared back through the swarm and held for an eternal moment, then vanished.


Whether writing traditional contemporary romance or building paranormal worlds, bestselling romance author, Maddie James, pens stories that frequently cross a variety of romantic sub-genres. Sweet or spicy, suspense or comedy, western or time-travel, her heroes and heroines always chase one thing—the happily-ever-after—whether they realize it or not!

A Food Network junkie who plots the way she cooks—by the seat of her pants—Maddie always has a delicious end product in mind (and she always follows a secret recipe!). 

Her first book, THE WILD WEST, a Kensington Precious Gems romance, received a Calico Trails Cameo Award. RED: A SEDUCTION TALE, claimed first place as the Romance Book Scene's favorite novella of the year. A four time nominee for a CAPA/Psyche Award from The Romance Studio, Maddie’s books have received numerous 5 Star and Top Pick reviews. Her books have landed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo top-selling lists, and she is frequently listed as a Top 100 Most Popular Contemporary Romance Author at Amazon.
Maddie is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and its Published Author Network (PAN), Louisville Romance Writers (LRWA), Novelists Inc. (NINC), Kentuckiana Authors, and the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA).

Visit Maddie's website:

Connect on:
Twitter  @maddiejames


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today!

  2. Awesome excerpt! Makes me want to read the rest of it, which I will, now that I have it on my Kindle :)

  3. Enlightening post, thanks for sharing and for the giveaway! Good luck on the release.
