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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Layers of the Past By AlTonya Washington ~ Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours

Layers of the Past
By AlTonya Washington

#LAYERSOFTHEPAST @wnlbooktours


Crystal : Today as part of this Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours, I have the chance to ask AlTonya Washington a few questions. Welcome  AlTonya, I'm so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?  

AlTonya: I’m a South Carolina native who now resides in North Carolina. I’m a mom, writer and librarian- in that order. The first role is the one I enjoy and treasure above all others. The second is a passion I don’t think I could survive without devoting time to every day. The third is a newly acquired passion and one that I very much enjoy.

Crystal : Where did you come up with the idea for Layers of the Past? 

AlTonya: LOP is the follow-up to an earlier novella entitled Layers. I came up with the idea based on the title alone. I was interested in writing a story about a small, dynamic woman who comes up against a powerful, brooding man with a past she is determined to uncover at first for business purposes until she realizes her interests are more personal.

Crystal : What are you currently working on?

AlTonya: The next title in my Ramsey/Tesano series “A Lover’s Control”

Crystal : Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?

 AlTonya: Not really, as long as I’ve got my blue Papermate pens to create my drafts- white copy paper and college ruled 5 subject notebooks for the final manuscript draft. I’m good. I write everything in long hand before I finally get around to typing it. Not sure if that’s a routine, or not…

Crystal : Did you have to do a lot of research this book or any other?

AlTonya: For this book much of my research had to do with some of the locations used in the books-the proximity of some places in relation to others and things like that. I greatly utilized the preceding novella “Layers” to fact check things that were being fleshed out more fully in the novel. I tend to spend quite a bit of time with research.

Crystal : Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read? 

AlTonya:  Stephen King, Karen Moning, Larissa Ione, JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts) to name a few.

Crystal : Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

AlTonya: I would love to try my hand at writing a mystery novel.

Crystal :Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us? 

AlTonya: Sure this scene takes place during a trip that our main characters take with their best friends…

“This is so beautiful,” Eliza marveled while wringing a few last droplets of water from her hair. “So remote…the guy really adores his privacy.”
“Yeah,” Kam had finished with her towel and was folding it. “Yes, he does,” she tossed down the towel.
“So…” Eliza folded her arms beneath ample breasts barely covered by a halter-style bikini top. “Does that tone mean that you’re content not knowing what he does for a living?”
Kam studied the white sand she squished between her toes. “That trip to Vegas confirmed that he’s got…involvements that could be a conflict of interest if he keeps them and I keep my job.” She tucked a reddish lock behind her ear and smiled when a breeze dislodged it. “I don’t think I want to know any more, El and that makes me feel guilty as hell. Like I- like I’m betraying my job for my man.”
“And what a man…” Eliza raved, giggling when Kam rolled her eyes and smiled. “Ah girl, cheer up,” she gave a little agitated dance. “At least the gesture’s being reciprocated. You’re betraying your job and in a way, he’s betraying his.”
“Fine Lines is a big money maker, El. I’m sure he walked away from a heavy cash flow when he broke his partnership with them.”
“At least there’s reciprocity there, Kam.” Eliza slapped her hands to her thighs in a helpless fashion. “Not like me. I’m here, having a fantastic time in a fantastic place and trying not to feel guilty as hell over it because my mother’s in jail. But she…she let me think I’d betrayed our family with Cousteau after his exposé on us. All the while, she was the one trying to hide her dirt. Hmph, I’ll bet she never lost a night of sleep worrying over what that did to me.”
“We’re gonna get her out,” Kam promised, knowing that, despite her attempts at being cold, Eliza was truly worried about her mom. “You’ve got me working on this and we’re going to find something to get her out of there.”
“I know Kam,” Eliza’s tone held a resolved quality.
“So? No more guilt, alright? Your mom wouldn’t want you wasting time on that useless emotion.”
Eliza nodded, deciding to accept Kam’s words as fact when Cousteau came up behind her, scooped her against his wide chest and crushed her mouth beneath his for a quick, heated second.
“Playtime’s over,” he growled into her neck.
“Oh,” Eliza groaned. “I thought it was just about to start.”
“Mmm…I like the way you think, Ms. Breck,” Cousteau looked up and slanted Kam a sly wink before carrying away his giggling burden.
Kam returned the wave Eliza tossed up. She took a step back, only to find the move impeded by a wall of solid muscle. Before she could turn, hands cupped her hips.
“Can’t imagine you’d try to tan this body,” Huron murmured against her nape and spanned one hand across her taut, honey brown skin until he hooked her inner thigh.
Weakened, Kam let her head rest against the unyielding plane of his chest. His thumb brushed the front of her bikini bottom and launched a slow assault on her body which forced a small cry from her throat.
“Do you know anything better I…can do with it?” She gasped. The sound that met her question would’ve sent her to her knees had his hold on her hip and thigh been any lighter.
“Oh, I can think of a lot better things to do with this body,” he spoke with certainty and commenced to proving it right there in the middle of paradise.

About The Book

Huron Base has a name synonymous with power and intimidation. He’s made no apologies for doing what’s been necessary to survive a life rooted in poverty and pain. Endeavors drenched in blood and marked with bone have become his trademark in spite of his desire to be more-to be better. When he meets troubleshooter, Kamari Grade that desire receives the spark it’s been waiting on. It’s the spark that motivates Huron to once again strive to rise above his circumstances and at last become the better man he wants to be. Change however, has its consequences...and its dangers. Many of Huron’s associates aren’t so supportive of his new found...desires. They are especially wary of his new found love. Kamari is a recognizable force in her field-one that keeps her too enmeshed in the circles of law enforcement that Huron’s associates strive to avoid. Huron knows that Kam doesn’t care who he was, only who he is- the man she loves. Still, he won’t allow that to blind him to what has to be done-the steps that must be taken to keep the woman he loves from becoming a casualty in a war between new enemies.

 (Age recommended 18 +)
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Al Tonya Washington (July 3, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0991181409
ISBN-13: 978-0991181407

About The Author

0051 Washington
AlTonya Washington has been a published romance novelist for 10 years. In 2013, her Harlequin Kimani novel "His Texas Touch" won the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Series Romance of 2012. In addition to being an author, AlTonya also works as a college Reference Librarian. Writing as T. Onyx, AlTonya released her latest erotica "Ravenous: Ruler of Perfection II" in 2013. Her newest title with Harlequin Kimani is "Provocative Passion" nominated for an AMB Ovation Award for Outstanding Interracial Romance and the sequel to the January 2013 release "Provocative Territory". In November she will release "A Lover's Debt", the 17th title in the Ramsey Tesano saga.

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