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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hitched by Karpov Kinrade ~ COVER REVEAL ~

Hitched by Karpov Kinrade is coming November 23, 2014!
Sexy, sultry, witty, HOT! Available RIGHT NOW for preorder:


Nook and Kobo links are coming soon!

Check out the blurb for HITCHED:

He called me “wife.”

This man standing naked in front of me. Tall. Dark. Sexy as sin…

He’s my husband?

Disjointed images from the night before, the night I can’t entirely remember, float into my mind.

Meeting him in the bar. Sharing tidbits of our lives. I own a company that plans bachelor parties. He’s a pediatric heart surgeon.

We both live in Las Vegas, but we come from very different worlds.

And then I remember that kiss. The way his lips brushed against mine, gentle at first, then harder, deeper, with more urgency.

Sex in the elevator. Hot, forbidden, delicious.

I remember the way he made me feel. The way our bodies fit perfectly together.

But I don’t remember marrying him.

And now, he won’t let me go. Dr. Sexy who saves children for a living. He wants the summer to prove we are meant to be.

I can give him a summer.

But can I give him a lifetime?



  1. Now that's one sexy cover! Thanks for participating in the cover reveal! :)
