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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saving Shelby Summers by Margaret Sutherland ~ Review ~

Saving Shelby Summers is another awesome story by the very talented Margaret Sutherland. One of things I love about Margaret Sutherland's books is that she does a fabulous job of describing the area. I always feel like I've taken a short vacation when I read her books. So I will be awaiting my next vacation until her next book is released. Ms. Sutherland also has a great talent of writing characters that I bond with quickly. I love making new friends in my reading and I found a new friend in Shelby Summers. 

Shelby Summers has been through some very traumatic events in her life. She has done everything she can to try to lead a normal life. However, at times her past still causes some panic for her. 

Saving Shelby Summers started out with a very dramatic scene that had me clawing my seat wondering how Nathan was going to save Shelby. I won't tell you too much because I don't want to spoil the story. I will tell you this lead to some rapid heart beating moments for me. 

I loved how Shelby and Nathan meet later and get to know each other. These two have a lot in common. They have both suffered pain and loss. They are both trying to find a new life. However Nathan has one extra important thing worry. His daughter is also suffering a loss and having a horrible time dealing with it. 

I loved how Shelby found her way with Caity. I think she is exactly what Caity needed. I loved watching these two bond and heal together. This little family that forms quickly finds that they are exactly what each other needs. Nathan isn't sure he wants to be in a relationship again though. 

This is a wonderful touching story that kept me reading to find out what was going to happen next. There is plenty of drama, romance, and family bonding that kept me interested. 

I have had the chance to read a few of Margaret Sutherland's books now and I love really enjoyed each one. I can't wait to see what this talented lady has in store for us next. I'll be waiting for my next quick vacation to enjoy the scenery she describes in her books. If you enjoy taking a quick trip through your reading, you really should grab one of Margaret Sutherland's books.

I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Saving Shelby Summers

You may find more of my reviews on Margaret Sutherland's work here.

Amazon Buy Link:

  Saving Shelby Summers


  1. Sounds like a great book!!---Rae

  2. What a thrill to know this book has struck such a chord and received such a warm review. Margaret

    1. I really enjoyed it. Of course I've really enjoyed all your books that I have read :) Thanks for stopping by Margaret!

  3. Saving Shelby Summers is the second book I've enjoyed by this author, and I'm looking forward to reading more. I agree with everything you wrote in this review. Her characters are believable and her plots kept me turning pages to find out what would happen next. Good reading.
