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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sweeter Than Sin by Shiloh Walker ~ Secrets & Shadows #2 ~ Review

I could not wait to read Sweeter Than Sin after reading Deeper Than Need. This is a great series that deals with some very dark issues. Shiloh Walker is a very talented author that has created a great mystery that left me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next and who was going to do it. 

Sweeter Than Sin  deals with Adam's part in the story. Adam has some issues of his own and has dealt with them in various ways. He's drank his sorrows away and then found comfort in the arms of many many women. However he just can not let go of the secret promise he made 20 years ago. It haunts him that he may have been able to help a friend that was in need. 

I really liked Adam even though he started of the serious playboy that would sleep with any woman. I could see that Adam really is a nice guy that really does want to help everyone. He goes through some really rough times in this book.

I hate to give too much away, it really doesn't say much about the mystery lady that is in town. I hate to tell you who she is because that may spoil part of the story for you. However I will tell you that she is in town to reveal things from the past and maybe just maybe find out some of the things she doesn't remember from her own past. She has dealt with a lot in her life as well. She has fault additions just like Adam. When these two connect they add some really hot steam to the storyline. 

There are so many things happening in this town. I commented a few times that Shiloh was keeping me in suspense making me wonder who a few of the mystery people where. There are many twists and turns and unbelievable mysteries revealed. HOWEVER there are still some things that remain unknown! I can't wait to read the next book in this series. I will be anxiously awaiting it's release. 

Even though this story does deal with some very dark demons it also deals with some really great people that are there to help those that have been affected by the monsters. 

Shiloh Walker is one really talented author that can keep me on the edge of my seat with a mystery and keep my kindle running a little on the warm side from the steamy scenes. 

Like I said I have had the pleasure of reading Deeper Than Need so I have read the first book in this series. However I think Ms. Walker has done a fine job of explaining the past in this book that you could read it as a stand alone. Although Deeper Than Need is a pretty great read so you may want to pick it up as well. 

You may find more of my reviews on Shiloh Walker's work here.

Amazon Buy Links:

Sweeter Than Sin

 Deeper Than Need

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