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Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Blue Guitar by J.E. Wiseman ~ Review ~

I have had the chance to read several books by J.E. Wiseman now. The Blue Guitar I think just may be one of my favorites by Mr. Wiseman so far. 

I liked Orrin and found his normal shyness to be kind of cute. He's less shy when he is playing the music he loves. I thought this brought a sweetness to his character. I enjoyed some of the sweet things that Orrin did to try to get Emily to notice him. 

Emily really likes Orrin and sees his true soul when she has a chance to listen to his music. I really enjoyed reading about Emily and Orrin finding their way together. I found their story to be really sweet and an enjoyable read. 

You may want to grab some Kleenex when reading this one. Mr.Wiseman has wrote a very touching story that made me cry as I was reading it. When Orrin loses his true love and falls into a dark musical area it is really heart breaking. 

I found this story to have a nice mix of love, happiness, and then sadness that brings about a change of life for the main character. Orrin does find his way back to playing the beautiful music that had brought Emily closer to him to begin with. His talent with music brings joy to those around him. 

The other thing I really liked about this storyline was how Orrin finds the beautiful Blue Guitar and learns the music that fills his heart and other's around him.

Mr. Wiseman has done a great job of creating characters that have an interesting story to tell and great storyline that really touched my heart. 

This is a fairly short story that I read in a relatively short amount of time in one setting. So if you are looking for a touching story to read quickly I would highly recommend you pick this one up. Don't forget the Kleenex though, you may need them as I certainly did. 

Mr.Wiseman has created some great stories and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with next. 

You may find more of my reviews on on J.E. Wiseman's work here

Amazon Buy Link: 

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was an interesting play on the Orpheus myth. Thank you for the lovely review!
