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Monday, June 22, 2015

BACK TO US by Teresa Roman ~ Giveaway

by Teresa Roman

Teresa Roman is awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn commenter. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. 



Abandoned by her parents at fourteen, Jessica knows what it means to struggle. Jessica’s vowed that getting her degree is the only thing she has time for, until a summer internship brings Justin into her life. But Justin has scars of his own. A tour of duty in Afghanistan has left him with wounds. A medical discharge from the Navy leaves Justin struggling to make sense of his new reality. Then he meets Jessica; but can the two of them leave their pain in the past and make a future together?


“I don’t want to bail on you, Justin. I love you.”

“It’ll be easier if you walk away now, before I fall even more in love with you than I already am,” Justin whispered, his voice hoarse.

“Please don’t say that to me again or I’m going to feel like it’s what you want.”

“You seemed so unhappy earlier after we left my apartment. I thought if we came back here I could make you forget what an awful time you had at my house.”

“Is that why you were overdoing it on the champagne?”

“You noticed?” 

I nodded. “It’s not like you to drink that much.”

“God, I’m so sorry. I was just upset about the way my mom treated you. I kept thinking that you wished you had gone with your brother instead.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” I said. “Let’s just forget about it, okay? 

Justin nodded. I lay back down and pulled him down beside me. It was half past three and I was tired. “If I turn off the lights and we try and get some sleep, do you think you’ll be okay?”

“Do you still love me, Jess?”

“Of course I do,” I insisted, surprised that he could think otherwise.

Justin wrapped one of his arms over my shoulder. “Then I’ll be all right.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Teresa Roman is a lover of books. That's what prompted her to try her hand at writing. She currently resides in Sacramento, CA with her husband, three adorable children and the puppy her son convinced them to adopt. When she isn't at her day job or running around with her kids, you can find her in front of the computer hard at work writing or with her head buried in another book.

BUY Links:

BACK TO US has been selected by Amazon for publication as part of its Kindle Scout program.  It will be published shortly. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway