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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Perfectly Loved By Rhana a. Gittens ~ Interview

Perfectly Loved
By  Rhana a. Gittens

Crystal: Today I am honored to welcome Rhana a. Gittens. I'm so happy to have you here today Rhana. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

Rhana: I am from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I was born in Jamaica Queens, NY, but the majority of my upbringing was in South Florida. I am 5’0’’, I have a laugh that sounds like something out of a Goofy Movie, and I just love enjoying life. Smiling and laughing are by far my favorite things to do. Making others feel that same joy ties for first place. I’m like most people, I stress, I cry, I feel like screaming, but then I get up, buy a new purse, and find my happy place again. Such is life, but it’s still worth living and I’m not trying to waste a second of mine.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Rhana: Love Expels Fear was my favorite chapter to write. It is also the chapter that I get the most feedback on. It completely makes sense that it touches so many people at the right time because I wrote it from a very real and current place. Writing the chapter Love Expels Fear actually coached me through the writing process and not giving up on this book. I had so many fears while writing this book and if I had let them take a hold of me, it would have never been released. Writing this chapter took the longest and it went through a lot of variations because I learned while I wrote. When readers take hold of it they are inspired to allow God’s love to push them to walk out in purpose and make their dreams come true.

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for Perfectly Loved?

Rhana: I went through many variations regarding a title for the book. I wanted something simple and catchy that encompassed all of its meaning.  Perfectly Loved came to me after reading a comment someone posted on Facebook regarding God’s love being perfect. I immediately coined it for my book title.

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Rhana: I am currently writing a guided journal to help people delve further into their thoughts about themselves, their purpose, their story, and love. After Perfectly Loved was released I received lots of messages of people asking about their own lives, purposes, and how they could share their own stories. The guided journal is practical in helping people receive the revelation of God’s love for them and their purpose on their own and with their own life story as the guide.

Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?

Rhana: I don’t consider myself to have a special routine. I have kept a journal since I was in the 4th grade. I still keep a journal to this day.  I use my life experiences, books I’m reading, other people’s stories, and scripture to help me decipher a lesson or revelation I want to teach. Much of my journaling and writings come out of real situations. Writing helps me to disentangle ideas. As I write, my thoughts that were once cloudy become clear and are then in a format that I can share with other people.

Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research this book or any other?

Rhana: I did a lot of research for Perfectly Loved. I primarily used Bible scriptures and a concordance. I had some additional books that I used as well. The research didn’t feel like research in the PHd, Thesis paper research sense of the term.  This research wasn’t stressful at all. I learned so much through it and I learned it as I went. I didn’t feel pressured to force myself to research something specific. I let the topics and ideas find themselves and the research found me.

Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

Rhana: If I had to pick an author that inspires me and makes me want to delve deeper into writing it would be Richard Wright. Richard Wright, the author of Native Son, is mesmerizing. He tackles so many issues within the black community in this one novel and he doesn’t mind forcing you into multiple emotions. He takes you into the book and into life of Bigger Thomas so thoroughly. I am not a fiction writer, but I aspire to intrigue emotion out of readers the way Richard Wright does.
I also love Carolyn Haywood books.  I learned to read off of her books like “B is for Betsy” and “Here’s a Penny”.  My mom use to take me to the local library every weekend and I would pull a Carolyn Haywood book every time.  I think my love of reading started with those books.

Crystal: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

Rhana: I would love to write a children’s book one day. People think it’s easy, but I think children’s books are an extremely challenging genre. I will definitely try to get one out one day.


2lovedpng (1)Love is one of the most consumed terms in the human language. It’s probably the most wrongly used word, but the word that is most necessary when used correctly. With an inaccurate definition of love we find ourselves searching for something to fulfill us, but in all of our searching we miss it. We miss it because unfortunately we don’t recognize that we are already perfectly loved. The problem is not the overuse of the word love. If it were up to God, we would use it at all times. The problem is, we say the word but don’t do any of the actions that come with its meaning. The problem is that we don’t know what God wanted it to mean, because we don’t give God the credit for the most amazing thing He ever created—LOVE!

​Perfectly Loved will bring us back to the understanding of love from the creator and embodiment of love Himself. Each chapter includes “Think About It” questions and a study verse that are perfect for individual study, Bible Study, and small group lessons. As you explore how God loves you, you will also build love in your relationships with other people, and God. When you discover “perfect love” you will be able to relinquish your fears, push through your adversity, and serve others with love.

Paperback: 212 pages
Publisher: NyreePress Publishing (October 22, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0990666239
ISBN-13: 978-0990666233
Genre: Inspirational/Christian Living



Rhana A. Gittens has a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Florida. She has a minor certificate in African-American studies and is an accomplished writing tutor. She was born in Queens, NY, raised in Lauderdale Lakes, FL and currently resides in Atlanta, GA.


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