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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rules of the Game by Lori Wilde ~ Stardust, Texas #2 ~ REVIEW

Rules of the Game is an awesome follow up to Back in the Game. There are both part of the Stardust, Texas series but you will have no trouble reading either of them as stand alone. I think I have found yet another favorite series from the very talented Lori Wilde. I'm loving this series and I can't wait for book three.

This is one of those books I loved so much that I don't know where to start to tell you how much I enjoyed it. Let's start with the sisters.I LOVED Carlyle sisters are so close and from such a loving tight knit family. I love the family interaction in this series. They are all adopted and LOVE each other so much.  I was so happy to catch up with Breeanne and Rowdy. It's always nice to see friends when you are reading a series book.

Jodi Carlyle has been through a lot. Her childhood was not good before she was adopted by the Carlyles. She remembers horrible things she went through as a young child. Then the fool she was about to marry ran off with some bimbo and embezzled money from his company. How could I not help but adore Jodi from the beginning. She tough, strong, independent, a wonderful sister, and very busy business owner. 

Jake Coronnado is the new star hitter of the baseball team that Rowdy manages now.  Jake has suffered an unimaginable loss of his wife. The way she was taken from him is so heart breaking. My heart really went out to Jake. His trying to get on with his life and he really didn't feel the urge to do that until he meets the beautiful lady in the green dress. 

I love how Jake and Jodi keep meeting in different situations. Their attraction to each other is hot and steamy. The chemistry between these two is wild. Even when they try they can not keep away from each other. Things keep pulling them back together. 

These two injured souls just may be able to help each other heal. It's going to take time, patients, and a lot of understanding but they just might be what each other needs.

Can you tell I LOVED this story. I was so engrossed in the story that I read over half the book the day I received it in the mail. That was in between trying to get other things done. I was completely captivated by this fabulous story and I could not wait to see what was going to happen next. 

I am so excited to see what Miss Wilde has in store for the other Carlyle sisters. I can't wait to see what they may find with their keys. I don't want to tell too much about that because it's a really great theme to the series. 

I know I will be impatiently awaiting the next story in this series. I love Lori Wilde's writing style. She writes fun, charismatic characters that have very dramatic stories to be told. She always has me engrossed in her books in the first chapter and hangs on to my attention all the way through out the book.

I was given the opportunity to read this fabulous story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Rules of the Game. 

You may find more of my reviews on Lori Wilde's work here.

Amazon Buy Link:

 Rules of the Game

 Back in the Game


  1. Excellent review! I loved Back in the Game, and really anything by Lori Wilde. Glad you loved this one. I plan on getting my signed copy at RWA literacy signing next month. :)

  2. She is pretty awesome isn't she? I loved all of her books :)

    You lucky lucky girl you! I wish I was going :)
