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Thursday, October 8, 2015

CHRISTMAS IN MUSTANG CREEK by LINDA LAEL MILLER ~ A Brides of Bliss County Book ~ Review

Christmas in Mustang Creek is one of those fabulous books that I picked up to read the blurb, and then maybe just a page or two, and before I know it two hours have passed and I'm half way through the book. 

It has been a while since I have had the pleasure of reading a book by Linda Lael Miller. It wasn't long into the first few pages that I quickly remembered why I love this lady's work. She has a flare for drawing me into the storyline and bonding me to the characters so quickly that I'm engrossed and lost in story land before I even notice that the pages are flying by. 

Charlotte Morgan has faced some major changes in her life. Now she is on her way back to her home town and the home she was raised in. Her dear Aunt that raised her is in need of medical assistance and Charlotte has to come to grips with all the changes in her world. I quickly bonded to Charlotte due to her strong sense of family and loyalty. She's a very sweet and very smart lady that has reached a point in her life where nothing makes sense anymore. She needs to find herself and figure out what she is going to do next. 

Jaxon Locke meet Charlotte in New York and has not been able to forget her and the love he has in his heart for her. Jax is one of those super sweet guys that loves animals, little old ladies, and Charlotte. How could you not fall in love with this guy. He's adorable! 

Charlotte and Jax re-meet in an interesting situation that adds a touch of drama, humor, and tension to the story. These two are entertaining to watch while they are getting to know each other again, while they fight that massive chemistry between them, and try to out maneuver the meddling ladies in their lives. 

Charlotte and Jax both have a lot of things to deal with in their own lives and a few things to work out together if they are going to find their way to a happily ever after. 

I must mention Mrs. Klozz the little older lady that is taking care of Charlotte's Aunt's house until Charlotte arrives. She is also there to do some of the cookie, to spoil them all a little bit and do a whole lot of meddling in their lives after Charlotte arrives. She seems like the nicest, sweetest lady that everyone could use in their life even more at Christmas time. 

Did I mention this is a Christmas story? Some of you know how much I adore Christmas stories, so you can imagine my joy reading this one. 

Overall, Linda Lael Miller has written a fabulous reunion story, with great family connections, a few holiday mysteries, a whole lot of love, romance,  and some very adorable animals to add in the perfect recipe for a great book. What is there not to love about this book? I know I sure couldn't find anything. I loved it!

I received the opportunity to read this great story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Christmas in Mustang Creek.

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