Blog Tours


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Flicker by Courtney Houston ~ GIVEAWAY

by Courtney Houston

 Courtney will be awarding a $5 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here.


My name is Catalina Franklin. And I should be dead.

When Death called my number, sending one of her Guides to take my soul, she didn't count on one thing. The Guide she sent - He was made for me, and I for him. Pulling me back from the arms of Death, Telor changed my fate - and his. Now we're left with the question of not only how he's still here, but why. Will we get the answers we need? Or will Death find us first? Only time will tell...but ours is quickly running out.

GENRE:  Paranormal Romance

on sale for $0.99

Amazon Buy Link


Telor surveyed my room with a sad resigned smile, stopping to look at my pictures, running his hand over one of the many porcelain dolls on a shelf next to my dresser. I wondered what he was thinking, or if he would tell me the truth if I asked. The urge to comfort him was almost unbearable. Walking quietly over to him, I wrapped my arms around his middle and pulled him to me, resting my head on his back. 

“What’s the matter?” I asked. 

“Nothing,” he answered, though his voice was far away. He might have heard the question, but he wasn’t listening. 

“Liar,” I whispered. “Tell me.”

“Are you and your brother close?” he asked.

“We were. He’s dead,” I answered. I haven’t actually said that out loud for a long time. People were liars—it didn’t get easier. As much as it hurt to talk about Ollie, it hurt to watch Telor yearn for his lost ones more.  Ones he never really got to mourn. “He and my dad died in a car accident when I was eight. Oliver was only seventeen; he was nine years older than me.”

“Your mum?” he asked, his voice had gotten thicker. “She’s still around?”

I let out a short bark of humorless laughter. “She’s still alive. But my mother has been gone for a long time. When they died, she drowned her sorrow at the bottom of any bottle she could find. I remind her of the family she lost, so she can barely stand to look at me.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Courtney lives in Kentucky with her husband (Mr. Houston), her two boys (Emmett and Ellis), her two cats (Polly and Jed) and her 3 chickens. Legal Assistant by day and writer by night, Courtney enjoys pancakes, coffee, wine and the number 26. She's a Leo, at least that's what the tattoo on her back says.

Twitter @courtneyhouson


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is my kind of book. I can't wait to read it. Good job.

    1. Hop you enjoy reading Telor and Lina's story (I like to call them Telina... they don't like it) as much as I enjoy telling it!

  2. Thanks for being part of an awesome day!

  3. This book sounds amazing. The blurb really hooks you in. Great genre for this fall weather we are having in NY--Rae

    1. I also just noticed you are a fellow LEO!! We have the best sign!!

    2. Go Leos!!!! Summer birthdays are the best.
