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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Secret Places By Vivian Kay ~ INTERVIEW


 Secret Places
By Vivian Kay


Crystal: Today I am so excited to host Vivian Kay. Welcome Vivian! I'm so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

Vivian: I’m a mother, wife, therapist and passionate scrabble lover. I was born in West Africa and currently live in Canada. 

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Vivian: Sharing an excerpt from Chapter Twenty-Six of Secret Places.

“He and Ngozi had agreed to meet in the city of Guelph which was about an hour away from home. Before heading to the secluded motel he’d picked out from an Internet search, Sam stopped at an ATM and withdrew some money. There were things he needed to pick up from the grocery store and it was best he didn’t leave a paper trail for Moni to follow. 
At the grocery store, he picked up several bags of Ngozi’s favorite potato chips, a box of chocolate, a bottle of wine and a case of pop before walking toward the family planning aisle. 
The pregnancy scare Ngozi had during the summer had made them cautious for a while before they went back to breaking the swinging group’s cardinal rule. Debo had stressed that the paternity of the children born to members had to be unquestionable.
Sam picked up the box of condoms and headed toward the checkout counter. His next stop was at a barbershop. He intended to arrive at the motel looking his best.
Ngozi’s car was waiting outside the motel when he arrived. He parked beside her, but didn’t walk over to her car. To avoid being seen together, they had agreed he would go in and pay for their room while she would join him later.
The young man at the front desk looked as if he wanted to be somewhere else. His bored expression changed when Sam said he was booking a room for him and his wife. 
“Spending time with the Mrs., eh?”
Sam counted out the payment. “It’s our wedding anniversary.” 
He smirked. “Aww, a romantic weekend. You’re at the right place. We get lots of honeymooners.”
Sam didn’t think peeling paint and a musty interior smell were attractive features. “I can see why,” he said as he signed the receipt. “This place definitely has the Taj Mahal Palace vibe.”
“You wouldn’t be the first person to connect those dots. That would be Mr. and Mrs. Smith, right?”
Smart aleck. Sam gave him a tight-lipped smile. “No. It’s actually Mr. and Mrs. Jones.”
“Right, right.” He lifted a key from a hook on the wall behind him. “Room 12A. You can’t miss it. I’ll send the one and only Mrs. Jones up when she arrives.”
Mumbling some derogatory words under his breath, Sam headed toward the stairwell after he was told the elevator was temporarily out of service. He hoped the weekend would be worth all this hassle.”

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for your book title?

Vivian: The title came from the bible. Jeremiah 23:24;
 “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.”

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Vivian: I’m in the early stages of writing my second novel. It explores what happens when a good deed surrogacy goes wrong.

Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?

Vivian: I usually play music in the background. However, I can write anywhere if needed. 

Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research this book or any other?

Vivian: I had to visit some websites to get an understanding of what happens at a swingers club.

Crystal:Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

Vivian: Michelle Simpson, Gillian Flynn and Lawrence Hill

Crystal: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

Vivian: I’ll love to write a psychological thriller.

About the book

coverAfter many years of happiness, Moni Badmus's marriage is falling apart. Unwilling to lose her only child, a self-proclaimed daddy’s girl, to her husband in a custody settlement she goes along with his suggestion of an unconventional marriage intervention. Will Moni’s fear of losing what she holds dear take her to dark places she never imagined she would go?
Sam Badmus has lost his thirst for the things of God. For a while, his extramarital activities seemed to be a cure for his unsatisfying home life. But soon his risky behavior exacts a steep price and Sam has to turn to the God he left behind to save his family and maybe even his life.
Debo Ajala and his wife Adele are living the golden life or so it seems. Debo is a respected church deacon and Adele, a mother to their four adorable sons. Their lives couldn’t be better, that is until Adele’s feelings for another member of their church surface. Adele’s confession unleashes a series of events that Debo never expected. He escapes his troubled life by accepting a pastoral position in a city on the other side of Canada, but soon his twisted past catches up with him.
In this emotionally charged tale of sacrifice, temptation, and redemption, two couples learn sin has consequences and there is no place they can hide from the presence of God.

Genre: Christian Fiction

Buy Links:

Amazon | Author's Website 

About the Author

vivian_head_shotVivian Kay is a debut Christian author whose faith stories are woven around the themes of human fallibility, divine encounters and God's redemptive power. When she is not writing or daydreaming about writing, you’ll find her playing simultaneous games of online scrabble or snuggling up with a good book. A wife and mother, Vivian lives in a quiet corner of Canada’s banana belt.

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