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Monday, October 12, 2015

Soul of Dust By Adam Millard ~ ARC GIVEAWAY

Soul of Dust

Release Date: December 7, 2015

Roane Publishing is giving away THREE ecopies of 
Soul of Dust!


Jack Bridge is having a very bad day.

Life as a private investigator is tough, but it’s even worse when you’re a semi-immortal wizard private investigator whose tolerance for humans grows thinner by the day. Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, in she walks.

Kate West, beautiful and complex in equal measure, with a problem only Jack can solve. Daemons, magic, voodoo, and vamps; it’s all very real, and Jack Bridge is the last line of defense against the creatures of Elsewhere.

Sometimes being semi-immortal just isn’t enough.

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Roane Publishing


Roane Publishing is giving away THREE ARC copies to three lucky winners!

You don’t even have to be a blogger.

If you are willing to leave an honest review before December 19th, you are eligible to enter.

How? Simply fill out the form!

You have until Midnight of October 17th when three winners 
will be chosen by random drawing.

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