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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dead Reckoning by Stanalei Fletcher ~Northstar Security #2 ~

I have to say that I anxiously anticipated Dead Reckoning and could not wait to get my hands on it. I so enjoyed the first book in the series I just could not wait to see what Stanalei Fletcher would come up with for book two. Every anxious moments and my incredible anticipation were well warranted. Dead Reckoning meet all my expectation and exceeded several. It's an incredible story with a whole lot of suspense, plenty of drama, a page turning mystery, and a wonderful romance story.

Kellee O'Neal is one intelligent, determined,  strong willed lady that can kick rear end when need be. Kellee has been well trained in the security and investigation field by her Dad's crew.  When she is caught in a dangerous situation, in the midst of a hurricane no less, even with all her training things still go horribly wrong. Kellee has no clue who she is where home is, or who her family is. She is on a bus of hurricane evacuees when Egan locates her. 

Egan Maddox is ask by his boss to locate a very precious person, his daughter. Egan has to gain Kellee's trust when he does find her. She feels a connection but doesn't remember exactly who he is. When certain memories hit she knows this is a man she can trust with her life, despite the fact she doesn't remember her life at all or her family. She doesn't know why she feels as though she is in danger, she just feels that trouble is lurking. 

Egan and Kellee work well together through many dangerous situations. They uncover mysteries that leaves Kellee with a lot of questions to her life. Now she not only does she not remember her life she questions what memories are true and what facts are right. 

Stanalei Fletcher has done a fabulous job of creating charming characters with intriguing stories that had me flipping the pages just as quickly as I could. I waited with bated breath wondering how Kellee and Egan would get out of each situation. I hung on to the wild ride around each corner and twist to see what was going to happen next and what piece of information would be revealed to the mystery. 

I really enjoyed watching Kellee and Egan discover they had deep feelings for each other. They have an incredible attraction to each other that is hot.  Their Romance bloomes even through all the dangerous situations and secrets they uncover. Their past relationship makes their romance together just as sweet as their passion is hot.

I fell in love with Ms. Fletcher's work with the first book in the Northstar Security series and I'm even more addicted now.  This talented lady does a fabulous job at romantic suspense. I can not wait to see what creative story she has in store for us next.  I will be impatiently awaiting the next book in this series. Each of books will stand alone by itself just fine. You will not be missing any important details to take away from your joy of reading if you have not read the first book. However it is really awesome too so you may want to pick them both up and devour them as I did. 

I was given the opportunity to read this fabulous story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Dead Reckoning.

Read my review on Stanalei Fletcher's first book in the Northstar Security Series here

Dead Reckoning Amazon Buy Link

Proving Ground Amazon Buy Link

1 comment:

  1. Crystal, you bring tears to my eyes. Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed Dead Reckoning. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
