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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance by M.S. Parker & Shiloh Walker ~ REVIEW

I know any book that has Shiloh Walker's name on it is going to be a good read. Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance is no exception. This was one of those books that I could not put down because I had to see what turn the next twist was going to take. 

Bobby Cantrell has a checkered past, OK striped past might be better. He has been to prison and been through all the nastiness that one can only imagine may happen in a place like that. He has learned to be rough and tough. However under that extreme rough and tough exterior there is a sweet and protective teddy bear and a heart of gold. 

Carly Prince is not what you would expect from a rich "princess". She's not the snotty stuck brat that some might expect. She is sweet, kind, loves those that are close to her like family, and maybe just a little bit use to getting her way about a few things. She smart and savvy and I really liked her attitude. I connected with Carly fairly quickly. I liked that she would stand up for those she cares about and she wasn't above using her status or power to get things done in a good way. I just admired this lady. 

When Bobby and Carly's path's cross it sits of a whole load of fireworks in may different forms. These two seem to know just the right buttons to push to set the other one off. They also share a tremendous attraction. These two should not ever be allowed near anything flammable because they just might become combustible at any moment. The fireworks are tense and the attraction is extremely hot. I enjoyed watching these two get to know each other through the tough and bickering times and the hot, steamy, and romantic times. 

Carly is in need of a bodyguard and Bobby just might fit the description to a t. Carly's team has their work cut out form them to convince him of that. I loved Carly's team. They are not only her protection but they are family to her as well. They work well together and truly are interesting to watch at work.

There is a lot of action in this book. The suspense had me clinging to the edge of my seat, the secrets that are revealed and the source of the danger were a bit of surprise to me. I had suspected one person might not be whom he claimed to be. I was still shocked and held spellbound by the drama that unfolded right there on my kindle. 

I would highly recommend this awesome story if you like a little steam with your drama and suspense. You are going to love this story as much as I did. 

I was given the opportunity to read and review this great story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance.

You may find more of my reviews on Shiloh Walker's work here.

Amazon Buy Link

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