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Monday, November 23, 2015

Hearts of Valor Anthology ~ GIVEAWAY

Hearts of Valor

Release Date: January 13, 2016

Roane Publishing is giving away THREE ecopie ARCs of  Hearts of Valor!

It takes a heart of valor to survive love's battlefield.

Five veteran themed romantic tales brimming with love and sacrifice are sure to show us all what it truly means to have a Heart of Valor.


Hero of Her Heart - S.L. Hughson
Feathers - T.E.Hodden
A Manly Man - Jean Young
Goin' Home - Philip Lisagor
The Promise - London Saint James

Genre: Romance Anthology (Sweet)
Publisher: Roane Publishing

Roane Publishing is giving away THREE ARC copies to three lucky winners!

You don’t even have to be a blogger.

If you are willing to leave an honest review before January 27th, you are eligible to enter.

How? Simply fill out the form!

You have until Midnight of November 28th when three winners will be chosen by random drawing.

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