Blog Tours


Friday, November 27, 2015

Hidden by Amy McKinley ~ GIVEAWAY

by Amy McKinley

 Amy will be giving away one $50 Amazon/BN gift card to one randomly chosen winner. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here.  

Q&A with Amy McKinley

Q: Can you describe your dream home?

A: My dream home would be on the beach with a gorgeous view of the ocean. There would be a screened-in lanai with gently turning ceiling fans and comfortable furniture to sit and relax for breakfast, or anytime really, while watching the waves roll in. It would be the perfect place for me to work as well.
Inside would be a mix of warm, handcrafted hardwoods and stone. There would be an updated kitchen and all the modern necessities we’d desire, while still maintaining enough of a beach vibe. Inside, living would be a minimum of two spacious bathrooms with double sinks and enough bedrooms for my family to comfortably use, but not too big. Access to the beach via a boardwalk or path directly from the home to a private beach for swimming, watersports, and relaxing is exactly what I’m hoping for some day. And an office for me to write with a view of the ocean would be a must!

Q: If we were to come to your house for a meal, what would you give us to eat?

A: Oh, wait…I have to cook? If I was hosting a gathering I’d serve lasagna, French bread, and Caesar salad. Or we’d grill out. Steaks, hamburgers, and these incredible blue cheese and bacon brats with corn on the cob or I’d make mashed potatoes and asparagus.  

Q: Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?

A: There are so many places I really want to go. I’d have to say Ireland and Scotland have been two places that have been a dream for a long time. Either one would be great. To visit the castles, walk through them and witness a little bit of the history in that beautiful country would be amazing. 
Kylemore Abbey is a castle in Ireland that I modeled Jade’s family home after.
Who designed the book cover for the book you are touring?
Trisha Fitzgerald designed my book cover for Hidden and I absolutely love it. I was stunned when I saw it for the first time. She is a fabulous artist and I am so happy with how it turned out.


Cursed since birth, hunted by gods, and desperate for love—Jade never stood a chance.

Half-demon, half-goddess, Jade’s fate makes her a pawn in an epic battle among the gods. Hidden on Earth with her sisters, she successfully avoids the Oneiroi—the dream gods—bent on her destruction until the prophecy, long dormant, awakens a dark shadow within her.

Roen, a reclusive Worr demon known for his battles against the Oneiroi, is called to protect Jade. Together they must unlock their mysterious connection and find a way to beat back destiny. Can she outsmart the prophecy, change her fate, and find love—even when she learns who is connected to her destruction?

GENRE:  Paranormal Romance

Amazon Buy Link


Jade’s temples throbbed. She headed toward the east turret where she knew her mom favored her morning meals. As she burst into the room, Jade startled Aiesa. A fork clattered right before her brother, accompanied by shrieks of joy, jumped up from his chair and ran to her.

Jade pasted a wide grin on her face as she bent to pick up her half-brother. His arms wrapped around her neck was the sweetest thing ever. She sunk into his embrace and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. He had the best little demon smell. She clutched him to her until he squirmed. Releasing him, she realized that for the first time in a while, her shoulders were relaxed. Opening her eyes, she met her mom’s gaze over her brother’s shoulders.

Her mother’s dark hair hung down in a fall of midnight. A storm of worry shone in her eyes. Aiesa half rose, her mouth forming a circle. Damn. Tension rocketed back up again. Nahl pushed at her, forcing her gaze back to him.

“Hey, little demon, you’re looking very handsome this morning.” Jade tweaked his nose.

He favored both their mother and step-demon with hair black as night and ebony eyes. And lucky for him, he inherited Xavior’s olive-toned skin, but not their mother’s deep-red lips. On Mom, they looked stunning. On a boy, well…not so much.

“I’m fierce, not handsome.” Nahl frowned at Jade, grasping her long tresses for emphasis.

“Fierce and handsome.” She chuckled. “What mayhem have you got planned today?”

He beamed as she sat him down, then scampered back to his food. “I get to go to Kristo’s to work on magic. We’re going to turn beetles into snakes.”

“That sounds like fun.” She snuck a peek at her mother, who watched her closely.

Nahl’s laugh turned wicked as he gazed his sister with glee. “Then the snakes into spiders.”

Jade shuddered. “Wonderful.” She couldn’t stand spiders as her mischievous little brother knew very well.

“Why don’t you head over early, Nahl? Cade can escort you there. He’s in the war room with your father. Go find him.” Aiesa instructed her young son.

“Okay, Mom.” Nahl hopped off his chair. A quick hug and kiss were given to their mom and Jade before he raced from the room.

“I can’t believe how much he’s grown since the last time I saw him.”

“Hmm, why don’t you have a seat, Jade?” Aiesa’s gaze never left her daughter.

“Sure.” After sitting down, Jade glanced nervously around the bright room. The sunlight streamed in, illuminating the blue and green mosaic tiles. The room emanated the feeling of being at the seaside. All it lacked was a bit of sand.

With a little illusion, Aiesa used to take her daughters to breakfast on the beach in this very room. It had been heaven. Perhaps that’s why I’m drawn to California in the human realm.

Unable to avoid it any longer, Jade met her mother’s gaze.

Grasping her hand, Aiesa asked, “The fiery orange circle around your eyes is new. How long has the Fates’ curse been active?”

Icy fingers crawled up Jade’s spine, and her stomach churned with worry with her fears confirmed by her mother’s words.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amy McKinley is a freelance writer and author. She lives in Illinois with her husband, their four talented teenagers, and three mischievous cats. Her debut novel, Hidden is the first in the Five Fates Series. 

Connect with Amy 
Twitter: Amy McKinley@amymckinley7

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am so excited to read this book. Thank you to Crystal for the introduction to Amy and her work. Good job, both of you.

    1. Thanks Misty! I hope you enjoy Jade's story. :) Hers was the first in the series and a lot of fun to write. The second is releasing through Champagne Books this spring. I appreciate you stopping by and good luck in the giveaway! :)

  2. Thank you for hosting me, Crystal! I'm happy to answer any questions and good luck in the drawing!

  3. Loved reading your interview today. Your idea of a dream house matches mine! I'd love to live on the long as there were no hurricanes!

    1. I so agree, Karen :) I still haven't narrowed down exactly where I'd like it to be. But the beach... just love it! Have you figured out your favorite place? And thanks for stopping by. :)

  4. Enjoyed the interview, sounds like a terrific read, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Eva. I appreciate you stopping by and good luck in the drawing :)

  5. Great post! Thanks for sharing the interview, they're always interesting to read :)

    1. :) Thanks, Victoria! They're fun to do. Thank you for stopping by and good luck in the drawing.

  6. What are some of your favorite movies?

    1. Hi Mai. There are many... I watch August Rush at least once every year, just love it. Romantic comedies are always high on my list and there are many, the list constantly grows: 27 Dresses, The Proposal (like most Sandra Bullock movies), This Means War, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Music and Lyrics, Pitch Perfect 1 & 2, Red 1 & 2, The Other Woman, This is 40, The Ugly Truth, Friends with Benefits and many many more. Others movies: Limitless - just love this one. Action: All the Bourne movies, Enough with Jennifer Lopez, I Am Number Four, the avenger type movies and most that are similar to Bourne. Loads more but that's probably more than enough :) I'm sure I'll think of tons more that I wanted to list and won't be able to believe I left out a few favorites, especially current ones.... (little tired this morning). Thanks so much for stopping by, Mai and good luck in the drawing!

  7. It's a fun interview!


  8. I enjoyed the Q&As! I'd like to live in a cottage in a small town close to a beach.

  9. This book sounds really good. I loved the excerpt.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I hope you enjoy Jade's story and good luck in the drawing. :)
