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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hockey Agony by Donna M. McDine~ Illustrations by Julie Hammond ~ REVIEW

Larry  is down in the dumps since he has been sidelined from Hockey due to his broken leg. When the coach ask Larry to do something special he is pressured by some of his teammates to help the team. He has a huge decision to make when it comes down to the win. He has to decide if he is going to do the right thing or give into the pressure of his peers allow them to cheat. 

I thought this story was nicely written and shows the real emotions and trauma that a young athlete would feel when having to sit out the sport they love due to an injury. Donna M. McDine has done a fabulous job of setting up the moral of the story. She has a nice writing voice that made for an enjoyable read.
The Illustration by Julie Hammond are great and really add to the story. They nicely done and added to just the right places.

This really is a quick read and I liked the approach of the life lessons it touched on. This age on this book is 8 to 12. I think depending on the reading level kids younger and older may enjoy as well. Ms. McDine has done a great job of showing the emotions that decisions have on a child.

I was given the opportunity to read this great story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Hockey Agony.

Hockey Agony Amazon Buy Link

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