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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mayhem in the Air by Untethered Realms ~ GIVEAWAY

Mayhem in the Air
by Untethered Realms

The authors will be awarding a $40 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here.


From Amazon bestselling and popular science fiction and fantasy authors comes Mayhem in the Air, a supernatural anthology of ten thrilling tales. Meet hot robots, hungry winds and the goddess of chaos. Explore alien planets, purgatorial realms, and a shocking place where people bury the living with their dead. Mayhem in the Air is the second, long-awaited story collection from the dynamic and inventive Untethered Realms group.

GENRE:  Speculative Fiction



With hard work, Bex’s generation could be the first to make tangible improvements. Like every citizen of Earth, she longed for nothing besides a companionable Coda and to succeed at her homestead so her name would live on in the archives as a contributing citizen.

Enter the physical attributes of your Coda. The request for data scrolled across the glass partition hanging from the ceiling.

Bex’s fingers sank deeper into the squishy control panel. Her thoughts pulsed down her arm and into the kiosk. “Powerful, devastating smile, warm eyes, warm skin, rakish curls, preferably dark,” she answered.

Enter your Coda’s behavioral attributes.

“Fierce.” She would need a protector. “Hard working. Devoted to family. Good sense of humor. A sensitive side.”

How many children?

Visualizing her life with the perfect Coda had occupied most of Bex’s childhood hours. While toiling at chores, her mind would carefully design every exhaustive detail of her Coda’s ideal personality and sigh-inducing appearance. She would also picture their children and had thought up the perfect name for each. “Seven,” she replied without hesitation.

Names, genders, birth order.

She rattled off four boys and three girls, one named for her mother, and requested all be as strong as a Coda. It’d be the only way her descendants would survive.

Grating noises rumbled out of the wall from which the conveyor belt jutted. Bex chewed her lower lip, anxious to know what her Coda would be like. Had she been specific enough? Had she been too restrictive?

“I should have said kind. I hope it’s kind like mother’s.” The Coda who had raised Bex had loved to play games and tell stories. He had been so patient and caring. Her mother had done well. Bex had asked her mother’s advice before embarking to the elevator and had typed in the same data her mother had. Well, what her mother remembered.

Clanking joined the high-pitched whine of a drill. The conveyor spasmed to life, jerking and sputtering. Bex tried to hold her breath. Her suit didn’t let her, and she inhaled a gasp. The strips of plastic over the opening in the rear wall billowed as if caught in a strong wind, and the Coda she had always imagined poked through. He rode the belt to the center, glimmering under the strong lights.

Bronzed skin, a chiseled physique, and rakish waves falling over hazel eyes glittering in a formidable dare, he held out his hand. A circuit buzzed warming his fingers as Bex touched them. He was perfect, the vision she had dreamed about.

“Will you join your life with mine?” he asked.

Only one answer formed on her lips. “Yes.” His virtual mouth touched the image of her mouth. Her modules sent the tremor of pleasure over her nerves.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Untethered Realms Website:

River Fairchild is somewhat odd, brandishes a dry sense of humor, owned by several cats. Lives in a fantasy world. A fabricator of magic. Makes stuff up and spins tales about it. Believes in Faerie crossings and never staying in one place for very long. Speculative Fiction wordsmith. The secret to her stories? Spread lies, blend in truths, add a pinch of snark and a dash of tears. Escape into her world. She left the porch light on so you can find your way down the rabbit hole. For more information, please visit her website at

Gwen Gardner is a native Californian living in sunny San Diego, where her love of reading and writing led to a BA in English literature. Life is now complete with her husband, two dogs and a daily call from her daughter. Since ghosts feature prominently in her young adult Indigo Eady Paranormal “Cozy” Mystery series, she has a secret desire to meet one face to face—but will run screaming for the hills if she ever does. Gwen adores travel and experiencing the cultures and foods of different countries. She is always up for an adventure and anything involving chocolate—not necessarily in that order. For more information, please visit her website at

Misha Gerrick lives in the scenic Western Cape, South Africa, where she's currently working on some more books. Her Epic Fantasy Series, The War of Six Crowns, is out now. For more information on what she's writing and reading, visit her website at

Graeme Ing engineers original fantasy worlds, both YA and adult, but hang around, and you’ll likely read tales of romance, sci-fi, paranormal, cyberpunk, steampunk or any blend of the above. Born in England in 1965, Graeme moved to San Diego, California in 1996 and lives there still. His career as a software engineer and development manager spans thirty years, mostly in the computer games industry. He is also an armchair mountaineer, astronomer, mapmaker, pilot and general geek. He and his wife, Tamara, share their house with more cats than he can count. Please visit his website at

Fantasy, science fiction, and the weird beckon to M. Pax, and she blames Oregon, a source of endless inspiration. She docents at Pine Mountain Observatory in the summers, and one of her cats has a crush on Mr. Spock. You can find out more by visiting her website

Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood but make her a great Jeopardy player. She has one novel and several novellas and short stories published. Her paranormal romance series, The 13th Floor, has been met with rave reviews. Her newest geeky romances were released by Ellora’s Cave early 2015. Please visit her website at

Cherie Reich has more books than she can ever read and more ideas than she can ever write, but that doesn’t stop this bookworm from trying, even if it means trying to curb her TV addiction. She is a speculative fiction writer and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, and her books include the paranormal horror collection Once upon a Nightmare and the fantasy series The Foxwick Chronicles and The Fate Challenges. Reborn is her debut novel. She is a member of the Virginia Writers Club, Valley Writers, and Untethered Realms. For more information, please visit her website at

Catherine Stine’s fiction spans the range from contemporary to dark fantasy to sci-fi. Her futuristic companion thrillers Fireseed One and Ruby’s Fire are Amazon bestsellers and indie award-winners. Dorianna, her YA paranormal won Best Horror Novel in the Kindle Hub Awards. Her work is included in the boxed sets Future Tense and Secret Worlds as well as in the Untethered Realms anthologies Twisted Earths, Mayhem in the Air and Fantasy Uprising. In addition, Catherine writes new adult fiction as Kitsy Clare. She suspects her love of dark fantasy came from her father reading Edgar Allen Poe to her when she was a child. She teaches creative writing workshops and is a member of SFWA, RWA and SCBWI. Visit her at


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great excerpt, sounds like a really good book, thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds like a great book, put it on my must read list.

  3. Awesome excerpt! Thanks for hosting, Crystal :)

  4. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like a very interesting read! Looking forward to reading this book!
