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Thursday, December 10, 2015

#GiveAway - THE LADY WHO LIVED AGAIN By Thomasine Rappold ~ The Sole Survivor Series

The Sole Survivor Series #1
By Thomasine Rappold

Enter to Win an Ebook Copy of  THE LADY WHO LIVED AGAIN. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. 

About the Book:

Madeleine Sutter was once the belle of the ball at the popular resort town of Misty Lake, New York. But as the sole survivor of the community’s worst tragedy, she’s come under suspicion. Longing for the life she once enjoyed, she accepts a rare social invitation to the event of the season. Now she will be able to show everyone she’s the same woman they’d always admired—with just one hidden exception: she awoke from the accident with the ability to heal.

Doctor Jace Merrick has fled the failures and futility of city life to start anew in rural Misty Lake. A man of science, he rejects the superstitious chatter surrounding Maddie and finds himself drawn to her confidence and beauty. And when she seduces him into a sham engagement, he agrees to be her ticket back into society, if she supports his new practice—and reveals the details of her remarkable recovery. But when his patients begin to heal miraculously, Jace may have to abandon logic, accept the inexplicable—and surrender to a love beyond reason…

Releasing Dec 8th, 2015
Lyrical Press

Book Links:


Jace blinked, staring at the woman. Whatever he’d done to earn her hostility, he’d obviously done it well.

“This is your property?”

“My family owns twelve acres. Hunting is restricted on all of it.” Her spine stiffened like a broomstick. Beneath her simple straw bonnet, wisps of dark hair fringed her pretty face. Specks of hazel and gold sparked in her brown eyes, along with an annoying tinge of righteous indignation. “My grandfather makes exceptions in cases of necessity only.” She eyed him from head to toe. “Since there are several eating establishments in town, and you’re clearly not starving, you can pursue your sport elsewhere.”

“In my defense, Miss Sutter, this hunt was necessary.”

“Is that so?”

His business was none of her concern, but the challenge in her skeptical tone got the best of him. “Your elderly neighbor, Mrs. Tremont, is a patient of mine. Her weight has dropped drastically, and her appetite continues to wane.”

Her smug tone faded. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she muttered, looking genuinely distressed.

“The woman has a craving for fresh venison. I apologize for trespassing, but I intend to provide it.”

She lowered her eyes, and Jace couldn’t help enjoying her contrite response.

“Had you not intervened with my deer, I’d have no reason to dally here. On your property,” he added, just for the hell of it.

“Well, don’t let me keep you,” she snapped. “Good luck with Mrs. Tremont.” Her hard look softened again, as did the harshness in her voice. “Please send her my regards.”

With a lift of her chin, she collected her market basket from where it sat beside a log, then hurried away. Jace stared after her, absorbing the view. She held her head high, her stance rigid and aloof. Her frame was small but curvaceous, possessing the perfect measure of female proportions. Ample breasts, narrow waist, pleasing backside.

Of course, one had to get past the bloodstained dress to appreciate what lay beneath, but as a doctor who’d seduced dozens of nurses whose aprons were soaked with far worse, this posed no problem for Jace. Her slender form moved swiftly as she made her way down the path through the field, but her pace was slowing. He detected a slight limp in her gait, though from this distance, he couldn’t be sure.

“Madeline Sutter,” he mumbled, shaking his head. What kind of woman went about pulling arrows from dying deer?

Jace had met some odd people during the month since he’d arrived in town, but he’d yet to meet anyone like Miss Sutter. Dragging his gaze from the fading view of her, he squatted before the patch of blood in the grass where his deer had fallen.

From the amount of blood and crimson color, Jace agreed with Miss Sutter’s assessment of the situation. The animal was certain to bleed to death before getting far. It had to be dead on its feet to have allowed her anywhere near it, let alone remove the arrow. How it summoned the stamina to move on, Jace hadn’t a clue, but he knew it would bed down in dense cover as soon as it could. Like any diligent hunter, Jace was obligated to recover it.

He reexamined the arrow. The hair attached was coarse, dark gray with dark tips, and two or so inches long. This evidence indicated a perfect kill shot behind the shoulder, not in the gut, as the girl had claimed.

Author Info:

A three-time RWA Golden Heart nominee, Thomasine Rappold writes historical romance and historical romance with paranormal elements. She lives with her husband in a small town in upstate New
York that inspired her current series. When she’s not spinning tales of passion and angst, she enjoys spending time with her family, fishing on one of the nearby lakes, and basking on the beach in Cape Cod. Thomasine is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Capital Region Romance Writers. Readers can find her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter: @ThomRappold.

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