Blog Tours


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#GiveAway - May Your Heart be Light by Sandy Lender

May Your Heart be Light
by Sandy Lender

Sandy will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here


After graduation from business school and escape from engagement, Jennifer DeVision wants peace on earth for the holidays. Joining friends at the Rose Chateau seems like the calm answer to a question she hasn’t asked.

When the mysterious owner of the bed-and-breakfast begins to bring out more than the Christmas spirit in Jennifer, the forces that have been holding her in check get angry. Caleb Odan and his enabling staff of merrymakers might turn this vacation back into the romantic and magical time it’s supposed to be, if they can figure out what they’ve invited into their midst before it threatens both Jennifer and Caleb’s existence.

GENRE: Paranormal Romance

Amazon Buy Link


From Chapter 1

“What’s all that ruckus out there?” Caleb asked his driver.

Roger pulled a stocking cap from his head, mussing his curvy brown hair as if he’d touched a plasma globe, and dropped into the high-backed barrister chair opposite Caleb. He sank into the dark, velvet cushion as if he’d been running for days and said, “The nine ladies dancing have arrived.”

Caleb’s grimace answered him. “It sounds like a flock of cackling hens.”

“Cackling hens? Those were French hens. Three I think.”


“Are you with me, Caleb? Three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear—”

“Are you singing?” Caleb interrupted him.

Roger chuckled. “Perhaps not very well. The last of the guests have arrived for their holiday package. Christmas has officially begun, my friend. You might as well get into the spirit rather than sitting in here with a look like you’re about to stab someone with a bayonet. Do you want to welcome the last four guests to the chateau or go hide in your happy solitude?”

Caleb made a grumbling sound under his breath as if selecting which topic to respond to. He looked to the fireplace where orange and bright shards of branches gave way to the black and gray outlines of wood that had finished burning. The fire had died; the embers merely had to admit it now to make it so. Caleb stared at the patches of orange, considering the effort necessary to break the tender wood to release the flames still hidden inside. It was easier to allow the embers to slowly give up, to slowly extinguish all hope for rekindling.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sandy Lender has a 23-year career in journalism and public relations. She teaches media training to university officials and corporate CEOs, but also has a keen understanding of online marketing. She taught how to use social media for one’s business at the 2011 CONEXPO/CON-AGG, which is the largest tradeshow in the United States. She also presents workshops on writing, editing and the surprising topic of reptile husbandry. Lender is a sea turtle conservationist and published fantasy author anticipating the release of her final Choices novel this winter. While we await Choices Meant for All, she’s offered the spine-tingling yet amusing paranormal holiday romance May Your Heart Be Light. Check her out at   

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can't wait to read this book. I love everything I have read so far. On my Winter TBR list.

  2. Thank you for hosting me and "May Your Heart Be Light" today!
