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Thursday, December 10, 2015

#Review - Richard's Relics by Grace Augustine ~ Acorn Hills

Are you looking for that perfect book that is going to touch every emotion? Oh my do I have a recommendation for you. Richard's Relics by Grace Augustine is one of those books that touched each and every emotion. I most certainly am issuing a Kleenex warning on this one. Grab your copy of Richard's Relics, grab the Kleenex box, and settle in for a fabulous story. 

I have loved each and everyone of the Acorn Hills series books. They are all wonderful. I didn't realize just how much I had missed Acorn Hills and all my friends there until I started reading Richard's Relics. It was wonderful to catch up with everyone and see how they were doing. 

Richard Dempsey has been through so much. Since returning from serving his country in Vietnam, life hasn't been easy. The dreams and memories are still so real he has a hard time dealing with everything. He has been in love with his childhood friend, Jillian for so long but doesn't want her to have to deal with his issues. 

Richard and his pal David along with another member of their squad return to Saigon to try to slay all those memories and try to get past the past. I won't tell you what happens after that. I will tell you that drama, fear, tears, and love play a big part in this book. 

Grace Augustine has put her heart, soul, and a boat load of  tears into this wonderful story. She has captured all the emotions and drama of what I am sure a lot of men and women have felt when they return home for serving our great country. The description and feelings that are so well described certainly tugged at my heart. 

My emotions were all over the place while reading this book. I loved catching up with Jillian, Ginger, Denise, Richard, David, and Jillian's kids again. It was great to visit with everyone, stopping in at all my favorite business owned by this fabulous group of friends. My heart broke for Richard, David, Jillian, and Denise. The drama and experience they endure is overwhelming and so well written that I went through with them. 

Each book in this series has been fabulous and I been captivated by each book. I think Richard's Relics just might be my favorite so far.It's backed with drama, joy, laughter, trauma, tears, friends, family, and a whole lot of love.

 I just heard there is a new Holiday Acorn Hills book out now too. I will be getting my hands on that right away. I can not wait to read it and see what Ms. Augustine has written for us now. 

I was given the opportunity to read this fabulous story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thought with you.

You may find my reviews on more of Grace Augustine's work here.

Richard's Relics Amazon Buy Link

 Holiday Promises 

  Holiday Hide and Seek

Sultry Sensations

  Mystic Capers


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