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Monday, December 7, 2015

#SpotLight - The Lawman’s Christmas Proposal by Barbara White Daille

The Lawman’s Christmas Proposal
by Barbara White Daille


A husband for Christmas?

Mitch Weston's back in Cowboy Creek, and self-proclaimed matchmaker Jed Garland has his single granddaughter Andi on his mind. Mitch is a lawman, good with the little ones and easy on the eyes. He and Andi were high school sweethearts, for heaven's sake! Why can't they see they're perfect for each other?

Because Andi already lost one husband to a dangerous job, and now she's all about playing it safe, for her sake and her children's. Being a cop is everything to Mitch. After discovering Jed's plan, Mitch and Andi come up with their own: they'll pretend to get engaged and then break up due to irreconcilable differences. Jed's got his work cut out for him—because this match needs a Christmas miracle!

Find the book here:

Amazon  | B&N | BAM | Harlequin | IndieBound  | Kobo

***Note From Crystal: I LOVED this book. It's a wonderful story. Stay tuned for my review really soon :)


“That summer, we talked about everything, Andi. All I want is for you to talk to me now the way you did then. Tell me what happened. After that, you’ll be able to put those memories away in some neat, little box—like a Christmas present. Or like that package over there.” He gestured to the desk.
She took another unsteady breath.
Obviously, he did a better job than she did of tuning in to the surroundings. She hadn’t thought he had even noticed the package.
She shook her head. “I lost my husband. He went to work one day and never came home. That’s all.” She had the right to keep her story to herself, the way he guarded his. It had to be related to his injury and why he had come home. She tugged her hand free. “You need to leave, Mitch. I respect what you and everyone in law enforcement do. But there’s no way I’ll get close to someone in such a dangerous job.”
“We’re already close. We’re friends. Don’t think about what I do. Think of me as the boy you once knew.”
“You’re not a boy, you’re a man—”
“Glad you noticed.” He gave her a crooked smile.
“—and I’m a woman—”
“No argument there.”
“—with responsibilities.” Why did her voice have to shake? “Lots of responsibilities,” she ended firmly.
“And I respect you for that. But there’s no way I’m going to walk away when I think you need to talk. And I hope you’ll tell me the truth.”
“I don’t—”
“Yeah, you don’t lie. I’ve heard that before, a million times, from people who couldn’t make an honest confession if I dictated it to them. But never from you. And I know you want to set a good example for your kids. Then be responsible now,” he said, “and give me straight answers.”
Sighing, she shook her head. “You won’t give up, will you?”
“You don’t want me to, do you? Because you know talking to me might help.”
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, his touch gentle, almost brotherly, yet her heart pounded even as her breathing seemed to shut down.
When she turned to look at him, he reached up to brush her hair away from her face. Their eyes met. Their gazes held. They were so close, and in an instant she was standing outside at the corral again. Just as she had then, she instinctively tilted her head, nestling her cheek against his palm.

About the Author:

Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom.
Barbara’s new series, The Hitching Post Hotel, features a matchmaking grandpa determined to see his three granddaughters wed. The series began with The Cowboy’s Little Surprise and A Rancher of Her Own, and The Lawman’s Christmas Proposal debuts today. Additional books in the series will be coming up next year.

Find Barbara online here:

Amazon Author Page

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting The Lawman's Christmas Proposal in the Spotlight, Crystal!

    Readers - I hope you enjoy the excerpt. Feel free to say hi or leave a question or comment for me.

    Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating this week!
