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Saturday, June 25, 2016

#GiveAway #Interview - A love that Disturbs by Medeia Sharif

A love that Disturbs
by Medeia Sharif


Crystal: I have the pleasure of hosting Medeia Sharif today. Welcome Medeia! Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

Medeia: This is my 8th novel and my first LGBT one. 

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Medeia: It’s not excerpt ready, but it’s Maysa and Haydee’s first date. They were sweet and hesitant.

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for your current release?

Medeia: I read a news article about a grisly incident between a group of friends, which inspired me to write Maysa, and in passing I met a girl who inspired me to write Haydee. 

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Medeia: I have three middle grade and one young adult manuscript all in different phases of revisions and edits. 

Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing? 

Medeia: I mainly write during weekends. I cram in a lot of writing at that time. Also, I always outline before I draft. 

Crystal:  Did you have to do a lot of research for this book or any other? If so do you have a fascinating fact that you have learned you would like to share with us?

Medeia: Since this is contemporary and takes place in the city I live in, I didn’t have to do research in those aspects, but I had to do a lot of research for the ending. I can’t reveal what kind of research or that would spoil it for readers. I also read a lot about pimps, since Haydee has one. 

Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

Medeia: Some of my favorites are Laurie Halse Anderson, Ellen Hopkins, and Ruta Sepetys.

Crystal: Is there any genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

Medeia: I’ve written sci-fi short stories (unpublished) and I’d like to tackle a sci-fi idea for a novel I’d like to write. 

Maysa Mazari is alarmed by her mother’s talk about arranged marriage. As a hijab-wearing Pakistani-American,
she wants to find love on her own. Her judgmental Muslim clique has protected her from racist taunts, although the leader is turning on her as Maysa strays from the group because of her attraction to Haydee.

Haydee Gomez is a former gang member and juvenile detention student. Now living with a clean-cut aunt, she wants to turn her life around, even though one person will
never let her forget her roots—Rafe, her abusive pimp. Haydee attempts to pull away from a life of prostitution when she develops feelings for Maysa, although Rafe isn’t willing to give her up too easily.

Finding themselves in danger from Maysa’s friends and Haydee’s pimp, it’s apparent their love disturbs everyone around them as they fight to stay together. 

Evernight Teen Publishing/60k words

Buy Links: 
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At least Rafe wouldn’t bother her for a few hours. He knew it was her first day in a new school.
Haydee blew her nose, wiped her eyes, and left the bathroom. She walked into
first period English and handed the teacher the pass. Students stared. A few
had tattoos peeking from the edges of sleeves and shorts, but nothing like what
she had. She felt like The Tattooed Woman and avoided staring back at them. She
wasn’t in alternative school anymore, where most students had a nasty attitude
about anything related to academics. The students in front of her had their
books open and had been reading and writing before she walked in. They weren’t
looking to fight her and she wasn’t going to fight them.

“Let me write your name down,” the teacher said. “I’ll make a folder for your work. How do you say your name? Heidi?”

“No, it’s Hay-dee,” she corrected Ms. Tookes. “Haydee Gomez.”

Ms. Tookes wrote her

name on a notepad and nodded toward an empty desk, so Haydee sat down in a seat
in the back with a textbook. The assignment was on the board, but Haydee had
trouble seeing. She had lost or broken so many of her eyeglasses in the past
that she stopped wearing them. She was slightly nearsighted and lived with her
blurry vision just fine. Tomorrow she’d come to class on time and get a seat in
the front.

She continued to

receive some stares, but then students went back to work.

Feeling like she was on

display, Haydee twirled the drawstrings of her hoodie, chewed the inside of her
mouth, and smoothed down the baby hairs on her forehead. The door opened and
she was grateful for another distraction. It was Maysa, her pink-and-green silk
scarf glistening under the fluorescent lights. Haydee’s vision sharpened, as if
she could see Maysa clearly, while everything around her was fuzzy. Maysa
caught Haydee’s gaze and smiled before turning to Ms. Tookes. “May I take a few
pictures of the students working?”

The teacher smiled

back. “Take all the pictures you want.”

Maysa had a sunny,

innocent demeanor. Haydee wondered what it would be like to have her life. She
must have two parents taking care of her. She probably had brothers and sisters
who were as nice as she was. Her parents were strict, if she had to cover her
head like that, but they most likely were loving. Haydee’s curiosity
intensified. She needed to know more about Maysa, who was walking to the back
of the room where she was.

“Can I take a picture

of you reading the textbook?” Maysa asked.

“Sure,” Haydee said.

Anything. She wanted to please this girl. Haydee opened to a random page. It
was a Shakespearean sonnet, which was like another language to her. Haydee
liked to read, but not classic works. She enjoyed romance books and read any
that she could get her hands on. They helped her escape from her own reality by
taking her someplace else for a few hours.

Flashes sparked as

Maysa took a few shots of Haydee. “You’re very photogenic.”

“Really?” Haydee looked

up. “Let me see.”

Maysa neared her and

held the back of the camera to Haydee’s face. Looking at the screen, Haydee saw
she didn’t look too bad. Her bun was messy in a stylish way, and her head was
tilted down to her book. Her cheekbones were sharp, and her right side was on
display—not the left one with the black eye. “It’s a nice shot.”

Maysa smiled, and

Haydee blinked, not knowing what else to say or do. She wanted to keep Maysa
talking so that she wouldn’t leave right away. Because of the picture taking, a
few other students had started talking and sneaked looks at the two of them.
Haydee knew they must seem like an odd pair interacting with each other. Maysa
showed her the next few pictures, at different angles. “I have to go now and
get to the next classroom,” she said.

“Oh, all right.” Her

gaze was riveted to Maysa’s slender form as she walked out the door.

Haydee’s phone vibrated

again. When the teacher wasn’t looking, she slid it out of her pocket.

Got a nice dress for

you tonight

Come to my place later

so you can try it on
Red, your perfect color

And just like that, the

moment was ruined. She shoved her phone back into her pocket. Like she needed
another reminder of everything that was wrong in her life. She gritted her
teeth and made fists, then forced herself to loosen her hands. She didn’t want
to think about Rafe anymore, but how could she not? He was like a virus in her
system and she couldn’t get rid of him. She admitted that he took care of her:
he beat up johns who mistreated her, handed over any money he promised her, and
challenged anyone who bothered her on the rough streets of Miami.

If it hadn’t been for Rafe, she might have been dead at one point, because one of the johns locked her in a bathroom, threatening to kill her later, and he took care of the
situation. There were the existing issues of earning money and a degree of
safety, but surely she could find another line of work. How would she tell Rafe
that she wanted out without having his temper explode? She had seen him cut a
man’s face with a razor. Would he do the same to her?

Author Bio:

Medeia Sharif was born in New York City and presently calls Miami her home. She received her master's degree in psychology from Florida Atlantic University. Published through various presses, she writes middle grade and young adult short stories and novels. In addition to being a writer, she's a public school teacher.

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  1. I loved the review, and the excerpt. I don't understand what you mean by a disturbing love? I am excited to read your book though.

  2. Thank you for featuring me.

  3. Thanks for the interview, I always enjoy getting a peek into an author's life and Medeia certainly sounds VERY busy!
