Blog Tours


Monday, November 28, 2016

#GiveAway - Absolute Doubt by Cherry Adair

 Absolute Doubt
by Cherry Adair

Cherry Adair will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here

Q&A with Cherry Adair:

Q: Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who?
A: Ha! No. I like who I am just fine, warts and all (I do not, however, have any warts, but I do have. . . Never mind. That's classified, if I told you, I'd have to- you know. . .)

Q: What did you do on your last birthday?
A:  I had awesome sex with a buff and sexy T-FLAC operative - experienced bone-jarring multiple O's, killed 11 people, and. . .Oh, you mean in real life? Lol Probably I was glued to my keyboard, writing like a mad woman. Birthday's aren't a big deal for me, never have been. But I love other people's birthdays - THEN I'll go whole hog (where does the expression whole hog come from? And why? Lol)

Q: What part of the writing process do you dread?
A:  None of it. I love doing what I do. Every part of the process has its ups, downs, doubts, weirdness, and sheer awesomeness.  I love it all.  

Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
 A:  No. I haven't suffered from writers block since my 2nd book. There's no time to have writers block any more. Not knowing what comes next slows me down, and the story becomes a mess. I have to left brain that part of the process before I start writing. I did before I learned (very quickly!) to plot the book before I start it. For me, the plot part of the process is left-brain. It's the characters, and the situations I put them in, that are the magic to the story.

Q: Tell us about your latest release.
A:  Absolute Doubt is the start of a new trilogy - Fallen Agents of T-FLAC.  Asher Daklin has been given a last chance to redeem himself, and given one last op before he's terminated from the counterterrorist group he works for.  He tracks down a bomb manufacturer in South America, but the only way he can get close to the Bad Guy is by pretending to be the bishop sent to authenticate said Bad Guys vision. River Sullivan travels half way around the world to find out why her brother deposited millions into her bank account and they seemingly disappeared. There's a lot of running-chasing-shooting-falling-down and wild-money-sex. 


In a situation this volatile, something is bound to blow!

Three. . .

T-FLAC operative Asher Daklin is running out of time in his race to end the production and sale of the word's most deadly explosive before a cataclysmic terrorist event occurs. This op isn't just his last chance at redemption, it’s deeply personal. Because of him, E-1x took his brother’s life and nearly incapacitated him. Now, with the timer counting down the remaining hours, he has to go deep under cover at the home of the mastermind producing the deadly explosive and stop him. Daklin can't allow anything, or anyone, to distract him from his mission. 


Lingerie designer River Sullivan is on a mission of her own—to find her genius brother. When millions of dollars are  inexplicably wired to her account she knows he's trouble. Traveling to the small mining town of Los Santos, situated in the mountainous jungles of Cosio, she accepts the hospitality of her brother’s employer and searches for clues as to Oliver whereabouts. If only she wasn’t overcome with inappropriate lust for one of the other houseguests- a gorgeous bishop with a warriors body and laser-sharp eyes that hint at deep, dark secrets. 


River and Daklin find themselves in a race against time, hampered by staggering odds and overwhelming desire. Daklin has one final, desperate chance to prove himself, keep River safe, and save the day. . .

 GENRE:  Action Adventure

Buy Link:


The sitting room, lined with more ornate art work and rich jewel colors, felt stuffy, and was overcrowded with heavy Spanish Colonial style furniture. River was grateful for her bare legs and arms and hoped to hell her deodorant held up.

The three men got to their feet as she entered the room.

Bishop Tall and Surly took a ten second delay before he rose.

Resplendent in black robes, clerical collar, and a red sash with a heavy gold chain and cross, the bishop's latent energy, barely contained, seemed to pulse through him, even as he eventually got to his feet. Broad-shouldered, and at least six foot four, he had the tensile strength and lean musculature of a seasoned athlete.

Their eyes clashed across the room. Caught in the snare of mesmerizing pale blue fire, River was unable to look away. Goosebumps pebbled her skin and her heart started pounding as if she'd been running flat out. She'd never experienced such a weird physical response to a man before in her life. With effort she blinked, breaking the visual connection, although she found her reaction to him intriguing enough that it made her want to look again. River vowed to refrain from making eye contact. Better that way. Her heartbeat slowed dramatically when they weren't eyeball to eyeball.

He'd brushed back his hair, but it fell around his face to frame his features. River bet the slight wave in the glossy, dark strands brushing his collar pissed him off. Nothing soft for him, thank you very much. Instead of feminizing his strong features, his hair only made his strong face, with an aquiline nose, and dark, brows over hooded eyes seem more masculine. The shadowy stubble on his chin suggested he probably had to shave twice a day. His well-shaped mouth remained unsmiling as he watched her approach.

His riveting, pale, crystal blue eyes promised untold delights to anyone who dared breech

the darkness surrounding him. With his dark good looks and pale eyes, he looked like a fallen angel. How many women had succumbed to the smolder behind that clear blue? She wasn't that foolish. Fallen angels were wicked, and wicked didn't always translate into pleasurable.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

New York Times/USAToday Bestselling author Cherry Adair’s innovative action-adventure novels have appeared on numerous bestsellers lists, won dozens of awards and garnered praise from reviewers and fans alike. With the creation of her kick butt counterterrorist group, T-FLAC, years before action adventure romances were popular, Cherry has carved a niche for herself with her sexy, sassy, fast-paced, action adventure novels. She hates first drafts, has a passion for mentoring unpublished writers, and is hard at work on a new T-FLAC trilogy. Cherry loves to hear from readers, visit her on Facebook, Twitter,  or


  1. Congrats on the tour, the book looks great, and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Informative and fun interview!


  3. Loved the excerpt. This sounds like a great book.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt and the interview and I can't wait to read this new T-Flac series, Good luck with the blitz and have a wonderful holiday season!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)

  6. I love the cover and enjoyed reading the excerpt! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I really enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!
