Blog Tours


Monday, November 21, 2016

#GiveAway - The Bulls of War by E.M. Thomas

The Bulls of War
by E.M. Thomas

E.M. Thomas will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here

Interview with E.M. Thomas: 

Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting E.M Thomas. Welcome! I'm excited to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

E.M. ThomasI am a thirty-something with a passion for writing.  I had a blast penning The Bulls of War (along with the rest of my novels) in addition to my full-time job, and I’ve been especially fortunate to enjoy both very much.  I have a lovely wife and an adorable one year-old son who seemingly grows more precocious every passing day.  Digging up the time to be a worker, writer, husband, and father isn’t the easiest, but it’s the life I’ve chosen!
Crystal: What are you currently working on?

E.M. ThomasRight now, I’m finishing up an anthology of short stories from the Andervold world in which Bulls takes place.  The stories will exist in parallel to those in Bulls, providing different perspectives to the plot.

The first full-length book to follow The Bulls of War will be Fortress of the Sun, a historical fiction about ancient Greece – specifically, the battle of Corinth in the third century B.C. Fortress takes place within a larger historical arc for which I intend to write several more volumes. A sample is available on my website, for those interested.

Bulls, of course, is only Book I of the Chronicles of the Andervold Thrones, and its sequels are fully fleshed out and ready to go.

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for for either your current release or your current WIP?

E.M. ThomasI’ve always loved history and creating my own worlds.  Those kernels of inspiration ultimately blossomed into The Bulls of War, an epic fantasy that pays as much homage to the politics and machinations of Ancient Rome as it does anything else.  Bulls let me write about the things I care about in a story – the action of mass battles and military tactics in a period comparable to Late Imperial Rome; multi-faceted characters who hopefully avoid the pitfalls of clichés; and most importantly, the freedom to do so without being shackled by the bounds of any known world.  Writing fantasy lets the writer set the rules, although I found that comes with an unexpectedly laborious obligation to make sure the rules are followed and make sense at all times.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?

E.M. Thomas: I’m partial to Pop Chips, but the downside is a keyboard that quickly becomes covered in BBQ seasoning.  Not ideal when you’re trying to get in the ‘zone’ to write!
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

E.M. ThomasThere’s a scene towards the end of the novel where (as you’d expect) two of the primary characters have a confrontation.  The entire scene plays out as if it were a high stakes game of chess, both mentally and verbally.  Much is left unsaid in the jousting, and writing the subtleties of that scene was great fun.

Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby? 

E.M. ThomasFirst and foremost, I love to travel and see new places, preferably historical sites (and most preferably, ancient sites).  On a more day-to-day basis, I love a good meal, a good beer, and a good game on TV.  Name a Philly sports team, and I’m interested.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to having going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?

E.M. ThomasMy writing environment is incredibly boring – ideally perfect quiet, no TV, no music, nothing.  It’s tough enough trying to stay focused with constant internet access on hand, so I really try to limit the distractions in any way possible.  On the few occasions where I do listen to music, it’s typically classical – songs with words distract me too much from the project at hand.  Seeing a pattern here?
Crystal: Thanks for visiting. It has been a pleasure having you visit today. Can you think of anything else you would like to share with us today?

E.M. ThomasI really appreciate the forum for talking about my writing and what’s on the horizon.  I’ll also take this time to ask that if anyone reading this has a chance to read my book, then please leave me a quick review on Amazon.  As my fellow independent writers know well, reviews and word of mouth are our life blood (in addition to simply being helpful), and they combined to push Bulls to No. 2 in a fairly broad Amazon category earlier in the fall.  I appreciate any and all support you can give!


As clouds of civil war gather over a dying empire, two friends and generals find themselves on opposite sides of the factional divide.  Now, they must sacrifice everything to save themselves from their realm and their realm from itself.

 GENRE: Fantasy


Tyghus kept low to the ground as he headed for a patch of tall grass just on the camp’s edge.  He hadn’t a shred of armor on him, only his sword.

His heart quickened as the rider quickly closed, his hooded brown cloak fluttering from his speed.  Tyghus was intent on baiting the approach, certain he was safely blurred amongst grassy stalks.

Ten yards.  The heavy gallops were loud now.  Blade in hand, he sprang to his feet –

“General, no!”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:

E.M. Thomas is the author of two novels - an epic fantasy (The Bulls of War) and a historical fiction set in Ancient Greece (Fortress of the Sun).
E.M. Thomas was born and raised on the East Coast of the United States but is a world traveler at heart. He caught the writing bug early on and has a passion for all good fiction, but especially that of the fantasy and historical variety. One of his favorite moments thus far in his young career was writing a chapter of his latest book about the great battle of Corinth - while sitting amidst the ruins of ancient Corinth.
Amazon Author Page:

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