Blog Tours


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

#VirtualBookTour - Breathe for Me By Terri Whitmire

Please join author Terri Whitmire as she tours the blogosphere with
 Write Now Literary Book Tours 

Breathe for Me
By  Terri Whitmire


Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting Terri Whitmire. Welcome Terri! I am so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today? 

Terri: I’m originally from a small town called Waterbury, Connecticut, where everybody knew your parents or your grandparents.  I loved writing and reading at a very young age. I went to college and received a BS in Computer Science. Eight years later, I found my true calling and became certified in children’s literature. I love meeting and learning about different people and cultures. Life continues to show me I’m not in charge. That’s where my faith comes in.  I am a Christian with a strong belief that God is always finding ways to bless His children. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband of 23 years. We have three beautiful, smart, funny, talkative kids that are amazingly talented. I am living my dream of being able to do my two favorite things, write and teach. My business, Fun Creative Writing, teaches children and adults how to improve their creative writing and write their own books. and

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Terri: I love the scene where Marcus overhears a conversation with Tara that sounds like betrayal.  I love the intense battle he has in his mind. My editor actually told me to take it out. She said I didn’t need it.  I obviously overruled her.  I think this scene is extremely important for anyone struggling with their faith in God and people.  It reminds us that things aren’t always as they appear. There’s something else working behind the scenes.

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for Breathe for me?

Terri: The title Breathe for Me seemed perfect because the main character, Tara Fowler, suffocates under the unbearable pressure of having an alcoholic mom. Butthere was always someone to guide her along the way, in the form of a teacher, grandparent, or handsome man (Marcus Stallings). These people were sent to breathe new life into her and build her faith.

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Terri: I am currently working on translating Breathe for Me into Spanish. I have a large Spanish following and I’d love to share my work with them. Respirar Para Mí  is due out early 2017. I’ve also submitted my first children’s story to a literary agent. I will be publishing a series of multicultural children’s books that are funny and educational, with biblical principles.
 Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing? I really do not have a routine.  My one constant is food and classical music. I must have these two in order to activate my brain.

Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research this book or any other?

Terri: I always research to ensure that my writing is authentic and credible. The story is based in Asheville, North Carolina, and I visited there twice, once in the winter and once in the summer. It’s a beautiful artsy town. I even purchased one of the singing bowls that is mentioned in the story. I also researched how a Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting is performed. One other thing I felt compelled to do was contribute to the NACOA (National Association of Children of Alcoholics.) I learned about some of the challenges children with alcoholic parent’s face. They are a fantastic organization.

Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

Terri: I read a lot of my own clients’ work.  There are some fabulous new authors that I have been able to develop through my Road to Publication Program for aspiring authors.  His Last Hope by Marsha Malcolm, and How to Be the Man God Called You to Be, by Lincoln Anthony Davis are two of my recent clients. Some of my favorite well-known authors are: Alice Walker, Terry Blackstock, Maya Angelou, Barbara Kingsolver. When I was younger, I used to read Sydney Sheldon and Terry McMillan.

Crystal: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?

Terri: I would like to write a sci-fi. novel for teens and young adults. My husband and I are big sci-fi movie lovers and he has quiet the imagination. I think we could collaborate and come up with a great plot. 


About The Book:

Abandoned by her father and neglected by her mother, will Tara ever find someone to love? What she desires most is what her heart chases away. Breathe for Me, an inspirational novel that shares one young girls path to love.

ISBN-10: 146633858X
ISBN-13: 978-1466338586
Genre: Christian Romance
Book Release Date: October 1, 2016

Purchase links:

About The Author:

Terri Whitmire loves crafting inspirational, romance novels that reflect real life. She enjoys keeping her readers on the edge of their seats with her memorable characters and suspenseful plot. An accomplished author, instructor, and writing consultant, Whitmire earned her writing certification in 1999 from the Institute of Children's Literature. After writing several children’s stories, she wrote a series of compelling, fictional books that won the hearts of her young adult and mature readers.
In 2012, Terri was recognized as one of the top 50 emerging authors in Georgia. Her story, The Crooked Path, was published in Trillium Literary Journal. As the owner of Fun Creative Writing, Whitmire facilitates innovative after-school and national online enrichment programs for young writers. Terri's premiere online writing program was launched in 2016, bringing invaluable tools to students across the country. Additionally, she consults fellow aspiring and seasoned authors on the Road to Publication. Terri and her wonderful husband, Will, have three beautiful children and live in Marietta, Georgia.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Crystal, Thank you for sharing my work. I enjoyed the interview. Best to you.
