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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

#GiveAway - Always Hope By Heidi Renee Mason

 Always Hope
By Heidi Renee Mason


Ten years ago Hope West left her hometown, attempting to outrun dissolved relationships, family secrets, and the broken heart caused by her first love, Samuel Mooney. When unforeseen circumstances force her to return, she realizes that her time away has done little to heal the pain of the past.

Never intending to stay in Woodridge, Hope slowly begins to understand that remaining there may be the only way to secure her future. Blossoming friendships and the discovery of a box of letters revealing the identity of her mysterious father all point Hope in the direction of reconciliation.

As she begins to mend her broken bonds, Sam reenters her life in an unexpected way, forcing her to decide if true love can really stand the test of time.

Genre: Chick-lit Romance
Release Date: November 26, 2016
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Designer: Claire Smith
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 On sale for half price! 


Looking out the window of the airplane, I tried to ignore the knots in my stomach. Dark, dismal skies and swirling gray clouds peered back at me, a reflection of my mood. I shifted restlessly in my seat, tapping my fingernails nervously on the tray table in front of me. The walls were closing in on me, and my breathing came fast and short. All I could think about was getting off the plane. The flight attendant, who seemed to sense my agitation, quietly informed me we would begin our descent into Seattle soon.

I nodded slowly at her without making eye contact. It was embarrassing that my inability to cope was so obvious. “You can do this, Hope,” I said to myself, taking several deep breaths and trying in vain to settle my nerves. Every muscle in my body was tight, making me a giant, clenched ball of stress that refused to uncoil. I rotated my neck and tried to relax my shoulders. A dull, throbbing ache radiated across my forehead.

The events of my shattered life paraded relentlessly through my head, invading my peace of mind while I attempted to block it all out. I would not think about any of it right now; I couldn’t. But try as I might, I couldn’t fight off the memories that clawed at my brain like a vulture decimating a carcass. 

I pictured my husband on that last day; I remembered the shocked look on his face as I ordered him out of our apartment. It seemed like eons had passed instead of a mere two weeks. His words pounded in my head. It was like a bad movie that played over and over in my mind.

About the Author: 

Heidi Renee Mason is a passionate romance novelist and crafter of your next Happily Ever After. She loves listening to the voices in her head (from her characters, of course!) and creating worlds in which her readers can lose themselves for a little while. A native of the Midwest, Heidi now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters.

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