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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

#GiveAway- Food Junkies by Vera Tarman & Phil Werdell Read by Lisa Bunting

 Food Junkies
by Vera Tarman & Phil Werdell
Read by Lisa Bunting

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Q&A with Dr Vera Tarman

Q:  Who did you hang out with as a child?
 A: I hung out with the nerds, but I wanted to hang out with the ‘bad kids’. I was teased a lot in grade and high school (we call it bullying now) because I have Tourette’s syndrome. I was very twitchy which made me a mark for taunting and ostracism. The nerds were less critical, as they had their own unpopularity to deal with. And, we all loved to read book. But the ‘bad kids’ looked like they were having more fun. Of course, I realize now that is not true.

Q: What are you passionate about these days?
A: I am most passionate about the subject of food addiction. At various times in my life, the struggle with food was so intense that I wanted to make that experience meaningful. Why suffer if it can’t somehow be used to benefit either others or myself?
I also find the axiom that ‘when you help others, you help yourself’ to be very true. Though I am in recovery with food addiction, I still need to promote the tools of recovery, so that I keep using them myself. I need to hear the very words I speak, on a daily basis.  I guess my passion about the education of this issue matches the passion I used to have for eating!

Q: If you had to do your journey to getting published all over again, what would you do differently?
A: I don't know. If I knew better how to access the right resources, I would do it again. The publishing world is very hard to break into. I know that having the ear of someone established is pretty important. I puzzle over how to make it easier, how to do it differently and more effectively.

Q: EBook or print? And why?
A: Both. I love reading eBooks because they are so convenient. I think it is foolish to not put a book in eBook format. But Book? Yes absolutely.  It has the respectability that people still value. And I love have a library full of books. It is still very romantic.

Q: What is your favorite scene in this book?
A: I think my favorite chapter is the one about Lawrence. I loved writing the part the most because he was such a colorful character. Lawrence was a heroin addict and was also a very obese food addict. He illustrated the true tragedy of addiction: how it pulls down the extraordinary in us, sinking us into such despairs and neglect. I got to know him quite well in the year that I worked with him and his death really affected me. Much more than I let on in the book.
I also let myself enjoy the art of writing when trying to describe his life. It was fun capturing both the mystery and mundanely of his house as well as his friends.


Is it possible to be addicted to food? When does indulging in 'comfort' food become substance abuse? Is it possible that there is more than a lack of will power at work when someone can't stop eating? In Food Junkies, Vera Tarman and Phil Werdell explain what is - and isn't - food addiction, tackling this complex and poorly understood problem through the stories of many survivors and from the perspectives of medical researchers/practitioners. They break down the science behind the research so that anyone can understand it, and take a fresh look at obesity, overeating, binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. For people struggling with these issues — and their families — recognizing the condition is the first step to gaining the kind of support and advice they need.

Food Junkies (finalist in the 2016 Voice Arts Awards) offers hope and guidance. Read by Lisa Bunting, according to one audible customer review, her "calming voice assists with decreasing the shame so often found with addiction and can open the listener up to actually hearing," while another noted the audiobook version "brought the science to life in a different way than the book. It made it even more real as one can't 'skim' or 'rush' through the life-changing content."

GENRE: Non-Fiction, self-help

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AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Vera Tarman is a medical practitioner who focuses on addictions. She is the medical director of Renascent, an addictions treatment centre. Dr. Tarman conducts workshops and speaking engagements on the science of food addiction and "comfort food" abuse. She has reached audiences across the world. She lives in Toronto.

Phil Werdell is a recovering food addict, a social work clinician, and an educator. He is the primary organizer of the Food Addiction Institute and the International Society of Food Addiction Professionals, and is Director of ACORN’s Professional Training Program. Phil currently teaches Addictions Studies at Springfield College, School of Human Services, Tampa. He lives in Florida.


Lisa Bunting is a stage, screen and voice actor, drama instructor, audition coach, and professional skills development simulator.  For Post Hypnotic Press, she has narrated the non-fiction self-help titles The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, The Remarriage Blueprint, Voice Arts Awards-nominated Food Junkies and the forthcoming i-Minds. She was named Best Supporting Actress at LA’s Focus International Film Festival, Winter 2015. She is a member of Canadian Actors’ Equity and ACTRA.



Post Hypnotic Press:


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Great Q&A, I enjoyed reading it! I'm with you on both the e-books and print, they both have their perks :)

  3. What is the best book that you read recently? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  4. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  5. It sounds intense, but thoughtfully done!

