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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#Review - Shore Is Magical by Annette Mardis

Annette Mardis caught my attention with her first book Getting Her Money's Worth. Then I read The Shore Thing and I became an even bigger fan of this talented lady. Annette Mardis was quickly added to my must read NOW list. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Shore is Magical. I have been anxiously awaiting it's release. I quickly devoured the story shortly after I received it. 

Shore is Magical features a very unique and interesting story line with fabulously well written characters. 

I had met Kenshin Hamasaki in the previous books in this series. Honestly at first this guy was not on my like list. I thought he needed a touch of an attitude adjustment. However now that I have really gotten a chance to meet Kenshin I can see why his attitude may have given the impression he was jerk. Underneath that harsh exterior lays the broken heart of a man that has endured way more than anyone should have to. I quickly came to like Kenshin and cheered for his happiness. This guy deserves all the happiness he can get. 

In steps or should I say appears Marina. Marina is a sweet young lady that is just a tad bit different than the rest of the crew at Gulf Shore Aquarium. I found a quick attachment to Marina as did the rest of the friends at Gulf Shore Aquarium. She's a very likable lady and exactly what the doctor prescribed to help mend Kenshin's heart.

This book does have a paranormal element. I LOVED it and Ms. Mardis has done a wonderful  job of weaving a paranormal story into a series that until this book had been contemporary romance.  She has created a fun paranormal story with interesting characters that just adds into the mix of a terrific romance story. The friendships among those that work at Gulf Shore Aquarium and their spouses are really close. Their friendships go beyond just friends and co -workers this bunch has formed a very tight knit family. 

Kenshin and Marina have a LOT of obstacles to over come and many many issues that need to be solved if they are going to find their happily ever after. They are really going to lay their hearts on the line for this relationship. New relationships are tough enough but these two have many things to deal with and a HUGE secret that must be kept. 

Shore is Magical held me spellbound and kept me intrigued from the first page all the way to the end. I was turning those pages just as quickly as I possible could so I could see what was going to happen next. 

There are some major twist and turns that I did not see coming that I read with bated breathe and a tear in my eye. It was a very unexpected tear at that. So you may want to grab a few Kleenex when you settle in to read this incredible story. You just might need them. I know I did. 

I LOVED this story! It was great to see my friends at the aquarium again and so lovely to meet Marina. I truly enjoyed my visit and was enthralled with the story of Kenshin and Marina. It was great to see everyone again and catch up a bit on their lives. 

I hear there is another book in the making in this series. I can't wait to see what Ms. Mardis has in store for us lucky readers next. I do know I'm already anxious to get my hot little hands on that book just as soon as it releases. 

This is the fourth book in the series but never fear it will stand on it's own just fine. I have had a chance to read the whole series and they are ALL great. So you might want to pick up the whole series while your shopping. I know you won't be disappointment. I know I loved each and every one of them. 

I was given the chance to read this remarkable story and it is my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 

Amazon Buy Links for the series:

Shore is Magical (Book 4)

Shore To Please (Gulf Shore Book 3) by [Mardis, Annette]
Shore to Please (Book 3) 

Shore Feels Right (Gulf Shore Book 2) by [Mardis, Annette]
Shore Feels Right (Book 2)

The Shore Thing (Gulf Shore Book 1) by [Mardis, Annette]
The Shore Thing Amazon (Book 1)
My Review

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