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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

#Review - GUILTY: The Protectors Series Ryan --by Karen Fenech

GUILTY: The Protectors Series -- Book Five by [Fenech, Karen]Guilty is the first chance I have had to read Karen Fenech's work. I quickly became engrossed in the story line and quickly formed an attachment to the characters.

 Faith Winston has not had an easy life. She has suffered a great loss that has taken a piece of her heart. She's a very kind and caring lady, smart, independent, and a fierce lawyer. Faith finds herself in a world of danger when she takes on a high profile case. Everyone has placed blame on Faith for what they have accused her client of. Faith fights for his rights and tries to do everything in her power to make sure everything turns out OK. 

Ryan Crosby has had a rough time of it. He's divorcing his wife and fighting for join custody of his little baby boy. He's also worried about his ex-girlfriend Faith. Ryan is a wonderful guy that just wants to be a good dad, a good police officer and chief, and keep Faith safe. 

When the world starts to fall apart for Faith, Ryan steps in to help keep her safe. Her life very well may be in danger and so may the lives of those around here. 

There are so many twists and turns in the book that had me holding my breath wondering what twist was around the next corner and just how Faith was going to get out this situation.

I don't want to tell you too much because you are going to want to grab up this great story and enjoy it yourself. There is drama, romance, family interaction, suspense, and action. All the great things that make up a fabulous read. 

This is the fifth book in Protector series but never fear I think it stands on it's own just fine. I haven't had a chance to read the previous books and I had no problem enjoying this story. 

Over all I enjoyed this story and want to read more by Karen Fenech. She had no problem keeping me captivated with her story line and characters. She's done a fabulous job of throwing a few twist and turns into the story that I did not see coming. 

I was given the opportunity to read this wonderful book and it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.

Amazon Buy Link 

GUILTY: The Protectors Series -- Book Five by [Fenech, Karen]


IMPOSTER: The Protectors Series - Book One by [Fenech, Karen]


SNOWBOUND: The Protectors Series - Book Two by [Fenech, Karen]

PURSUED: The Protectors Series - Book Three (Romantic Suspense) by [Fenech, Karen]

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