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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#Review - HARD RHYTHM By Cecilia Tan

Hard Rhythm is the first book I have had a chance to read by Cecilia Tan. This is the third book in The Secret of a Rock Stars Series. I haven't read the previous two and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. The author did a great job of keeping me in the loop and I didn't have any problem reading this as a stand alone.

If you are looking for an EXTREMELY hot BDSM book with great characters, an interesting story line and really good descriptions of what is BDSM. I thought Ms. Tan did  great job of explaining the difference between consensual play and abuse. 

I really liked Maddie Rofel. She is still looking for herself in life and her profession. She has tried many many things and seen it all. You really can't surprise Maddie with much.  I think she just may have found her niche for a profession and maybe by the end of the book she may have found the answer to her personal life too. 

Chino Garcia is a member of the club where Maddie works. These two don't quite hitch right in the beginning. Then they get a chance to play together and one thing leads to another. Chino hasn't had the best family life. He ran away at a young age to escape his step father. I did like that he tries really hard to reach out to his sister and his mother. I don't want to tell you too much but there is quite a bit of drama surrounding Chino's family. The author did a great job covering the issue and bringing it to light. 

Chino and Maddie spend time together house shopping for Chino. Then Chino helps Maddie with her VLOG reviews. Oh my do these two have a good time trying out some toys. This book will warm you up on a cold winter evening that is for sure.

I liked the friendships within the club. If you mess with one member your going to get them all. They take good care of their own. 

Maddie and Chino are both not quite sure they are ready for a relationship and start out slow. It was interesting to watch these two start out playing and find out that those feelings might run a whole lot deeper. 

Overall I enjoyed the characters and the storyline. If you are a BDSM fan I think you are going to really enjoy this one. 

I was given the opportunity to read this book and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 

Amazon Buy Link

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