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Thursday, January 5, 2017

#Review - Intergalactic Seduction by Izzy Szyn

Intergalactic Seduction by [Szyn, Izzy]Are you looking for a steaming hot story that just may over heat your Kindle? Well do I ever have one for you. Intergalactic Seduction by Izzy Szyn is sure to warm you up and your Kindle up a little bit, mine over heated. Ms. Szyn's work has a way of doing that. 

 Bailey Augustine found a new friend when she wondered away from camp.She went to visit the family whenever she knew they were camping. Axelis and her family vacationed in the area near the camp where Bailey was staying. Bailey and Axelis hit it off right away. Bailey also formed a bond with Axelis' family. Then one summer they just didn't come back. 

I don't want to tell you too much. I will tell you that Bailey and Axelis find their way back to each other a few years later. The attraction that was just starting to form is there and oh so HOT! 

While Bailey and Axelis are getting to know each other again there is a LOT of drama going on around Axelis' family. They quickly find they make a good team when they work together. 

This book is a steaming hot story, with drama, action, and mystery. I will warn you that the story isn't completely solved at the end. I can't wait to see what Ms. Szyn has in store for Bailey, Axelis, and the family. I will be looking forward to more from these characters. I know what ever is next is going to be good. 

I highly recommend all of Izzy Szyn's stories to warm up a cold winter evening. Look out though This stories and others just might melt the snow. 

I was given the opportunity to read this wonderful story and it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.

You may find more of my thoughts on Izzy Szyn's work here

Amazon Buy Link

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