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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

#Review Poisoned Honor by Lexi Post

Poisoned Honor captured my attention from the first page and held me captivated all the way through. Lexi Post has put together a heart racing, breath stealing, page turner of a story that is impossible to put down.

Tyler Adams is Coast Guardsman rescue swimmer and he loves it. He's a true hero and is very dedicated to his team and always ready for the next rescue. Accidents are happening all around his team and in their Crystal Waters, Florida Air Station. Tyler is just about ready to return to duty and all of these accidents are making him a bit nervous. He's already dealing with a bit of fear of heights since his accident that he is trying to over come. He needs to know more about these "accidents" before he feels comfortable going back to active duty. He calls in his friend Ryan to help him put the pieces together. 

Dr. Meghan Haskell has been working with a few of the members of Tyler's team after their accidents. When Tyler drops off his friend and fellow team mate for his session with Meghan, sparks fly. The attraction between Tyler and Meghan is intense and sizzling. As Meghan and Tyler are exploring a relationship together he confides his fillings that things are not right at the Air Station. 

Each twist and turn had me holding my breath wondering what could possible be around the next corner. I don't want to tell you too much about the drama, suspense, or reveal any of the secrets to the story. You are going to want to grab this book yourself and enjoy those moments for yourself. I suggest grabbing up this book, curling up in a comfortable spot and devour this fabulous story. 

Poisoned Honor is the second book in the Broken Valor series. I think it stands on it's own just fine and you won't have any problem if you pick this one up first. If you have had a chance to read When Love Chimes you are going to see some familiar faces and get a chance to catch up with Ryan and Lynzie. 

Poisoned Honor is another shining example of Lexi Post's talent. This book has action, suspense, drama, mystery, team work, friendship, romance and a few steaming hot scenes that all combined are the recipe for a perfect read. 

I was given the opportunity to read this fantabulous story and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 

You may read more of my reviews on Lexi Post's work here

Amazon Buy Link 

When Love Chimes (Broken Valor Book 1) by [Post, Lexi]

When Love Chimes Amazon Buy Link 

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