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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Teen Summer Writing Camp ~ Colleen Mcspirit

My daughter will spend every day off from in school lounging around unless activities are planned. She is of course resistant to any recreation program, overnight camps, and the like. The phone is always in her hand. She isn’t just watching Netflix or playing games, Katie is creating content: Instagram, Snapchat and Wattpad.

● Teens don’t want to go to a day program, or even an overnight program. Not only do they think they are now too old, but they want to be local and free to hang out with their friends
● As parents, we don’t want our teens to spend all their time playing video games, watching Netflix or unrestricted mindless web surfing. They love technology that is for sure, but how do we make it productive?
●It is often hard to get teens to do anything somewhat educational outside of what they “must do” during the summer months even though they will spend hours telling us how bored they are.

As a book editor and published author, Katie often sees me at work and has very little to say about it. Until recently when she saw me helping a client self-publish their book. “Hey, I want to do that!” And when she found out self-published authors get paid for the books they sell, she was all in.
As published writer since 1988 and an editor in all forms of print media since 1990, I developed with the assistance of my 14-year-old daughter, a way for teens to get their own book publish with the possibility of earning royalties!
Publish Your Book! Is a 4-week online summer camp for teens 13-17 that will keep their minds active as they create worlds while writing stories. They can write whatever they like: fiction, non-fiction, poetry. The only requirement is they keep it PG!
Once a week we will have a live 60-minute call for a short lesson as well as to discuss how they are doing, issues that arise and share their work among their peers. Replays will be available if they can’t make the call. There will also be a Facebook Group where they can ask questions and hold discussions with myself or with each other. Inspiration, writing prompts and the like will also be posted.
Topics will range from story ideas, dialogue flow, price points, cover design and more! There will also be the opportunity to have me do some light editing.
Nothing is required except writing!
At the end of the 4 weeks they will have a book ranging in 24-100 pages that they can self-publish on Amazon. (Parental approval is required.) They can even put the book up for sale and earn royalties!

Contact me at to discuss your teen’s goals and income possibilities!

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