Blog Tours


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Double Negative By C. Lee McKenzie ~ Bridging the Gap Promotions Book Tour ~ Giveaway

Double Negative 
By C. Lee McKenzie

Evernight Teen
Contemporary Teen w/Romantic Elements


(4) $10 Amazon gift cards 
(10) Double Negative ebook copies

Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter.


Today I have the pleasure of hosting C. Lee McKenzie. We would love to hear more about your newest book and what inspired you to write the story. Hello & Welcome!

Hi. Thanks for hosting me today. It’s great to be here.

You asked what my newest young adult book is about, so here’s a quick summary of the story.

Double Negative’s about a sixteen-year-old named Hutch McQueen. He can barely read, and he’s trapped in a dysfunctional family. When he tries to escape, he chooses the wrong way and lands in juvenile hall. This is probably the best break Hutch gets in life because he meets a priest and a teacher who want to give him another chance at the freedom he craves. All he has to do is listen, but that’s really hard for him, almost impossible.

As to what inspired me write this story, I’d have to say two things. I was reading about illiteracy in the U. S. and wondering how the stats could be true in an era of constant written communication. 

Did you know that 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read? If you put that into percentage, it’s 14 percent of the population. Another unbelievable statistic is that 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read. Startling, isn’t it?

I suddenly asked myself the question, “What if I couldn’t read?” The answer made me ill. I couldn't imagine a world without access to all the books I love, let alone not being able to follow simple written directions. That was one thing that started me making notes that lead to Double Negative.

Maybe it was a coincidence, but about the same time, a friend and I were having a conversation. When she asked me what I liked to do with my “free time” these days, and I answered her with hike or read. Again, that question popped into my head, “But what if I couldn’t read?”

Hutch became my poster boy for the non-reader, and I wanted to turn him around, set him on the path to literacy and save him from his bad choices.  So that’s really what this story is about and how I came to write it.    


Sixteen-year-old Hutchinson McQueen is a big time loser. Trapped between an abusive mother and an absentee father, his one thought is escape, but everything he does to get away lands him in trouble. 

Shackled by poor reading skills, he squeaks through classes with his talent for eavesdropping and memorizing what he hears. When he shoplifts and lands in juvenile detention, the court sentences him to a county youth program. There he meets the priest and Maggie, a retired teacher. They’re determined to set Hutch on a path leading away from trouble. Hutch is determined not to cooperate.

It isn’t until he’s facing serious charges that he confronts the truth—his own bad choices are trapping him. When he's offered the freedom he craves, all he has to do is take it.


Buy Links:  Evernight Teen | Amazon | All Romance  | BookStrand   


Kranski’s office might as well be home. I spend more time with him than I do with Dee Dee, and for good reason: the principal’s friendlier than my mom.

I ease into the familiar hot seat across from him and face the shiny nameplate on his desk.

“See this?” he says, holding up the plate in front of my face. “It says, ‘Principal Noah Kranski.’ That means you’re supposed to follow my rules as long as you’re in this school.”

I roll my eyes.

“Dump the attitude, Hutch.”

I shrug.

He shakes his head and slams a thick file down in front of him. “This makes seven times this year you’ve cut Mr. Diakos’s class, and it’s only September.” He writes something at the bottom of a page. When he finishes, he looks up. “Did I miss any?”

“I’m not counting.” That ain’t true. I count every day I can escape that stupid class, just like I count every day I wake up in Larkston. But I’m not going to be trapped here much longer.

Kranski jabs his pen into a “World’s Best Dad” cup, and leans back with his hands behind his head. This is what he always does before he sentences me. “You get to think about changing your ways for the rest of the week. When you come back, you’re still responsible for all the class work and the tests, just like always.”

“Just like always.” I repeat the words so I got something to say that don’t sound like I’m a smart mouth. Last time I left saying, “Thanks,” and Kranski told me to cut the sarcasm. Who gives a rat’s ass about what Kranski says? I’m free, for four days.

I’m almost at the door when the secretary pops her head inside. “Sorry, Mr. Kranski, but there’s an emergency in the gym. They need you right away.”

He’s out before me, a gimpy old guy running on bad feet.

I plug into my iPod, pull up The Rockets’ newest hit, and strike out across campus. Blaze’ll be at the Smoking Tree. I follow the hard-packed foot trail that leads from the back of the school, around the curve of the hillside and up the slope. The tree’s just far enough away to keep under Kranski’s radar, yet near enough to drop in for a few tokes when I need them to get through Deek the Greek’s English class, or face going back to Palm Street and Dee Dee.

Blaze is there, talking on his cell and dealing with some kid with slicked-back hair. Blaze jerks around, pockets the phone, and then relaxes when he sees me. “Yo, thought you was the cops for a minute. You get suspended again?” 

“Rest of the week.” I take my ear bud out, drop my backpack and plop onto the shady ground. “I need a joint.”

“Where’d you get that?” He points to my iPod.

“Can’t remember. It sort of appeared.”

“Right.” He smirks and tosses me a joint along with a lighter.

The kid with the greased hair ducks under a limb, and walks in the direction of the school. “Hope you got cash, man. I’m outta credit here,” Blaze says.

I dig into my pocket and pull out a ten. 

He laughs. “With what you already owe me, for that ten,” he coughs, “you get a few”––another cough––“hits, man.” He holds out a roach clip with a smoking joint. “Give me that one back.”

I hand him the joint, settle against the tree trunk and roll my lips over the small brown tube. Closing my eyes, I suck the warm fog into my lungs and hold my breath. The weed winds its way through my blood and into my brain. Kranski turns into a cartoon of a cup with World’s Best Dad wrapped around his middle. Dee Dee stretches into a giant beer bottle and rolls across the kitchen linoleum. The sky turns soft and blue, with the Smoking Tree splashing crazy shapes over my jeans.

“So, how are you breaking the news to Dee Dee this time?” Blaze reaches out and grabs his joint. “She said she was bouncing your butt the next time Kranski suspended you.”

My mom don’t care what I do, but Kranski makes her life hell when he calls her in to see him. These trips to his office take away from her social life and shake her out of bed before noon. I laugh. “Guess I’ll have to move in with you, dude.”

“Anytime. I told you, man.” Blaze inhales, coughs, and then inhales again to replace the gray smoke he’s wasted in the air.

I plug back into some tunes and hang with Blaze under the Smoking Tree through three more sales. He rewards me with a few hits for acting as lookout, something I can do while I get a story together for why I’m bounced for four days. The weed and the Rockets take the edge off what’s going down later. I’m in for ‘Destruction by Dee Dee’ no matter what I say. I roll over on my right side and trace the white line from my wrist to my elbow—one of her nicer moves with a broken glass. 

Stretching out on the lawn, I stare up through the tree branches. How’d it be to fly straight into those clouds, poke my head inside and stay until I wind up on the other side of the world? Goodbye, Larkston. Goodbye, Dee Dee. 
I must doze off because when I open my eyes the shadows from the tree have shifted from my right side to my left. I squint at my watch. It’s after three. My ride! Hope Eddie didn’t take off without me. I hate that walk, halfway across town to Palm Street. I grab my books. “I’m out of here.”

About the Author:

C. Lee McKenzie is a native Californian who grew up in a lot of different places; then landed in the Santa Cruz Mountains where she lives with her family and miscellaneous pets. She writes most of the time, gardens and hikes and does yoga a lot, and then travels whenever she can. 

She takes on modern issues that today's teens face in their daily lives. Her first young adult novel, Sliding on the Edge, which dealt with cutting and suicide was published in 2009. Her second, titled The Princess of Las Pulgas, dealing with a family who loses everything and must rebuild their lives came out in 2010. Her short story,Premeditated Cat, appears in the anthology, The First Time, and her Into the Sea of Dew is part of a collection, Two and Twenty Dark Tales. In 2012, her first middle grade novel, Alligators Overhead, came out.Double Negative is her third young adult novel.



The Heist by Adriana Kraft ~ Bippity Boppity Book ~ Giveaway

The Heist
by Adriana Kraft

Today I am pleased to present my stop for The Heist a new romantic suspense title from author Adriana Kraft and organized by Bippity Boppity Book.  Please read on to see all about the book, and don't forget to enter the tour-wide giveaway where you could win the Grand prize, a download of Cassie's Hope, a $10 GC, swag, and a cover flat signed by Adriana Kraft and cover model Scott Nova or one of  Ten second prizes: swag & the signed cover flat.  Please be sure to check out the other tour stops - each excerpt stop isunique, and there are a few reviews posted as well.

About the Book:

 A heist? A murder? It’s villain’s choice.

A special-order art theft?

Tedious, but seamless – until small town museum director Kara Daniels calls in the experts. Furious her favorite trio of priceless impressionist paintings has been stolen from its traveling exhibit on her watch, Kara is determined to save not only the paintings, but her future in the art world. She’ll stop at nothing to entrap the thief.

Ted Springs knows the underbelly of the criminal world a little closer than he might like—but he’s turned it to good advantage, first as a police officer, and now as detective for the Upper Midwest Arts Council. His job? To guarantee the security of the valuable paintings in the Council’s traveling exhibits.

Heat sizzles when Ted and Kara collide—can they work together, before it’s too late?

Publisher: B&B Publishing
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Pages: 240
Heat rating: Three Flames

See the Book at GoodreadsPurchase Now at:  Amazon

What people are saying:

Five stars at Goodreads
: “The sex is hot and I loved the phone sex scenes. Never did I expect the ending. It was brilliant. The Heist is a winner!” Sheila G.

Five stars at Amazon: “Very hot…engaging, entertaining, funny and serious, well written and extremely enjoyable to read.” Donna H.


Maybe we should talk about that embrace,” Ted added.
“Embrace?” Kara squeaked. “We didn’t embrace.”
“Wrong. Perception is the key to everything. I perceived it as an embrace. You didn’t rush out of my arms.”
“Because,” Kara snapped, “you hung onto me to keep us from falling.” 
“So that was your perception,” he quipped. “Damn, woman, you have the most incredible breasts.”
Ted was delighted to see a blush moving up Kara’s neck. “I can’t tell you how often I’ve picked up the phone to call you.”
She frowned and glanced at him with a flicker of renewed interest. “But you didn’t.”
He exhaled slowly. “And do you think I’ll ever get to know you?”
She giggled softly. “Not in the way you’re thinking.” She thrust out her chin. “At least not while you’re working this case.”
He took his time to chew on that information. “Fair enough,” he said. He wished he knew what he done or said to disarm her. Maybe it had been the memory of their brief encounter. “Not that I need more incentive to wrap this museum situation up quickly.” He paused. “Do you suppose we’ll be able to hug now and then like friends, now that we’ve cleared the air? Shaking hands seems so stodgy.”
Kara laughed quickly and then peeked over at him with a devastating smile. “As long as you don’t paw my boobs.”
Smiling, he didn’t miss a beat. “How about your rear?”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “That is a different matter. Your large hands did leave a pleasant impression on my ass.”
So she didn’t mind a little flirting even while he worked the case. “Good. I believe in first impressions, and I always like to be clear about the rules of the game. Now maybe you should tell me how you think one or more people entered the museum supposedly without a key.”
She scrunched her mouth. “So do you play by the rules?”
“I didn’t say that. I just like to know what they are.”

About the Author: 

Adriana Kraft is the pen name for a husband/wife team writing sizzling romantic suspense and erotic romance. The award-winning pair has published over thirty romance novels and novellas to outstanding reviews. Romantic pairings include straight m/f, lesbian, bisexual, ménage and polyamory, in both contemporary and paranormal settings.

 Find and Follow at:  Website ♦ Blog ♦ Facebook ♦ Twitter ♦ Goodreads ♦ Shelfari


Grand prize is a download of Cassie's Hope by Adriana Kraft, a $10 GC, swag, and a cover flat signed by author and cover model Scott Nova.

Ten second prizes winners will get swag & the signed cover flat

Ends 7/31/2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

HEAT WAVE ~ Red: A Tale of Seduction By Maddie James ~ Bridging the Gap Promotions ~ Giveaway

Six Sexy Stories for Sultry Summer Nights


On Behalf of the Heat Wave Boxed Set Authors, Turquoise Morning Press will be giving away…. A $25 Gift Card to the Turquoise Morning Press Bookstore. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter.

Summer. Hot. Sticky. Sexy.

Although not all of the stories in this collection take place in the summer, they are definitely hot, might make you a little sticky, and are unquestionably sexy. What is more perfect for a sultry summer night?

Seduction is the name of the game in some of our stories. Control, submission, and domination flavor a couple more. And the others? Just downright deliciously sexy, in multiple ways.

Grab your favorite ice cold beverage, ladies, and prepare for your own personal HEAT WAVE! With an introductory promotional price of $0.99, why resist? 

Retailer Availability:  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, All Romance Ebooks, Turquoise Morning Press, and more

Promotional Price: $0.99
Future Retail Price: $3.99 (Fall, 2014)
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press


Red:  A Tale of Seduction
By Maddie James
Turquoise Morning Press

WHAT is a Rougarou? 

Depending on who you speak with, or what website you hit, it could be anything from a Louisiana werewolf to a demon. It’s origins are European and French, and it’s legacy is buried deep in Cajun culture. 
According to, “In the Cajun legend, the creature is said to prowl the swamps around Acadiana and Greater New Orleans, and possibly the fields or forests of the regions. The rougarou most often is noted as a creature with a human body and the head of a wolf or dog, similar to the werewolf legend.”
That idea, combined with several trips to New Orleans, was all I needed to spin a retelling of the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood. After all, there is a wolf, and the woods, right? So…
Did you ever wonder what happened when Little Red Riding Hood grew up? In the bayou? With a grandmother who used potions and magic and stuff? And a wolf who...?


Here’s the story blurb: 

Garnet Boudreaux is going home. Not to her apartment in New York City but to her childhood home in the bayou. She doesn’t want to go, and isn’t certain what will be waiting for her when she arrives. But standing in the voodoo shop on Bourbon Street, in the middle of one helluva Mardi Gras party, she’s told by Madame Madeleine Dupuis that she has no choice. The witchy woman presses two pouches into Garnet’s hands, wraps a red cape around her, and tells her she must go—and go now—to see to her grandmother.
Max LeBlanc spies the auburn-haired beauty across the street and knows in a heartbeat she is the one. A rougarou always knows when he’s met his mate. Some may call him a lycanthrope, a werewolf if you will, but in Cajun bayou lands he’s known as The Rougarou. He’s waited several hundred years for this moment, and for her. There is nothing left for him to do, but mark her and claim her as his mate.


And a brief excerpt:

Bourbon Street, The French Quarter
New Orleans, 10:39 p.m.

“Come closer, Red,” he rasped. “I want that burning-hot body next to mine.” The wiry stranger threaded his hot fingers through her hair at the nape, and his steamy breath snaked around her neck.
A carnival spun in Garnet Boudreaux’s head, and for once, she did not want to get off the ride. Was she drunk? Yes, somewhat. But it was okay, she was with her girlfriends, and they watched out for each other.
Were they watching his hands glide over her ass, too?
Hell, did she care?
Eyes the color of dark honey with flecks of gold pierced hers and held as he pressed closer. His lips scraped over her cheek, sending a shudder of want from the curls on her auburn head straight down to her scarlet toenails. Neon swirled as he led her out the door of the Cat’s Meow, spilling into Bourbon Street’s static currents, taking the lead as they dirty-danced their way into the crowd.
“My friends…” she breathed, wincing as he nipped her neck, his teeth clipping at the tender skin beneath her ear lobe.
“Back in the bar,” he growled.
Oh Damn. She shouldn’t leave Tiana and Kathleen behind. They needed her. Didn’t they?
Or did she need them?
Like a cat lapping at milk, his tongue laved her neck to cheek. “Give me your tongue,” he commanded. His hands rested under her armpits, cradling the sides of her breasts, thumbing her nipples through the red satin dressed she’d borrowed for this decadent Mardi Gras-type party on Bourbon her company insisted they attend.
Her mask. Had she lost it?
Dammit. She loved that mask. All lace and filigree, and made her look mysteriously sexy.
She glanced behind her, searching through the crown. He caught her chin between his fingers and forcefully turned her face back toward his.
“Me. I’m the one you are with. Forget the others.”
Her brain said no. The tingles racing up her spine and the heat gathering in her panties cried yes.
His hips gyrated against hers and his dance swept her into a spiral of lights and hands and lips and skin on skin. He dipped his tongue deep into her cleavage and she resisted the urge to clasp his head against her chest and keep him there. He was hard against her abdomen.
Had he growled?
“Garnet!” A giggle of laughter exploded behind her as Kath, totally lacking in grace, grasped her forearm and spun her away from the man. “Come back inside! Tiana is giving Jell-O shots off her tits. You have to see this!”
For a moment, Garnet was disoriented, disengaged, trying to focus on being snatched away from her alluring dance partner and deciphering what Kath was saying.
Tia had Jell-O tits?
Too many Hurricanes. Damn that magic potion of rum and fruit juice, or whatever…
A low growl purred in her ear, like it was placed there on purpose. Calling her. Turning, she looked back.
He was gone.
At once she was cold. Empty.
With Kath still tugging, pulling her inside, she tripped backward. Frantic, she scanned the crowd until at last, a fixed set of brown-gold eyes stared back through the swarm and held for an eternal moment, then vanished.


Whether writing traditional contemporary romance or building paranormal worlds, bestselling romance author, Maddie James, pens stories that frequently cross a variety of romantic sub-genres. Sweet or spicy, suspense or comedy, western or time-travel, her heroes and heroines always chase one thing—the happily-ever-after—whether they realize it or not!

A Food Network junkie who plots the way she cooks—by the seat of her pants—Maddie always has a delicious end product in mind (and she always follows a secret recipe!). 

Her first book, THE WILD WEST, a Kensington Precious Gems romance, received a Calico Trails Cameo Award. RED: A SEDUCTION TALE, claimed first place as the Romance Book Scene's favorite novella of the year. A four time nominee for a CAPA/Psyche Award from The Romance Studio, Maddie’s books have received numerous 5 Star and Top Pick reviews. Her books have landed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo top-selling lists, and she is frequently listed as a Top 100 Most Popular Contemporary Romance Author at Amazon.
Maddie is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and its Published Author Network (PAN), Louisville Romance Writers (LRWA), Novelists Inc. (NINC), Kentuckiana Authors, and the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA).

Visit Maddie's website:

Connect on:
Twitter  @maddiejames

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hollow by Ava Conway ~ Spotlight ~


Blurb for Hollow: Girl, Interrupted meets Beautiful Disaster in this thrilling and sexy debut novel, in which a college student learns her perfect life is a lie and finds new love where she least expects it—a mental institution.

Freaks, misfits and psychopaths. Those are the kinds of people found at Newton Heights Psychiatric Hospital, and high-society girl Lucy White’s new home.

Freaks, misfits and Jayden McCray. Jayden has his own set of rules for life at Newton Heights, and in this contradictory guy Lucy finds a way to live with the events that left her cheating boyfriend and best friend dead and Lucy in the middle of the investigation into their demise.

The problem? Jayden makes her want things she’s not supposed to have, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality and making Lucy feel more at home in Newton Heights than she ever did at home. But this isn’t how her life is supposed to be.

Or is it?

Excerpt: I framed his face with my palms and held his gaze. “You can’t hold yourself responsible for other people’s poor decisions.”

He slid his fingers up over my wrists. His touch was feather-light, but his warmth seeped deep into my soul. “Ditto.”

Tears flowed, and I was helpless to stop them. This was what life was all about, I realized. People were meant to be honest with each other and to trust, not to manipulate. I was more resolved than ever to own up to my mistakes and take charge of my life. This was what I wanted, what I needed.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and drank in his light, his goodness. Jayden’s biggest problem wasn’t that he tried to protect the entire ward—it was that he cared too much. There was nowhere for all of those emotions to go, nowhere he could find solace.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. As he tilted his head, I opened to him, eager to drink in his goodness.

Let me be your sanctuary. I needed his emotions as much as he needed to give them to me.

When he broke away, I was breathless. Breathless, but determined. He had shared a part of himself with me. Now I wanted to share a part of myself with him.

While I wasn’t quite ready to share anything about my trial, there was something else I could offer him.

“Lucy, wait.” Jayden’s voice sounded panicked as I reached for his belt buckle.

For the first time in my life, I was making my own decisions. I was deciding to be intimate with Jayden in every way possible, and it felt wonderful. Freeing.

I leaned forward to kiss him, but he moved his head at the last minute.

“Lucy—I have to tell you something before we do this. It’s about my uncle.”

“You’ve said enough.” He’d told me about the demons from his past. No one had ever trusted me like that before, not even Kyle. Trust like that deserved something in return. I didn’t need to hear more, and in that moment, I didn’t want to.

“Kiss me,” I said. Before he could respond, I pressed my lips against his. I felt him hesitate, and then it was as if something gave way inside of him. Jayden tilted his head, urging me to open to him. I did and with a groan he invaded my mouth, exploring, tasting . . .


Hollow is Ava Conway's first mainstream, new adult romance release. Ava also writes erotic romance under the pen name Suzanne Rock. For a complete listing of Suzanne's backlist, go here: Link

The second book in the series, Shattered, releases January 5, 2015.

Add to Goodreads: Link

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Her Unlikely Cowboy by Debra Clopton ~Cowboys of Sunrise Ranch #3 ~ Review

I am so honored to say I have had the pleasure of reading all three books in Debra Clopton's Cowboys of Sunrise Ranch series. Debra Clopton has a special talent of creating such wonderful characters that have amazing characteristics and usually have a broken heart or have been emotionally hurt. I love bonding with these characters and watching them grow stronger emotionally. Ms. Clopton has a way of breaking my heart with her story lines but finding just the right path for her characters that leaves my heart so warm. 

Suzie Kent arrives at the Sunrise Ranch with her son Abe. They both have a broken heart and are hurting so bad from the loss of their husband and father. They both hold a little resentment towards Tucker because they lost their loved one and Tucker is still alive. However Tucker is determined to help these two wounded souls find their way to a new happy life.

Tucker has no intention of falling in love with Suzie and Suzie of course has no intention of falling in love at all. However once these two start to share their loss and work together to heal their attraction and love grow.

This is an awesome story of lost love, new found love, and healing after a major loss. What better place could there possibly be to go to heal then the Sunrise Ranch. This ranch is full of caring and loving people that have a way of helping each other heal. 

I have loved this whole series and it would be hard to pick a favorite book out of these three wonderful heart warming tales. So I'm not even going to try. I think if you enjoy a very inspirational story of characters that I think you will bond with quickly then you need to check out Debra Clopton's work. I think you'll love this series but I happen to know she has other great books as well. I have had the pleasure of reading a few of those as well. 

I was given the opportunity to read this great book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Her Unlikely Cowboy

You may find more of my reviews on Debra Clopton's work here.

Amazon Buy Links

 Her Unlikely Cowboy

 Her Unforgettable Cowboy

 Her Unexpected Cowboy

Over Her Knee By Shoshanna Evers ~ Becoming Hers Series Book 1 ~ Review

Over Her Knee is a really quick, really steamy read. I would highly recommend this for a quick read before bedtime. 

Blake is a sweet young man that  works in a diner. When an older demanding lady comes in, Blake feels things he has never felt for anyone before. 

Blake and Victoria may be just what the other is looking for and needing. When these two do get together they set the sheets and many other surfaces on fire. 

This is a very steamy story that involves BDSM. So if that is not your kind of reading you may not enjoy this story as much as those that do enjoy reading BDSM. 

I found this to be a very quick, enjoyable read. I have read other books by Shoshanna Evers and I always enjoy them. She has a nice writing style that I enjoy reading. I look forward to reading more of her work soon. I have a couple of her books in my to be read pile, so stay tuned for more reviews soon.

I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Over Her Knee.

You may read more of my reviews on Shoshanna Evers' work here

Amazon Buy Links:

 Over Her Knee

 Denied By Her

 In Her Care 

 Becoming Hers Trilogy Set

Secrets in the Sand by Candice Poarch ~ Fifty Gone Wild Book 3 ~

I have had the pleasure of reading Candice Poarch's work before and enjoyed Secrets in the Sand just as much as I have enjoyed her other work. I found this book to be a great blend of romance with some great suspense and drama. I have to say that I was completely captivated once the drama started. I could not wait to see what was going to happen next. 

Kristin Mayer bought a fixer up house on the beach for a wheel of deal. Little does she know the reason behind that wheel of the deal is going to have a major effect on her life. 

Kristin meets her sweet neighbor Megan and takes an instant like in the girl. Then she meets Megan's handsome father, Chase and sparks fly quickly. 

Then Kristin, Megan, and Chase find themselves in some very dangerous situations and they don't know for sure who is responsible. I don't want to tell you too much about this suspense filled story but I will tell you that I sure did not suspect the ending. Wow, I have to say I was completely amazed. 

Candice Poarch has done a fabulous job of creating interesting characters that I found myself quickly attached to and could identify with. She also has done an amazing job of writing a fun romance with a few obstacles in their path. Then there is all the mystery involved in this storyline and I have to say I could not stop reading. I had to know what was going to happen and just who had done what. 

This is part of the Fifty Gone Wild series but can easily be read as a stand alone. I have not read the other books in the series and I did not have any trouble at all getting into the storyline. However after reading Secrets in the Sand, I think I would like to see what other fabulous stories Ms. Poarch has came up with. 

I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Secrets in the Sand

Amazon Buy Links:
 Secrets in the Sand

 Christmas Gone Wild 

 Slippery Slope 

You Own Me by Shiloh Walker ~ Review ~

I must confess that I picked this book up one night and I could not put it down until I finished the last page. I have read quite a bit of Shiloh Walker's work now, so it should not amaze me how talented she is, but it does every time. This lady sure can write an intriguing story that grabs a hold of me and keeps me captivated until the very end.

Elizabeth Waters' life was torn apart when Decker Calhoun went to prison. She thinks she is on her way to putting her life back together with her new boyfriend. On the surface he's a good responsible man that should be the perfect guy. Under all that pretty fluff is nothing but a no good dirty jerk! 

Elizabeth has to find that out the hard way though and her friends are there for her. She finds out that Decker still has feelings for her but he has been afraid to show them. Decker has the bad boy personality but under all that tough guy exterior, he has one big marshmallow of a heart when it comes to Elizabeth. 

Wow is really all I can say about this great book! Be prepared for some steam and you might want to grab yourself a cold drink while you read this book. It's a hottie and a goodie. 

I don't want to tell you too much about You Own Me. I sure  don't want to spoil the story line for you. If you are a Shiloh Walker fan then you really need to pick this one up NOW! If you enjoy a steamy romance with some drama and a good story line then I think you will enjoy it as well. 

You Own Me left my Kindle and my heart both a little warm. This is a really great story. 

I was given the opportunity to read this story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on You Own Me

Read more of my reviews on Shiloh Walker's books here.

Amazon Buy Links: 

 You Own Me

Friday, July 25, 2014

Uriel's Fall by Loralie Hall ~ Goddess Fish Promotions Book Blast ~ Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Loralie will be awarding $10 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post. Please click here to see the other stops on this tour.

Please note: This book is on sale for only $0.99 until August 8, 2014.

Ronnie has the job any entry-level angel or demon would sell their soul for—she's a retrieval analyst for the largest search engine in the world. Ubiquity is a joint initiative between heaven and hell. Because what better way to track all of humanity's secrets, both good and bad, than direct access to their web browsing habits.

She might appreciate the position a little more if a) she could remember anything about her life before she started working at Ubiquity, b) the damn voice in her head would just shut up already, and c) her boss wasn't a complete dickhead.

As she searches for solutions to the first two issues, and hopes the third will work itself out in performance reviews, she uncovers more petty backstabbing than an episode of Real Housewives, and a conspiracy as old as Lucifer's descent from heaven. On top of all that, if she forgets the cover sheet on her TPS report one more time, she's absolutely going on final written warning.

Now Ronnie’s struggling to keep her sanity and job, while stopping the voice in her head from stealing her life. She almost misses the boredom of data analysis at Ubiquity. Almost.

Enjoy an excerpt:

We must have sat there, me on the couch, and Michael on the floor, for at least half an hour, not saying anything else.

I finally broke the silence. “You need your rest.” I would have rather kept him there, but I couldn’t ask him to sit on the floor by me all night.

“Do you want a real bed to sleep in?” He stood and offered me his hand.

He didn’t mean…? No, he couldn’t. Maybe his bed? Light anticipation fluttered in my chest, rising above the horrors of the night. “I wouldn’t complain.”

“You can stay in the guest room.” He helped me to my feet.

I couldn’t ignore my disappointment, but I also wasn’t about to turn down the offer. I followed him to one of the doors, and he nudged it open. “You stay here as long as you need. Not just tonight, but until you find a new place. If you want to wash some of the dust off, there are clean towels in the bathroom, and you can snag something to wear from the drawers or closet.”

I glanced up at him, not able to talk myself out of wanting him. I forced the question out before I could take it back. “Will you help me?”

He furrowed his brow. “With…?”

I stepped closer, thumbs hooked in my belt loops, tugging down the waistband of my jeans. “Washing the dust off.”

I watched him through my eyelashes, trying to gauge his reaction. He hadn’t said yes, but he also hadn’t said no, turned me away, or left. With any luck I wasn’t about to humiliate myself.


Loralie Hall is a full time corporate geek and a fuller time writer. Her spouse is her muse and their cats are very much their children. When they’re not spending way too much time gaming, they’re making the world more good by vanquishing one fictional evil at a time.

Find Loralie Hall Online





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Hot Alpha Seals ~ Military Romance Megaset ~ Night With a Seal By Cat Johnson ~ Guest Post ~Giveaway

Hot Alpha Seals
Night With a Seal
By Cat Johnson


Ten years of dedication to the Navy taught SEAL Jon Rudnick one thing—he’s not afraid to risk life and limb for his country. But when navigating military red tape begins to present more challenges than the enemy it makes Jon question his future. So does Alison Cressly, the woman he can’t get out of his head.

When Ali’s life is threatened and military rules won’t allow him to intervene, Jon decides it’s time to take back control.

A team of sexy SEALs, a terrorist threat, and an attraction that can’t be denied . . . it all comes together in this launch of the Hot SEALs romantic suspense New York Times & USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author Cat Johnson. And look for Saved by a SEAL (Hot SEALs, Book 2)!

Jon’s stare caught hers. Ali held it for longer than was proper for accidental eye
contact. Feeling her cheeks heat, she yanked her gaze away.
“Holy shit. Look at the time. It’s almost midnight.” Rick’s announcement pulled Ali
out of wallowing in her embarrassment.
She glanced at the screen on the muted television and saw the countdown had begun.
The numbers on the screen said it was thirty seconds to midnight.
“I’m ready to toast to the end of this shitty year.” Thom raised his glass.
“Your divorce. My knee surgery. I’m right there with you, man. It was a shit year.” Rick held up his own short glass of liquor and Ali realized all the guys had abandoned drinking beer and settled on just the hard stuff.
“We’re all on the right side of the dirt, aren’t we?” Chris asked. He raised his glass to Thom and then to Rick. “Divorce and knee surgery aside, we’re all standing here together, safe and whole. If this was a shit year, I hope next year is just as shitty.”
“Amen to that.” Darci’s soft declaration came from closer to Ali than she’d expected.
Unexpectedly choked up at the words and the meaning behind them, Ali turned and clinked her
glass to Darci’s. “Amen.”
The giant numbers had continued flashing on the television during Chris’s speech until the guests echoed the countdown aloud.
“... three, two, one.” The room resonated with a deep, loud, “Happy New Year” that could only be produced by a team of men used to working together. She laughed when she got a look at the coordinated toast made by the circle of guys, shoulder to shoulder, glasses raised high as they all met in the middle.
Then the moment passed. The circle broke and there was back slapping and hand shakes
for everyone.
Chris broke off from the revelry and made a beeline for Darci.
“I’m not getting screwed out of a New Year’s kiss.” He tipped his head toward the guys. “They’re all too ugly, so it’s gotta be you, darlin’.”
Grinning wide, Chris reeled in Darci with one arm, dipped her deep and gave her a kiss
worthy of one of those corny old black and white movies.
Ali watched, wide-eyed, from not a foot away. There was quite a lot of intrigue surrounding her. If she wasn’t mistaken, Chris liked Darci, while Darci was interested in Zane. And Zane apparently wanted any girl in his phone willing to text him back for a booty call. It all felt very high school, especially when Ali’s own crush stepped into her line of vision and her heart began to pound like she was a teenager again.
Jon put his glass down on the counter. “Happy New Year.”
She turned to fully face him. “Happy New Year.”
Not sure exactly what to do—shake his hand, kiss him on the cheek, kiss him on the lips—she waited for him to make the first move. And oh, boy, did he make one hell of a move as he palmed her face, leaned in and crashed his lips against hers.
Jon planted one hell of a kiss, dead on her mouth, while she stood there with a glass in one hand and uncertain what to do with the other. As the kiss went on for far longer than a peck, she reached blindly for him and looped the fingers of her free hand into his waistband.
Drawing in a breath through his nose, Jon moved one leg forward to nestle his thigh between hers. Pressing closer, he thrust his tongue between her lips.
She felt ridiculous still holding her glass, but couldn’t see to put it down. It didn’t matter anyway. The sounds in the room permeated the private bubble Jon’s kiss put her in and reminded her they were by no means alone. Feeling the erection pressing against her, she wished they were alone. But the taste of the
scotch he’d been drinking was a reminder that unlike in July, tonight Jon wasn’t sober.
He’d been polite and pleasant but definitely aloof all night, but now, many drinks later, he was all over her. There was nothing like some straight alcohol to make a man horny.
Ali pulled back, breaking the kiss as her mind spun for something to say.
Jon took a step back and dropped his hold on her. “I’m sorry. That was . . .”
“The holiday? The scotch? The fact you’re happy to be home and alive.” She smiled.
“Really, Jon, it’s all right.”
He laughed and shook his head. “Inappropriate was the word I was going for, but yeah, the rest of those all apply too.”
She waited. For him to ask her out. For him to suggest they go somewhere more private.
For basically anything.
Jon hooked a thumb toward Rick’s bedroom door. “I’m gonna go hit the head.”
That was the last thing she’d expected, but she nodded. “Okay.”

 Only 99 CENTS in the Hot Alpha SEALs Boxset!

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RED HOT CHICKEN SALAD in honor of author Cat Johnson’s RED HOT SEALs!

What many people don’t know about me is that I put myself through college working in food service. I’ve worked for country clubs doing banquet waitressing and tending bar and I’ve worked for gourmet caterers doing on site events.

During that time, I always had my nose in the kitchen. First, because that’s where the food was and on a 15-hour shift, you’re always looking to shove some food in your face when you have a chance. Also because I
was fascinated in the cooking process. I’ve learned from some of the best, from pastry chefs, to German-chefs, to a French-trained American chefs. But I probably learned the most from Paco, the Mexican chef who spent winters in Mexico and summers at the where I worked country club here in the states.

From Paco I learned how to make homemade refried beans, pico de gayo, guacamole, and the best damn (and hottest) tomato salad I’ve ever had.  I also learned a valuable lesson--how to take yesterday’s leftovers and create something fabulous and totally different to serve to the staff for family meal. I take it as a challenge to make my leftovers at home resemble nothing like what they started life as, and below is one of those recipes I created to do exactly that. It transforms boring leftover chicken, and with a nod toward one of my favorite bar foods—Buffalo chicken wings—makes a plain tossed salad something tantalizing and spicy.

Cat Johnson 


1 cup leftover cooked chicken, sliced to bite-sized pieces
1 Tb Butter
2 Tb Hot Sauce (such as Frank’s Red Hot)

Carrots, chopped
Celery, chopped
Grape Tomatoes, whole

Your favorite prepared Blue Cheese dressing

1- In a small saucepan melt butter. Add hot sauce. When blended, add chicken and heat just until warm.

2- With the remaining ingredients, assemble your salad (in either individual serving bowls for each person or one large bowl for serving family style).

3- Place warm chicken pieces on top and serve immediately.

Cat Johnson is a NY Times & USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.  A self-proclaimed promo ‘ho, she is known for her creative marketing and research practices. Consequently, Cat has sponsored bull riding rodeo cowboys, owns an entire collection of cowboy boots and camouflage shoes for book signings and a fair number of her consultants wear combat or cowboy boots for a living.

As a hybrid author, she writes both full length and shorter works and is currently contracted for series with publishers Kensington and Samhain.


You may read my review of some of these great stories here.

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