Blog Tours


Thursday, November 5, 2015

JUST A THOUGHT By Jazmine Foxx

Just A Thought
By Jazmine Foxx 


Just a ThoughtThe world is a complex place. You can only understand it through the lyrical lines of spoken word poetry written by Jazmine Foxx. Her debut poetry collection is a soulful, socially conscious work that challenges your mind, harmonizes with your heart, and sings with your spirit. Her stanzas enraptures you like a modern day Lauryn Hill with the pen as her microphone spitting knowledge and dropping science on the world, the love of our lives, and the inner landscape of a young woman. Her introductory poem, “Bookshelf” is a melodic prelude that flows smoothly into the book’s first section, “Socially Incorrect.” In “Socially Incorrect” and the second section, “Relationships,” Foxx takes social and relational issues head-on like Common prophesying on the corner. Just a Thought is raw emotion and profound thought that will motivate you to either pick up a pen and capture your life in stanzas or go out and change your world.

Release Date: August 19, 2015
Publisher: Amazon Digital
Genre: Poetry
Format: Ebook

Tour Schedule

October 26
Book featured at Please Pass the Books
Book featured at I’m Shelf-ish
October 27
October 28
Interviewed at Review From Here
October 29
Guest blogging at Leigh Anderson Romance
October 30
Interviewed at The Writer’s Life
November 4
Interviewed at Voodoo Princess
November 5
Book featured at Reviews by Crystal
November 6
Book featured at Teatime and Books
November 9
Guest blogging at Around the World in Books
November 16
Interviewed at Literal Exposure
November 18
Interviewed at I’m Shelf-ish

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