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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

#GiveAway - Divine Touch by Kristy Denice Bock

 Divine Touch
by Kristy Denice Bock

Kristy Denice Bock will be awarding $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here


Finding a naked man where Werewolf bones once were should have let Kate know she was in for an unusual day! Nothing could have prepared her for the discovery that her mother is a Goddess, and that nothing in her life would ever be the same. Zane DeSeville spent five centuries trapped in a prison of his own body only to be awakened by the image of the woman who caused his entrapment. After Kate discovers that she’s the daughter of a Goddess, another bombshell is dropped in her lap. She has to pass three Trials of Humanity, or she’ll be imprisoned as Zane had been, and Zane would be her judge and jury!

Genre: Fantasy / Paranormal Romance

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Zane found himself liking the strange young man. His appearance was something Zane had never come across before, but that didn't seem to detract from his character, rather it enhanced it.

“Okay look, I'm just going to get this over with,” Cole said. Without a further word on the subject, Cole's head leaned back as his body changed to a form Zane was all too familiar with. 

Zane tried to maintain rigid control on the beast within him. The desire to prove alpha status could not be contained. His fingers shook, the need to dominate drove him. The idea of harming the young wolf made him fight hard to control himself.

It was a heedless battle, but the beast would not be contained. The harder he fought, the more the beast raged. He felt the change come upon him before he could control it. His senses heightened, he could smell the other wolf’s presence. With his last coherent ability, he projected his thoughts out, telling the young wolf to run. The beast was free.

The young wolf cocked its head to the side, looking at the larger version. It dropped down on its hindquarters, extending its front paws forward with its head lowered. The beast recognized a sign of submission. The beast stood over the young wolf and growled. It remained unsatisfied with an unearned submission. Its jaws snapped at the young wolf’s ear, causing the smaller creature to jump back in surprise.

The beast goaded the wolf until it openly attacked. Their sounds of aggression filled the room as they wrestled each other to the ground. Though the younger wolf was smaller, it made up for its lack of size by speed and agility. When its teeth sank into the foreleg of the older wolf the battle turned. It went from a token fight to a fierce battle of wills. The younger wolf continued to use its smaller statute to its advantage. 

Each time the beast would force the wolf down, it would find a way to escape the hold. With each passing moment a respect was gained. Respect, however, was not something that was worth losing over. The beast howled in delight as his teeth bit into the neck of the wolf, pinning it to the ground. 

“When your pissing contest is over, I was promised ice cream, a movie, and Holland.” The beast recognized the scent of its mate. It let go of the wolf and backed away.

A scream caused all heads to turn in the direction of the door Kate had just entered. The beast watched in disgust as the pale creature crumpled to the ground.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kristy Denice Bock is an avid reader who fell in love with creating characters at a young age. She lives in Coastal Carolina and is quite the fan of the Crystal Coast. She is the mother of four unique humans who constantly keep her on her toes. She’s the proud grandmother of two, and the world’s greatest Aunt to ten pretty spectacular humans. Her parents bought her a typewriter at 14, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. Read Kristy Denice Bock’s Smashwords Interview at 

Connect with Kristy Denice Bock
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Other books by Kristy Denice Bock
Please visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Kristy Denice Bock

The Divine Ones
Divine Touch (Book 1) Out now!
Divine Intervention (Book 2) Out now!
Divine Purpose (Book 3) Out Now!

Heaven and Hell
The Light (Book 1) Out now!

Stand Alone Books
With This Ring I Thee Trust, Anthology Comfort and Joy Out Now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the chance to win :)

  2. I also live on the Carolina coast. I live on Johns Island.

    1. How cool Misty, I live in Jacksonville. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Enjoyed the blurb and excerpt.

  4. Great excerpt, I'm definitely intrigued! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I hope you'll let me know what you think of it, should you check it out. It's a fun read.

  5. I love the premise of the book. I can't wait to read more. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Thank you for this excerpt , i liked

  7. How old were you when you started to write books.

  8. Thank you for this chance, good luck to you to

  9. love the excerpt! Thanks for the chance

  10. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway! :)

  11. Great excerpt! :-) Congrats on the book.

  12. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Great giveaway! Thank you, and congrats! :)

  14. Very intriguing cover! :)

  15. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway! :)

  16. Can't wait to read this one! :)
