Blog Tours


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#GiveAway - Lovers, Players & the Seducer by J.A. Jackson

 Lovers, Players & the Seducer
by J.A. Jackson

The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. Those locations may be found here.


Nicholas La Cour loves money. In the game of betrayer and betrayed he thinks his sister Lacey is the prefect target for his manipulative schemes to keep his financial ruin a secret.

Gorgeous Lacey La Cour lost her hopeful and playful spirit after being dumped by her childhood sweetheart. Now an adult, she is strong and independent.

Determined to find the answer to his money problems, Nicholas discovers his best friend Kienan Egan is strangely attracted to his sister Lacey.

Does his sister’s love life hold the answers to all of his problems?

Does Nicholas have the prefect plan?

A vengeful seduction is swept into play as tragic forces are unleashed in a dangerous game of deception and greed unlocking doors to the past.

Will Lacey discover her brother’s deception before it’s too late?

When it’s all said and done it’s all about the well-heed things in life, family, friendships, affairs, revenge, and romance.

GENRE: Romantic Suspense

Buy links:

Amazon | B&N


Miles away that same night, Nicholas’ sleek steel gray BMW 745il quietly purred as he slowly made his way onto Embarcadero West at Jack London Square in Oakland, California. 

He parked his car in the first open lot he found. The lot was nearly three blocks past the Heinold’s First and Last Chance Saloon.  He got out of his car and quickly zipped his jacket as a chilled wind blew softly off of the harbor. 

Heinold’s looked inviting. He quickly walked past. When he wasn’t meeting Quinn he often got a drink at Heinold’s.

He moved quickly, pulling his collar tighter and bracing himself against the cold. The place that he was going to was a place he’d been many times. He smiled warmly remembering. He and Quinn had first gotten in with fake ID’s they made. This was their secret place, their bar. The one place they kept secret from Kienan.  As far as dives go, it was where the name originated. But still it was a cool mellow place and the crowd was likeable. The drinks were cheap and you never had to wait.  Plus it helped that Quinn got to be real good friends with Sam, the owner, many years ago. 

“Hey mister can you spare some change?” A bum called to him, quickly moving into his path.

Nicholas tried to walk around the man. But he quickly implanted himself in Nicholas’ path.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

J.A. Jackson is the pseudonym for an author, who loves to write deliciously sultry adult romantic, suspenseful, entertaining novels with a unique twist. She lives in an enchanted little house she calls home in the Northern California foothills. 

She spent over ten years working in the non-profit sector where she wrote grants, press releases and contributed many stories to their newsletter. She was their Newsletter editor for over ten years. She loves growing roses, a good pot of hot tea, chocolate, magical stories, suspense stories, ghost stories, and reading Jane Austen again and again in her past time.

Books by J. A. Jackson & Links

A Geek an Angel Series

The Deceiver | The Proposition | The Grand Hotel | Lovers, Players, & The Seducer

Stand A Lone Books: 

The Mistress of Desire & The Orchid Lover 

When A Taker Dreams

Lovers, Players, & The Seducer Part II Revenge! (Coming December 2015)

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